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Distribution of PHPCon ElePHPant

Distribution of PHPCon ElePHPant

I made the PHP Conference Japan version of ElePHPant.

I’d like to tell you about what took place from the time I decided to make one to time we actually did.


December 12, 2020

Other Decks in Programming


  1. 自己紹介 Noriko YAMAMOTO @nauleyco PHP歴17年 PHPカンファレンス初参加2008年 ZendCon初参加2011年 About Me I’m

    Noriko. My ID @nauleyco is pronounced like my real first name. I’ve been a PHP developer for 17 years. My first PHP Conference Japan was in 2008. My first ZendCon was in 2011.
  2. ElePHPant PHPのマスコット This is “ElePHPant”. It’s not a typo. The

    “PHP” is pronounced “ph”. This is the PHP mascot.
  3. Vincent Pontierさん デザイン It was designed by Vincent Pontier. Photo

    by https://dseguy.github.io/photo-famille-afup-2020/
  4. PHPConのElePHPant 誕生秘話 Last year, I made the PHP Conference Japan

    version. So, I’d like to tell you about what took place from the time I decided to make one to time we actually did.
  5. 去年のPHPカンファレンス 20回目という大きな節目 そうだ! ElePHPant作ろう! Last year’s PHP conference was a

    huge milestone as it was our 20th annual conference. For that reason, we decided to make a Japanese ElePHPant.
  6. PHPUGのSlack #elephpant Damianさん ( @faguo ) との出会い On Slack, there

    is an ElePHPant channel in the PHP Users Group. I asked if anyone there knew how to make one and I got connected with Damian. Photo by https://dseguy.github.io/photo-famille-afup-2020/
  7. 工程は以下 1. 色をカスタマイズしたり、 側面に刺繍するロゴマーク などを決める 2. プロトタイプを作る 3. 数量を決めて発注する 4.

    検査に合格する 5. 中国の工場で生産する 6. 船便で輸送する This is to make one: 1. Customize the color and choose the logo that you’d like embroidered on the side. 2. Make a prototype. 3. Decide how many you want and place the order. 4. Pass a safety inspection. 5. Manufacture them at a Chinese factory. 6. Ship them by boat.
  8. 6月11日、メーカー担当者を紹 介してもらった。 カンファレンスは12月1日。 間に合うか? Last year’s conference was December 1st.

    We started the process in June, so it was going to be close. Once I met Damian, I was introduced to a producer on June 11th.
  9. こんな感じで、色の希望とロゴ 画像を提出。 モックアップの画像が送られて きた。 First, I sent them a picture

    of the logo and the color I’d like, and they sent back a mock-up photo of the elephant. I let the designer at the production office adjust the color as needed.
  10. プロトタイプ完成! 日本まで送ってもらって、 実物を確認。 この時点で、7月中旬。 And this was the finished protype.

    They sent it to Japan, and the executive committee chairman of last year’s conference checked it out. By that time was already mid-July.
  11. 数量決め 最低発注数: 1,000個 カンファレンス参加者: 約1,800人 だがしかし、 全員に無料で配布するほどの 予算なし…。 From this

    point, we had to decide how many we wanted. The minimum order was 1,000 elephants. There were supposed to be 1800 participants at PHP conference Japan. However, we didn’t have the budget to give everyone a free one.
  12. 数量決め(つづき) 限定1,000個で、販売する? 日本では知名度がまだ低い。 1,000個は、売れないのでは? メーカーと交渉。 半分の500個で発注! この時点で、 8月中旬。 That being

    said, because ElePHPant was still unknown in Japan, we couldn’t expect to sell a ton either. Therefore, we negotiated with the producer and got them to agree to an order of 500. By this point, it was mid August.
  13. 推奨年齢などの検査が、 混み合っているとのこと! この時点で、9月上旬。 Since stuffed animals are oriented toward kids,

    you need to apply to go through an inspection and get a recommended age. This time, we got a recommended age of 0 years old, or in other words a “no-limits” rating. Around mid-September, the producer contacted me to tell me they were backed up so still hadn’t gotten our approval yet.
  14. 10月17日、 ついに検査合格! 工場で生産開始! この時点でカンファレンスまで 2ヶ月も無く…。 欧米であれば、船便だと、 もう間に合わない時期。 On October 17th,

    we were finally told that we passed the inspection. From from this point, we could finally begin production of our ElePHPant at a Chinese factory. If it had been in America or Europe, shipping probably would have taken 3 months. However, at this point, we only had 2 months left until the conference.
  15. 11月12日、 ElePHPantを空輸便で発送!? 間に合うかも!!! On November 12, we were informed that

    our ElePHPant was being shipped by air. The producer arranged things so that it would make it in time for our conference.
  16. elePHPantコレクター 世界中にいる! ランキングもある! https://elephpant.me/ranking By the way, there’s actually ElePHPant

    collectors around the world. And I’m one of them. Not to brag, by I’m even officially rated.
  17. 珍しいElePHPant プロトタイプの段階で止まったもの 特別に作られたもの Among all the ElePHPants, there’s a special

    one with just one prototype in existence. You can check it out at this website. https://afieldguidetoelephpants.net/