of mental things as belonging to the class of physical things Explanatory reduction: explaining why one theory is true in terms of the truth of another
mind is directed on when in an intentional state Modes: the general categories into which mental states fall (e.g. belief, imagination, visual perception etc.) Content: the way in which the object is represented, in a given mode
obliged to understand the content of a conscious thought or perception solely in terms of the idea of a proposition Propositions should be thought of as models
conscious mind is configured (what Frege called the subject’s ideas) The facts about how the subject’s conscious mind is configured are facts about what I call phenomenal content
represented in different vehicles (e.g. sentences and pictures) The same content in the same vehicle can be realised in different media (e.g. brain and computer)
Two approaches: (i) take the traditional materialism/dualism distinction and defend the dualist side (ii) reject the traditional materialism/dualism distinction
our understanding of the mind on half-understood generalisations from contemporary physics Many of those who defend physicalism appeal to physics with a looseness that they would not tolerate in the rest of their philosophical endeavours