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Ancient Aegean

February 07, 2013

Ancient Aegean


February 07, 2013


  1. Art  of  the  Ancient  Aegean   Reading:   Stokstad,  81-­‐99

        Range:   3000-­‐1000  BCE   Cycladic,  Minoan  and  Mycenaean     Terms/Concepts:   Fresco  secco,  buon  fresco,   kamares  ware,  faience,  citadel,   megaron,  shaA  graves,  krater,     Monument  List:     4-­‐2,  Female  Figure,  Cycladic,   2600-­‐2400  BCE.     4-­‐7,  Bull  Leaping  Fresco,  Minoan,   1550-­‐1450  BCE     4-­‐20,  “Mask  of  Agammemnon”   Grave  ShaA  v,  Grave  Circle  A,   Mycenae,  Greece,  Mycenaean,   1600-­‐1550  BCE  
  2. Cycladic  Culture        c.  2500  BCE  –  c.

     1900  BCE   Minoan  Culture        c.  2000  BCE  –  c.  1400  BCE   Mycenaean  Culture    c.  3000  BCE  –  c.  1100  BCE     Overview  of  Cultures  
  3. Figure 3 neral plan of the LH IIIA1-IIIB1 buildings at

    Grotta (the enclosed area indicates the possible extent of the LC settlement) Figure 4 Isometric reconstruction of LH IIIA1-B phases of house A RECONSTRUCTING CYCLADIC PREHISTORY
  4. Fig. 4. Drawing of Copenhagen 4697. (After Getz-Prez 1987, fig.

    42h, with permission from The University Press)
  5. Markings:  Mourning   2002] EARLY CYCLADIC II MOURNING FIGURES Fig.

    10. An Azeri woman whose cheeks bleed after she clawed them with her nails. (AFPphoto/David Brauchli, with permission from Agence France-Presse) Late Bronze Age down to the fifth century B.C. Small sixth-century B.C. terracotta figures (both freestand- the moment of scratching their cheeks.'88 Late Geometric period (ca. 750 B.C.), sma
  6. Markings:  TaVoos   43o ELIZABETH A. HENDRIX F f m

    N F f t N 4 Naxos Chora Museum (Fig. 6) has the pale crovfn band that is so com- Figure 10 (left). Early Cycladic marble figure from Naxos, Spedos, tomb 14. H. 33.5 cm. Athens, National Archaeological Museum 6140.20. Figure 11 (below). Late Neolithic fragment of clay legs from Thessaly, Sesklo. P.H. ca. 6 cm. Athens, National Archaeological Museum 12246. taken by Zervos in 1957 before the encrustation was removed (Fig. 10).58 Centuries earlier, a very similar zigzag was scratched on the surface of a
  7. Lion’s  Gate   Grave  Circle  A   House  of  Columns

      Megaron   Great  Ramp   Postern  Gate   Warrior  Vase  House   Palace  Entrance  
  8. 4-­‐17,  Lion  Gate,   Mycenae,   Greece,   Mycenaean,  

    1250  BCE   Gryphons  from  the  Throne  Room  at   Knossos  
  9. Cri\cal  Thinking  Ques\ons   1.  How  does  the  environment  of

     the  Aegean   impact  the  art  and  lifestyle  of  its  cultures?   2.  What  instances  of  cultural  interac\on  do  you   see  in  the  ancient  Aegean?    How  does  this   phenomenon  impact  art  both  inside  and   outside  of  the  Aegean?   3.  Who  is  Heinrich  Schliemann?    What  legacy   did  he  leave  in  the  study  of  ancient  Aegean   art  and  culture?