Range 1600-‐1700 Baroque Terms/Concepts barroco, Counter-‐ReformaAon, Council of Trent, conceCo, tenebrism, Academy, allegory, Monument List Gianlorenzo Bernini, St. Teresa of Avila in Ecstasy, 1645-‐1652. Gianlorenzo Bernini, David, 1623. Caravaggio, Bacchus, 1595-‐1596. Artemisia GenAleschi, Self-‐ Portrait as the Allegory of PainEng, 1630. Diego Velazquez, Las Meninas, 1656.
only because the people are thereby reminded of the benefits and giWs bestowed on them Christ, but also because through the saints the miracles of God and the salutary examples are set before the eyes of the faithful, sot that they may give God thanks for those things, may fashion their own life and conduct in imitaAon of the saints and be moved to adore and love God and culAvate piety” –Council of Trent, 1563
“the conAnuity and the interlocking nature of painAng, each man learning from his master and conAnuing his master’s achievements in the next generaAon.” (Cesare Ripa, Iconologia)
mean? When did it come into use? What are some of the conceptual problems with the term? 2. How did the works of Baroque Italy and Spain further the causes of the CounterreformaAon? 3. How did Velasquez’s Las Meninas reflect his posiAon as a court arAst? How does it exemplify the changing status of arAsts within royal courts and society in general? 4. Describe how Baroque arAsts imbued their subjects with “emoAonality” and “drama”? What were some of the moAvaAons behind those qualiAes?