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VocalPy: a core Python package for acoustic com...

David Nicholson
December 06, 2023

VocalPy: a core Python package for acoustic communication research

Talk given at PyData Global 2023

David Nicholson

December 06, 2023


  1. A core Python package for researchers studying acoustic communication David

    Nicholson PyData Global 2023 @nicholdav NickleDave @[email protected] nicholdav.info
  2. Acknowledgements Dr. Yarden Cohen Dept of Brain Sciences Weizmann Institute

    of Science, Israel https://github.com/NeuralSyntaxLab https://www.weizmann.ac.il/brain-sciences/labs/cohen/ @YardenJCohen
  3. A core package for animal acoustic communication research in Python

    VocalPy Adapted from: Bass Chagnaud 2012, Branstetter et al. 2016, Chen et al. 2020
  4. Acoustic behavior and animal communication What makes us human? Language

    and speech How is speech like birdsong and bat calls? How did speech evolve? How do animals learn their vocalizations? Boraud Leblois Rougier 2014 https://inria.hal.science/hal-01874690
  5. A core package for animal acoustic communication research in Python

    VocalPy • interdisciplinary (Wirthlin et al. 2019) • big team science (Hauser et al. 2002) • big data, automated analyses • → cutting edge computational methods ◦ Deep learning, AKA neural network models (Sainburg et al 2021, Stowell 2022) Hauser et al. 2002
  6. • pykanto: https://github.com/nilomr/pykanto • koe: https://github.com/fzyukio/koe • Hundreds of different

    libraries and different formats for audio, array data, annotations: https://github.com/rhine3/bioacoustics-software Do we really need a core package?
  7. A core package for animal acoustic communication research in Python

    Goals: • Develop a library that is general and robust • Enable better collaboration VocalPy
  8. A core package for animal acoustic communication research in Python

    Features: • Data types • Works with a wide variety of formats • Classes for common steps in workflows • Designed for reproducibility • Allows scientist-coders to interactively build datasets then share as a database VocalPy
  9. VocalPy • Built on the scientific Python stack (thank you

    NumFocus!) ◦ numpy ◦ scipy ◦ matplotlib ◦ pandas ◦ dask ◦ xarray
  10. Case study: TweetyNet • A neural network model o Automates

    annotations o Avoids issues with segmenting audio Cohen et al., https://elifesciences.org/articles/63853
  11. Annotating animals sounds Annotation requires segmenting audio into a sequence

    of units (Kershenbaum et al. 2016) Off-the-shelf signal processing algorithms for segmenting often don't work
  12. Statistical models of acoustic behavior Syntax McGregor et al. 2022

    Cohen et al. 2022 Koparkar et al. 2023 Yang et al. 2022 Dialect Motor learning Fit to data annotated with TweetyNet
  13. Case study: TweetyNet • TweetyNet, the code ◦ Started as

    a single Jupyter notebook, written in Tensorflow.
  14. Case study: TweetyNet To be good computational scientists, we developed

    a neural network framework: vak • SciPy 2023 talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpL0 m5UwpZM • proceedings paper: https://conference.scipy.org/proceeding s/scipy2023/david_nicholson.html Version 1.0 in alpha now • Lightning backend • Better abstractions for models, tasks, and datasets https://github.com/vocalpy/vak
  15. To work with annotation formats, we developed crowsetta: https://github.com/vocalpy/crowsetta •

    now a pyOpenSci package ◦ https://www.pyopensci.org ◦ published in Journal of Open Source Software • PyCon 2023 lightning talk: https://youtu.be/54q_cPCNNS8?list=PL2 Uw4_HvXqvY2zhJ9AMUa_Z6dtMGF3gt b&t=1082 Case study: TweetyNet
  16. Case study: TweetyNet • TweetyNet (the code) ◦ Separate repository

    to replicate results in paper: https://github.com/yardencsGitHub/tweetynet ▪ people often asked us for functionality ▪ that was hidden in this code -- hard to read ▪ and it was hard for them to adapt to their data
  17. What's the problem? Hundreds of different libraries and different formats

    for audio, array data, annotations: https://github.com/rhine3/bioacoustics-software
  18. What's the problem? Challenges: • GUIs ◦ Don't capture parameters

    / steps in analysis ◦ Other issues: proprietary language / no longer developed / single lab or PI or developer / closed source or source not easily accessible • Analysis scripts and libraries ◦ Deal with many low level details ◦ Because of data formats ◦ → dataset preparation + analysis tightly coupled to formats ◦ scripts are hard to read and hard for other groups to re-use ◦ libraries are hard for user to configure
  19. What's the problem? Key parameters hidden in defaults Lack of

    data types leads to proliferation of variables
  20. Data types for acoustic communication vocalpy.Audio • works with a

    wide array of formats Helper function to get paths to all audio files
  21. Data types for acoustic communication vocalpy.Audio • works with a

    wide array of formats Create list of Audio instances with read method
  22. Data types for acoustic communication vocalpy.Audio • works with a

    wide array of formats Audio encapsulates signal data along with samplerate and channels
  23. Data types for acoustic communication vocalpy.Audio • works with a

    wide array of formats Audio captures metadata like path
  24. vocalpy.Spectrogram • save expensive-to-compute spectrograms in array files Data types

    for acoustic communication Spectrogram encapsulates data with frequencies and times
  25. Classes for common steps in workflows vocalpy.Segmenter for segmentation of

    audio into sequences of units (Kershenbaum et al. 2016)
  26. Classes for common steps in workflows vocalpy.Segmenter for segmentation of

    audio into sequences of units (Kershenbaum et al. 2016) Encourages explicit declaration of parameters
  27. Classes for common steps in workflows vocalpy.Segmenter for segmentation of

    audio into sequences of units (Kershenbaum et al. 2016) Callbacks allow re-use of code
  28. Benchmarking neural network models Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience

    meeting 2023 https://github.com/vocalpy/Nicholson-Cohen-SfN-2023-poster
  29. How do we measure song similarity? "A procedure for an

    automated measurement of song similarity", Tchernichovski et al. 1999
  30. How do we measure song similarity? (predefined acoustic) features (!)

    • soundanalysispro.com ◦ http://soundanalysispro.com/matlab-sat • https://github.com/PaulEcoffet/birdsonganalysis • https://github.com/theresekoch/avn
  31. Ways you can contribute • Star our repositories on GitHub

    • Join the forum ◦ Ask and answer questions ◦ Share examples • Contribute code • Attend development meetings
  32. Links • VocalPy organization on GitHub: https://github.com/vocalpy ◦ https://github.com/vocalpy/vocalpy ◦

    https://github.com/vocalpy/vak ◦ https://github.com/vocalpy/crowsetta • VocalPy forum: https://forum.vocalpy.org/ @nicholdav NickleDave @[email protected] nicholdav.info
  33. References (that are not linked elsewhere) • Bass Chagnaud 2012:

    https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.1201886109 • Chen Wiens 2020: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-14356-3 (but see also Jorgewich-Cohen et al 2022 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-33741-8) • Wirthlin et al 2019: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896627319308396 • Hauser Fitch Chomsky 2002: https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.298.5598.1569?casa_token=iB9i4_rZEvUAAAAA%3AfhEc BMWcpTjRpmIrAFaxTe361utCWj-kB6eGvQ1UikCcPz6pDrtiWKywJJdJWl95pa2FwXJusxZ5xoc • Sainburg Gentner 2020: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnbeh.2021.811737/full • Stowell 2020: https://peerj.com/articles/13152/ • Kershenbaum et al. 2016: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/brv.12160?casa_token=OzzQcd7O9AQAAAAA:jkcnLBuWBlia 0tHFmffTMziy9cXtAVwVraJm43mw7GQgDqGsmpZ-9omjv4X6FABVnd7KMcZST1Gl8mA