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SourceDevCon 2012 - SenchaTouch 2 and Sencha.io

SourceDevCon 2012 - SenchaTouch 2 and Sencha.io

SenchaTouch2 and Sencha.io how to use cloud services in your app

Nils Dehl

May 07, 2012

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  1. Sencha Touch 2 and Sencha.io how to use cloud services

    in your app Nils Dehl, Senior Developer (@nilsdehl)
  2. dkd Internet Service GmbH owner-managed full-service internet agency Frankfurt Germany

    development, communication & design specialized in TYPO3 Ruby on Rails Sencha Touch / ExtJS 42 employees + 350 projects
  3. Load Sencha.io in app.js Ext.Loader.setPath({ 'Ext': 'sdk/src', ... 'Ext.io': 'libs/sencha-io-0.1.0/src/io',

    'Ext.cf': 'libs/sencha-io-0.1.0/src/cf', ... }); Ext.application({ requires: [ 'Ext.io.Io', 'Ext.io.data.Proxy', ],
  4. Init / Setup ioSetup: function() { // Calling this method

    is optional. It assumes the defaults if not called. Ext.io.Io.setup({ // app id string con gured on http://developer.sencha.io/apps appId: this.getIoAppId(), // the server URL. Defaults to http://msg.sencha.io url: 'http://msg.sencha.io', // logging level. Should be one of "none", "debug", // "info", "warn" or "error". Defaults to "error". logLevel: 'error', // the transport type to use for communicating with the server. // Should be one of "polling" (HTTP polling) or "socket" // (SocketIO). Defaults to "polling". transportName: 'socket' }); }, ioInit: function() { Ext.io.Io.init(); },
  5. Get app .io usergroup /** * get the app usergroup

    object from the server */ ioGetGroup: function() { Ext.io.Io.getGroup({ id: this.getIoGroupId(), success: this.ioSetGroup, failure: function() { console.log("PHODO IO get group failure"); }, scope: this }); }, /** * set the io group object reference in auth module */ ioSetGroup: function(group, options) { this.setIoGroup(group); },
  6. Login / Authenticate doLogin: function() { var formValues = this.getLoginView().getValues();

    // the io usergroup object contains the authenticate method this.getIoGroup().authenticate({ params: { username: formValues.username ? formValues.username : '', password: formValues.password ? formValues.password : '' }, callback: function(opts, isAuth, user) { if (isAuth) { this.setIoUser(user); this.loginSuccess(); } else { this.loginFailure('Login Failure'); } }, scope: this }); },
  7. Use proxy type syncstorage in the model Ext.de ne('Photos.model.Photo', {

    extend: 'Ext.data.Model', con g: { elds: [ { name: 'title' }, ... ], proxy: { type: 'syncstorage', id: 'photos' } } });
  8. Add to store and sync addPhoto: function(button) { var form

    = button.up('formpanel'), values = form.getValues(), store = Ext.getStore('photos'); store.add(values); store.sync(); // send message to all devices of the user to sync stores there as well Ext.io.Io.getCurrentUser({ callback: function(cb, isAuth, user) { if (isAuth) { user.send({ message: { event: 'photo-added' }, callback: function() {} }); } } }); },
  9. Listen on user messages addUserMessageReceiver: function() { Ext.io.Io.getCurrentUser({ callback: function(cb,

    isAuth, user) { if (!isAuth) { console.log("no user, we need to auth.", user); this.redirectTo('login'); } else { // Listen on user messages user.receive({ callback: this.onUserReceivedMessage, scope: this }); } }, scope: this }); },
  10. Listen on user messages onUserReceivedMessage: function(cb, bool, sender, message) {

    var store = null, view = this.getDataView(); if (message.event === 'photo-added') { store = Ext.getStore('photos') ; store.load(); store.sort(); store.sync(); } }
  11. publish to message queue shareInTheCloud: function(data, user) { Ext.io.Io.getQueue({ params:

    { name: 'share' }, callback: function(options, success, queue) { queue.publish({ message: { event: 'share', content: data, fromMailHash: Ext.cf.util.Md5.hash(user.data.email) }, callback: function() {}, scope: this }); } }); },
  12. Subscribe to message queue onLoginStatusChanged: function(status) { if (status) {

    Ext.io.Io.getQueue({ params: { name: 'share' }, callback: function(options, success, queue) { queue.subscribe({ callback: this.onUserReceivedMessage, scope: this }); }, scope: this }); } },
  13. handle received data onUserReceivedMessage: function(cb, bool, sender, message) { var

    store = Ext.getStore('shareditems'), record = { from: message.fromMailHash, imageurl: message.content.url, date: Ext.Date.format(new Date(), 'U') }; store.add(record); store.sort(); store.sync(); },
  14. Sencha.io Src Ext.de ne('Photos.view.Photo', { extend: 'Ext.Container', xtype: 'photodetail', con

    g: { cls: 'bg photodetail', scrollable: true, styleHtmlContent: true, tpl: '<div class="image">' + '<img src="http://src.sencha.io/280/{url}" />' + '</div>' } });