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Sencha Touch meets TYPO3 CMS

Nils Dehl
October 06, 2012

Sencha Touch meets TYPO3 CMS

How to build mobile web applications with the JavaScript Framework Sencha Touch and feed it with content from TYPO3.
After a introduction to Sencha Touch we will showcase some apps we builded.
On a example we will talk about how to develop Sencha Touch applications. See how we can feed the app with content from TYPO3 and use a cloud service to optimize content images for mobile devices.

Nils Dehl

October 06, 2012

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  1. dkd Internet Service GmbH We plan build run complex Websites

    based on TYPO3 CMS specialized also in Ruby on Rails Sencha Touch / ExtJS
  2. Sencha Touch 2 HTML5 mobile application framework works on iOS,

    Android, BlackBerry, Kindle Fire, ... Features Smoother Scrolling and Animations Adaptive Layouts Native Packaging Components: Lists, Dataviews, Toolbars, Charts, ...
  3. TYPO3 meets Sencha Touch manage content in TYPO3 menu‘s from

    pages content text text + image news display content in mobile Sencha Touch web application
  4. Render JSON Content json_content extension registers a new cObject type

    JSON_CONTENT con gured by TypoScript used in custom page types renders content as JSON object optional JSONP wrap for cross domain api calls
  5. Page type for JSON CE‘s jsonCEsPage = PAGE jsonCEsPage {

    typeNum = 1000 config { additionalHeaders = Content-type:application/json disableAllHeaderCode = 1 xhtml_cleaning = 0 admPanel = 0 debug = 0 tx_realurl_enable = 0 absRefPrefix = http://typo3.local/typo3senchatouch/ } 10 = JSON_CONTENT 10 { table = tt_content select { selectFields = uid, pid, CType, header, bodytext, image } fieldRendering {
  6. Page type for JSON CE‘s fieldRendering { image { split{

    token =, cObjNum = 1 1 = COA 1 { 5 = IMG_RESOURCE 5{ file{ import.current = 1 import = uploads/pics/ } } wrap = |, } } } } }
  7. Page type for JSON pages jsonPages < jsonCEsPage jsonPages {

    typeNum = 1001 10 { table = pages select { selectFields = uid, pid, title } } }
  8. /index.php?id=51&type=1001 { "success": true, "items": [ { "uid": "52", "pid":

    "51", "title": "History" }, { "uid": "53", "pid": "51", "title": "Community" } ], "total": 2 }
  9. /index.php?id=53&type=1000 { success: true, items: [ { uid: "213", pid:

    "53", CType: "text", header: "TYPO3: Inspiring People to Share", bodytext: "The real driving force behind TYPO3’s development is its expanding,...", image: null }, { uid: "214", pid: "53", CType: "textpic", header: "Community Events", bodytext: "There are a number of recurring TYPO3 events and conferences. ...", image: "uploads/pics/team-t3board10.jpg," } ], total: 2 }
  10. Sencha Touch App MVC uses TYPO3 API to load Pages

    Content from a page by page id and page type
  11. Model Ext.define('T3.model.Page', { extend: 'Ext.data.Model', config: { fields: [ {

    name: 'uid', type: 'int' }, { name: 'pid', type: 'int' }, { name: 'title', type: 'string' } ] } });
  12. Store Ext.define('T3.store.Pages', { extend: 'Ext.data.Store', config: { model: 'T3.model.Page', proxy:

    { type: 'jsonp', extraParams: { id: 51, type: 1001 }, url: 'http://typo3.local/typo3senchatouch/', reader: { type: 'json', idProperty: 'uid', rootProperty: 'items' } } } });
  13. View - List Ext.define('T3.view.PagesList', { extend: 'Ext.dataview.List', config: { store:

    'Pages', itemTpl: '{title}', items: [ { xtype: 'titlebar', title: 'Pages', docked: 'top' } ] } });
  14. Controller Ext.define('T3.controller.Pages', { extend: 'Ext.app.Controller', config: { refs: { contentView:

    'contentlist' }, control: { 'pageslist': { itemtap: 'onPageItemTap' } } }, onPageItemTap: function(list, index, target, record) { var store = Ext.getStore('Content'), proxy = store.getProxy(), view = this.getContentView(), parentView = view.up('container'); proxy.setExtraParam( 'id', record.get('uid')); store.load(); view.down('titlebar').setTitle(record.get('title')); parentView.setActiveItem(view); }
  15. DataView render CE‘s Ext.define('T3.view.ContentList', { extend: 'Ext.dataview.DataView', config: { store:

    'Content', styleHtmlContent: true, itemTpl: [ '<div class="ce">', ' <h1>{header}</h1>', ' <div class="bodytext">{bodytext}</div>', ' <div class="images">', ' <tpl if="ctype == \'textpic\'">', ' <tpl for="images">', ' <img href="http://src.sencha.io/{.}" alt="" />', ' </tpl>', ' </tpl>', ' </div>', '</div>' ], } });
  16. Template using src.sencha.io itemTpl: [ '<tpl if="ctype == \'textpic\'">', '<tpl

    for="images">', '<img src="http://src.sencha.io/{.}" />', '</tpl>', '</tpl>' ]
  17. +