description: "The name of base image"), Option("icon-name", "AppIcon", description: "The name of generated icon name"), Option("output-path", "AppIcon", description: "The name of generated appiconset name"), Flag("ipad", description: "Whether or not to generate ipad icon")) { base, iconName, path, ipad in guard base.hasSuffix(".png") else { throw ArgumentError.missingValue(argument: "base image (1024x1024.png)") } let outputPath = "\(path).appiconset" do { try ImageExtractor.extract(input: (base, ipad), output: (iconName, outputPath)) } catch { print("Image Extraction Error is occured ") } do { try JSONExtractor.extract(input: ipad, output: (iconName, outputPath)) } catch { print("JSON Extraction Error is occured ") } print("\(outputPath) is generated ") } ը૾Λॻ͖ग़͍ͯ͠Δ $POUFOUTKTPOΛॻ͖ग़͍ͯ͠Δ ૉࡐͷύεΛड͚औ͍ͬͯΔ