Dent, 1999: p. 252 Thematic Symbols Title Legend(s) Map Symbols Labels Base Map: Land Areas Political Boundaries Signi cant Physical Features Explanatory Materials: Map Sources Credits Base Map: Water Features Other Base Map Elements: Labels Grids Scales Level 1a Level 1b Level 2 Level 2-3 Level 3 Level 4 2. Visual Hierarchy
Acme, LLC Sale Totals Lots and lots Quite a few Below Average Zero (Sack the Sta ) What are widgets? Widgets are the bread and butter of Acme, LLC. We sell more widgets in the United States than anyone except Wonka Widgets. We must begin to outsell Wonka Widgets to stay in business. This means that sta in states with low sales willbe sacked immediately. Sorry. Scale Bar Supplemental Map Info, Data Sources..., Projection and Datum..., Cartographer: Ian Oas N Widget Sales in the US, 2019 Sale Totals What are widgets? Acme, LLC Lots and lots Quite a few Below Average Zero (Sack the Sta ) Widgets are the bread and butter of Acme, LLC. We sell more widgets in the United States than anyone except Wonka Widgets. We must begin to outsell Wonka Widgets to stay in business. This means that sta in states with low sales willbe sacked immediately. Sorry. N Scale Bar Supplemental Map Info Data Sources... Projection and Datum... Cartographer: Ian Oas Compartmentalized Layout Fluid Layout
of effec=ve map communica=on • Technology and Web mapping tools do not subs=tute for 100s of years of knowledge • Need to revisit and adapt =me-‐tested map design concepts to achieve beZer Web mapping aesthe=cs