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UAEU Employees' Social Impact Assessment in Urb...

UAEU Employees' Social Impact Assessment in Urban Development in Al Ain City

Dr. Naeema Al Hosani
Geography & Urban Planning Department Assistant Dean for Student Affairs Assistant Professor of Cartography University of United Arab Emirates (UAEU)

Nathaniel V. KELSO

October 16, 2015

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  1. UAEU  Employees'  Social  Impact   Assessment  in  Urban  Development  

    in  Al  Ain  City           Dr.  Naeema  Al  Hosani   Geography  &  Urban  Planning  Department   Assistant  Dean  for  Student  Affairs   Assistant  Professor  of  Cartography   University  of  United  Arab  Emirates  (UAEU)   Email:  [email protected]       Minneapolis,  MN   October  14th–17th,  2015  
  2. Introduction  to  Al  Ain  City  and  Region   • Al  Ain,

     which  means  'the  spring'  in  Arabic,  holds  many  of  the  emirate's   greatest  cultural  assets  and  called  soul  of  the  Emirate.     • Covering  an  area  of  1,270,000  hectares,  With  a  population  of  0.6   million  (2014)  .   • Al  Ain  is  rich  in  areas  of  archaeological  and  environmental  importance,   characterized  by  the  diverse  landscapes  of  sweeping  dunes  and   alluvial  planes,  along  with  agricultural  activity  and  animal  husbandry.   • City  is  also  an  important  economic  and  social  hub.     • According  to  statistics  released  by  the  Statistics  Centre-­‐Abu  Dhabi   shows  that  Al  Ain  residents  who  are  growing  the  oldest  and  living  for   three  years  longer  with  others.  
  3. • Al  Ain  city  as  the  case  in  main  UAE  cities

     is  experiencing  a  rapid   population  growth  and  its  associated  population  spatio-­‐ temporal  dynamics  (migration),  which  is  a  widespread  national   and  international  issue  of  importance  and  interest.  This   importance  is  based  on  the  facts  that  associated  and  important   landscape  modifications  occurred  as  a  result  of  many  migration-­‐ related  factors.  
  4.  Objectives       • This  study  includes  several  specific  research

     objectives.  Among   these,  the  following  were  be  considered  to  be  the  primary   objectives:   • To  investigate  the  socio-­‐cultural  impact  among  educators  (UAEU)   in  Al  Ain  city  land  use  map,  and  how  satisfied  are  they  with  Quality   of  services  offered  by  Al  Ain  city   • To  examine  the  people’s  (UAEU)  opinion  of  the  major  changes  in   landscape  elements,  their  importance,  methods  to  meet  the   increased  multicultural  needs  of  the  population.   • To  identify  new  developments  in  this  city  in  order  to  best   accommodate  the  increasing  cultural  diversity  of  its  population.  
  5. Al  Ain  2030:  Al  Ain  City  Urban  Structure  Framework  Plan

      • Plan  Al  Ain  2030  comprises  a  regional  and  urban  structure  framework   plan.     • This  plan  was  developed  to  evaluate  current  and  future  development   challenges  in  Al  Ain  and  support  the  evolution  of  the  city  into  a  model   desert  community   • 2030  Urban  Structure  Framework  Plan,  released  in  2009,  covers  the   City  of  Al  Ain.     • Plan  Al  Ain  Region  2030  Regional  Structure  Framework  Plan  covers  the   20  settlements  of  the  Al  Ain  Region.   • This  long-­‐term  plan  is  part  of  the  overall  vision  for  the  region  of  Al  Ain.  
  6. Al  Ain  2030:  Al  Ain  Regional  Structure  Framework  Plan  

    • Plan  Al  Ain  2030  promises  special  treatment  for  the  city’s  oases,   ensuring  that  they  remain  at  the  heart  of  the  community  for   generations  to  come.   • It  supports  traditional  Bedouin  living  too.     • The  Urban  Structure  Framework  Plan  began  creating  a  regional   development  strategy  for  the  settlements  located  in  Al  Ain  region.   • The  Al  Ain  Regional  Structure  Framework  combine  together  with  the   Al  Ain  City  Urban  Structure  Framework  Plan   • This  plan  was  design  for  much-­‐needed  balance  between  conservation   and  development.     • It  explores  the  need  to  conserve  ground  water  resources  and  protect   natural  habitats  
  7. • According  to  Abu  Dhabi  Urban  Planning  Council,  UAE  this  plan

      was  carefully  balances  between  facing  globalization,  on  the   one  hand,  and  local/ethnical  identities  on  the  other.     • Using  a  traditional  approach  it  combines  a  strategic   consideration  based  on  local  identity  with  a  structural   framework,  intended  to  foster  the  authentic  Arabic  identity  of   Al  Ain  while  supporting  continuous  evolution  and  growth.  
  8. Methodology   •  Data  was  collected  using  a  mixed-­‐methods  approach

     that  combines   both  quantitative  and  qualitative  forms.  Primary  data  was  collected   through  key  informant    through  interview  among  educators  (UAEU)  in   Al  Ain.  Second  data  was  collected  from  Al  Ain  Municipality  sector  such  as   professions  from  Al  Ain  Town  Planning  section  and  a  questionnaire   survey.   •  The  collected  data  was  coded  and  analyzed  using  Excel  program.   •  The  data  is  presented  using  graphical  techniques  like  charts.    
  9. Conclusions   •  Plan  Al  Ain  aims  to  present  an

     intelligent  and  achievable  framework  for   expanding  Al  Ain  into  an  environmentally,  socially  and  economically  sustainable   city.     •  Through  a  balance  of  conservation  and  development,  Plan  Al  Ain  2030  will  foster   the  authentic  Arabic  identity  of  Al  Ain  whilst  supporting  a  continuously  evolving   modern  culture.   •  Plan  Al  Ain  2030  strikes  a  delicate  and  much-­‐needed  balance  between   conservation  and  development   •  Plan  Al  Ain  2030  was  developed  to  make  a  modification  for  Al  Ain's  future   generations  by  designing  structures  that  can  improve  sustainability  of  various   aspects  of  the  city.    
  10. Acknowledgement     •  The  author  wishes  to  THANK  all

     the  UAEU  staffs  and  Faculties  who   participated  in  this  study  for  their  great  efforts  in  the  study's   survey.