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Day 2 - Docker

April 20, 2017

Day 2 - Docker


April 20, 2017

More Decks by offz

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Commands - pull - push - run - exec -

    start - stop - kill - ps - images - rm - rmi
  2. walkthrough 01 1. docker run hello-world 2. docker run alpine

    echo 'Hello World' 3. docker run alpine ps aux 4. docker run alpine pwd
  3. walkthrough 02 1. docker ps 2. docker ps -a 3.

    docker rm CONTAINER_ID 4. docker images 5. docker rmi hello-world
  4. walkthrough 03 1. docker run --rm alpine top 2. docker

    ps 3. docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID sh
  5. walkthrough 04 1. docker run --rm \
 -v "$HOME/Desktop:\" alpine

    watch ls 2. open new GIT BASH 3. docker ps 4. create a file or folder at ~/Desktop 5. see the file changes in docker