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Mentorship programs. Growing new team and community leaders

Mentorship programs. Growing new team and community leaders

Mentorship and outreach programs are often considered as side projects. Although they are a nice way to spend time and have fun, one may say they rarely add new long-term contributors to your company project or community. Is it true? Is it even the main goal? Or is it about team bonding and growing new maintainers and community leaders?

Let’s talk about organizing mentorship programs to help grow your current community and contributors. How do we involve a contributor in wider community efforts? How do we help them grow and take on new roles? Let’s talk about various program types: wide outreach programs like GSoC or Hacktoberfest, newcomer assistance, focused maintainer mentoring programs, and individual leadership training like shadow officers.

The talk is based on my experience in the [Jenkins](https://www.jenkins.io/), [FOSSi](https://www.fossi-foundation.org/), the [Continuous Delivery Foundation](https://cd.foundation/) and other communities. I organized or helped to organize a number of mentorship and outreach programs: contributor/maintainer onboarding, GSoC/GSoD, Outreachy, CommunityBridge, various hackathons, and board member training.

Oleg Nenashev

June 03, 2024

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  1. 2 > whoami Oleg Nenashev “I am a beaver who

    builds and maintains the communities”
  2. > whoami @oleg_nenashev oleg-nenashev Dr. Nenashev / Mr. Jenkins Community

    builder Developer Tools Hacker Gradle + Freelance consultant #RussiansAgainstPutin #StandWithUkraine
  3. My Open [and not so] Communities Time * Once a

    contributor, [almost] always a contributor Neuchâtel 4
  4. Disclaimer 6 Gradle == Gradle Build Tool in this talk

    It’s not a “Gradle vs Maven” talk. It is not a Gradle one I use both Maven and Gradle IMO: There is no place for “vs” in open source
  5. Image source: https://stihi.ru/2019/09/10/1832 That maintainer from Nebraska JVM ecosystem, build

    tools, containers, platforms, etc. Apache Maven ecosystem: Libraries, Plugins, Repositories Your automation frameworks, plugins and infrastructure Your project and velocity
  6. +

  7. 10 See ge.apache.org helps Used in Beam, Groovy, Kafka, Lucent,

    Pulsar, Solr, etc. • 37 onboarded projects • 31 days per week - savings from the build cache • 116 days per week - savings from all caching • 30k builds per week • 503d of total build time per week
  8. Mentorship Programs. Why? • Onboarding individual and company contributors •

    Community bonding and retention • Driving key initiatives • Guerilla marketing • Growing community leaders
  9. Mentorship Programs • Learning experience for all parties • Community

    bonding • Nice2Have: Delivering Something • Nice2Have: Driving the project’s roadmap
  10. In Gradle Build Tool • GSoC 2023 - Support for

    Kotlin DSL in Eclipse / Buildship • 2 mentees in Major League Hacking (MLH) newsletter.gradle.org/2024/01
  11. Tanish Ranjan Hongjie (Jay) Wei Kotlin Foundation Gradle in Google

    Summer of Code 2024 community.gradle.org/events/gsoc
  12. Not just code! Zainab Abubakar @zaycodes • Google Season of

    Docs 2020 ◦ jenkins.io/blog/2020/12/04/gsod-project-report • Keynotes at CloudBees/CDF events • Presented at the D&I Council at CB • Multi-year SheCodeAfrica collaboration on documentation/code hackathons ◦ Event sponsorship ◦ Co-promotion
  13. Community leader candidates are out there Mentee Co-mentor(s) Users Comitters

    Maintainers Leaders Lead Mentor Org admins Organizers Sponsors
  14. Mentorship is great for YOU • Side projects!!! Swag!!! •

    Leadership practice • Learning together with mentees • Visibility in open source, network • Influence in the community
  15. Exposure and visibility on the market Ewelina Wilkosz – Most

    Valuable Jenkins Contributor @ Jenkins World Google Summer of Code Mentor Summit – Select FOSS Event
  16. [Community] Leadership == Path to the next roles • People

    manager • Product manager • Project manager • Community manager • …
  17. 41

  18. Mentorship is great for Your Company • (?) Open-source ecosystem

    around products • (?) Features in our FOSS projects and products
  19. Facilitating the Roadmap github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/283 Example: • Experimental projects you cannot

    find time for • Compatibility • Adoption in the ecosystem, e.g. IDE and developer tools
  20. Do NOT do it alone It is not enough to

    have one champion of the roadmap “It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me”.gif Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHZBMjnF6-4
  21. Mentorship is great for Your Company • (?) Open-source ecosystem

    around products • (?) Features in our FOSS projects and products • Marketing content • Visibility in open source • Recruitment opportunities
  22. Mentorship is great for Your Company • (?) Open-source ecosystem

    around products • (?) Features in our FOSS projects and products • Marketing content • Visibility in open source • Recruitment opportunities • Leadership practice for engineers
  23. [Community] Leadership == Path to the next roles • People

    manager • Product manager • Project manager • Community manager • …
  24. Takeaways • Mentorship in open source is not just volunteering

    • Mentorship is good for your career • It’s a great way to practice leadership skills • “Leadership practice” is Learning & Development, can be justified at your company
  25. References • My slides: speakerdeck.com/onenashev/ • Gradle at GSoC: community.gradle.org/events/gsoc/

    • Blog from the Dynatrace times: engineering.dynatrace.com/blog/mentoring- in-open-source-my-journey-so-far