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Staff ++ Engineer: Handle your tech career as p...

Staff ++ Engineer: Handle your tech career as post-senior

Congratulations, you have reached the status of Senior or Specialist in your technical career! With this load comes the classic question: What to do after this? Do I have to go to management and stop being a technician? The answer is no; pursuing a technical career after senior is possible, and we have a term: Staff-Plus Engineer Path.

In this presentation, we will discuss what is expected from a Staff-Plus engineer, the leadership skills needed, the secrets to following this path, how companies can be ready to support Staff-Plus engineers, and why the future of our industry depends on it.

Otavio Santana

November 17, 2022

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  1. Staff ++ Engineer Handle your career beyond a Senior Engineer

    Otávio Santana Software Engineer & Architect and Open Source Committer otavio@osarchitech.com @otaviojava
  2. @otaviojava Otavio Santana Who am I? Software Engineer & Architect

    @otaviojava Java Champion, Oracle ACE JCP-EC-EG-EGL Apache and Eclipse Committer Jakarta EE and MicroProfile Duke Choice Award JCP Award Book and blog writer
  3. @otaviojava Technology as strategic resource “Every business is a software

    business” CMMI “Every Company is a Data Company” CIO Network “Every Company is a Software Company” Forbes Everything is around software!
  4. @otaviojava The Complexity Paradox: The More Answers We Find, the

    More Questions We Have Developer experience is a market Trade-offs The hype effect
  5. The right balance Opportunity + Technology = innovation Opportunity But

    how? Technology But what? Product & Business @otaviojava osarchitech.com
  6. @otaviojava Staff ++ Engineer More alling with manager path A

    technical leader Senior is an end Beyond the management track
  7. @otaviojava The Staff+ Path IC for Engineers Staff-plus Staff Principal

    Distinguished Head Director VP Engineering management
  8. @otaviojava Similarities Working as Staff Work on what matters Writing

    Strategy Handle Technical Qualify Aligned with authority Present to executives
  9. @otaviojava Complexity Achieving Simplicity Complexity is anything related to the

    structure of a software system that makes it hard to understand and modify the system.
  10. @otaviojava C4-model Architecture’s map Scaling Software Architecture via Conversations: the

    Advice Process Tech-radar Technologies's view ADR Don’t repeat the error Communication A clear direction