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Flow Based Programming in Elixir

Flow Based Programming in Elixir

An application is defined

as its processes


via Information Packets

with externally defined connections.

This talk was held at the #52 Elixir User Group Berlin on October 11, 2018.


Google Bot Verification Example

Lukas Rieder

October 11, 2018

More Decks by Lukas Rieder

Other Decks in Programming


  1. FBP

  2. Run a reverse DNS lookup (type PTR) Domain name ends

    in googlebot.com. or google.com. Run a forward DNS lookup (type A) Verify that response to the same IP
  3. defmodule GoogleBotVerification do @subscribe ptr_query: :IN @subscribe verify_domain: :ptr_query @subscribe

    dns_query: :verify_domain @subscribe verify: :dns_query @subscribe OUT: :verify end
  4. @gdomains ~w[google.com. googlebot.com.]
 def verify_domain(%{domain: domain} = state) do if

    String.ends_with?(domain, @gdomains) do {:ok, state} else {:error, :invalid_ptr} end end
  5. Thank you Lukas Rieder, @Overbryd I write programs. I give

    talks. FBP {:pipette, "~> 0.1.0"} https://github.com/suitepad-gmbh/pipette