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Beyond the Rails Way - Clean Architecture

Beyond the Rails Way - Clean Architecture

About architecture to make skinny models and skinny controllers


March 10, 2018

More Decks by Patricia

Other Decks in Programming


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  4. 8 class UserGroupsController def create # Assume @group is loaded

    from a before_action method if !current_user.is_old_enough_to_join_group?(@group) flash[:alert] = I18n.t('admin.trestle.flash.too_young') elsif current_user.is_group_limit_reached? flash[:alert] = I18n.t('admin.trestle.flash.too_many_groups') else user_group = UserGroup.new(user_id: current_user.id, group_id: @group.id) if user_group.save flash[:notice] = I18n.t('admin.trestle.flash.successfully_joined_group') else flash[:alert] = I18n.t('admin.trestle.flash.could_not_join_group') end end redirect_to group_path(@group) end end
  5. 9 class User < ApplicationRecord MAX_NUMBER_OF_GROUPS = 10 has_many :user_groups

    has_many :groups, through: :user_groups def is_old_enough_to_join_group?(group) age > group.minimum_age end def is_group_limit_reached? groups.count >= MAX_NUMBER_OF_GROUPS end end
  6. © 2017 InspiraSign - Template All rights reserved 10 “But

    what if there was a way to have both skinny models AND skinny controllers?!”
  7. 19 CreateUser Name Format Name Minimum 2 characters maximum 50

    characters. Email Must have valid format as in the example: [email protected]. Password At least 6 characters, maximum 15 characters. Password Confirmation Must be filled in identically to the password. Main Flow - Set of steps Exception Flow - What happened when things do not go well
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  25. 52 class UserGroupsController def create result = AddUserToGroup.call group: @group,

    user: current_user message = result.message if result.success? flash[:notice] = message else flash[:alert] = message end redirect_to group_path(@group) end end
  26. 53 class AddUserToGroup include Interactor def call fail! message: I18n.t('admin.trestle.flash.too_young')

    unless is_old_enough_to_join_group? fail! message: I18n.t('admin.trestle.flash.too_many_groups') unless group_limit_reached? if create_new_user_group context[:message] = I18n.t('admin.trestle.flash.successfully_joined_group') else fail! message: I18n.t('admin.trestle.flash.could_not_join_group') end end private def group_limit_reached? context[:user].groups.count >= User::MAX_NUMBER_OF_GROUPS end def is_old_enough_to_join_group? context[:user].age >= context[:group].minimum_age end def create_new_user_group context[:user_group] = UserGroup.new(user_id: context[:user].id, group_id: context[:group].id) context[:user_group].save end end
  27. result = AddUserToGroup.call group: @group, user: current_user puts result.user_group =>

    #<UserGroup id: 1, user_id: 1, group_id: 1> puts result.message => You have successfully joined the Example group!