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November 04, 2024



November 04, 2024



    IONIZING RADIATION Duration: 16 hours Target audience: All workers occupationally exposed to Ionizing Radiation
  2. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Introduction to Radiation

    and Radioactivity Types of Radioactive Sources (Natural and Synthetic) Radiological Quantities (Units and Quantities) Types of Contamination (Direct Exposure, Contact, Inhalation and Ingestion); Radiation Risks Associated with Health in the Performance of Functions; Principles and Objectives of Radiation Protection Dose Limits and Control 08 Instruments, Signaling and Area Control in Radiation Protection Course Presentation
  3. 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Available PPE and

    EPC Related to Present Radiological Risks Right to Access Records of Dose Values ​​ for Each IOE Relevant Legislation (CNEN, NR-06, NR-15 and NR-37) Procedure in Accidents and Emergency Situations Notions of First Aid Transportation, Storage and Radioactive Waste Summary of the Classification of Radioactive Materials Adopted by the United Nations (UN) 16 Final Assessment Course Presentation

    in this module: Introduction to radioactivity Types of Radiation Biological effects of radiation Radioactive dose definitions Safety recommendations
  5. INTRODUCTION TO RADIATION AND RADIOACTIVITY Basic Concepts and History Radiation:

    Forms of energy that propagate through space. The discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Röntgen in 1895 and of radioactivity by Henri Becquerel in 1896 paved the way for in-depth studies in this area. Ionizing Radiation: Capable of ionizing atoms when interacting with matter, altering the electronic structure of the atoms. This radiation can be particle (alpha, beta, neutrons) or electromagnetic (X-rays and gamma rays).
  6. RADIATIONS Origin of Radiation Natural: Comes from elements such as

    Uranium (U), Thorium (Th-232), Radon (Rn-222), and cosmic radiation.
  7. BIOLOGICAL IMPACT Cellular Effects: It has been established that dividing

    cells are more vulnerable to radiation Risks and Safety: The mortality and other harmful effects of early workers exposed to X-rays highlight the need for strict regulations regarding radiation exposure.
  8. RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION Due to the risk associated with radiation exposure,

    radiological protection measures are essential. Guidelines include minimizing exposure time, maximizing distance from the radiation source, and using adequate shielding. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is essential to protect professionals when handling radioactive materials.
  9. PRINCIPLES OF RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION Any activity involving radiation must be

    justified in relation to alternatives, producing a positive net benefit to society. Justification of Practice
  10. RADIATION PROTECTION OPTIMIZATION Facilities and practices should be designed and

    implemented so that exposures are as reduced as reasonably achievable, considering social and economic factors.
  11. INDIVIDUAL DOSE LIMITATIONS Individual doses for workers and the public

    must not exceed the annual limits established by standard CNEN-NN-3.01.
  12. STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS The National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) and

    the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) in Brazil establish regulatory standards for safe practice. These standards cover everything from radiation protection to radioactive waste management. It is vital for professionals to be familiar with these regulations to ensure safe practices and legal compliance.
  13. EDUCATION AND TRAINING Knowledge and ongoing training in radiation protection

    are crucial for professionals in the field. International organizations, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), provide educational resources to help develop radiation protection skills.
  14. TYPES OF RADIATION Alpha Rays (α) Heavy particles composed of

    two protons and two neutrons. They have high ionization power but low penetrating power. Beta Rays (β) Electrons or positrons emitted by radioactive nuclei, with greater penetrating power than alpha rays. Gamma Rays (γ) High-energy electromagnetic radiation, without mass or charge, with high penetrating power.
  15. TYPES OF RADIATION Alpha Rays (α) Heavy particles composed of

    two protons and two neutrons. They have high ionization power but low penetrating power. Beta Rays (β) Electrons or positrons emitted by radioactive nuclei, with greater penetrating power than alpha rays. Gamma Rays (γ) High-energy electromagnetic radiation, without mass or charge, with high penetrating power.
  16. PRINCIPLES OF RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION: Justification of Practice Every activity involving

    radiation must be justified in relation to alternatives, producing a positive net benefit to society. Optimization of Radiological Protection Facilities and practices should be designed and implemented so that exposures are as reduced as reasonably achievable, considering social and economic factors. Limitation of Individual Doses Individual doses for workers and the public must not exceed the annual limits established by standard CNEN-NN-3.01.
  17. OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE CONTROL Occupational exposure must be controlled to ensure

    that the limit values ​​established in standards, such as CNEN-NN-3.01 and Ordinance 453/98 of ANVISA/MS, are not exceeded. Exposure Reduction Methods
  18. BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF IONIZING RADIATION Ionizing radiation can cause direct

    or indirect damage to cells. Direct damage occurs by breaking the chemical bonds of biological molecules, such as DNA. Indirect damage is caused by the formation of free radicals in water molecules, which are highly reactive and can damage various cellular structures.
  19. CLASSIFICATION OF RADIATION-INDUCED EFFECTS Somatic and Hereditary: can cause immediate

    damage such as burns or long-term effects such as cancer and genetic mutations, depending on the dose absorbed. Immediate and Late: according to the time of manifestation. Stochastic and Deterministic: Result from exposure to high doses of radiation in a short period, causing damage that can be immediate, such as radiation burns.
  20. TYPES OF RADIOACTIVE SOURCES Natural and Synthetic Sources Natural Sources

    - Minerals in the Earth's Crust and Cosmic Radiation
  21. Synthetic Sources - Artificially created, such as X-rays and various

    radioisotopes used in medical and industrial applications
  22. TYPES OF RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOACTIVE SOURCES Discusses the classification of

    radionuclides into categories based on their use in medicine, industry, and research, and highlights the characteristics and applications of sealed and unsealed radioactive sources.
  23. Types of Radionuclides and Radioactive Sources Discusses the classification of

    radionuclides into categories based on their use in medicine, industry, and research, and highlights the characteristics and applications of sealed and unsealed radioactive sources.
  24. Types and Applications of Radionuclides Discussion of radionuclides used in

    medical, industrial, and research facilities, detailing how they are acquired and employed without significant alteration. Examples include use in industrial radiography, teletherapy, and product sterilization.
  25. Description of Sealed and Unsealed Sources Sealed sources are described

    in terms of materials, encapsulation, and safety testing. Unsealed sources are exploited in contexts such as radioactive tracers in chemical, biological, or physical systems to monitor evolution and processes. Description of Sealed and Unsealed Sources Radiological Quantities (units and quantities): Radiological quantities are essential for radioprotection, as they allow us to quantify exposure to ionizing radiation, assessing risks and ensuring the safety of people and environments. Let's explore each of the main concepts and units mentioned in more detail:
  26. Activity Definition The activity of a radioactive source indicates the

    amount of disintegrations that occur in a given time interval. It is a measure of the "intensity" of the source in terms of emitted radiation.
  27. Curie (Ci): Old unit of measurement, corresponding to approximately 3.7×10103.7

    \times 10^{10}3.7×1010 disintegrations per second. Becquerel (Bq)
  28. System International (SI) unit, which corresponds to one disintegration per

    second. This unit reflects a more direct approach and is widely used in modern scientific and regulatory contexts
  29. Particle Creep Definition: Fluency is used to describe the total

    number of radiation particles that pass through a unit area. It serves as a measure of exposure without considering biological effects. Application: Essential for assessing exposure in irradiated materials, whether in research or in medical and industrial applications.
  30. Absorbed Dose Definition: Absorbed dose is the energy deposited by

    ionizing radiation per unit mass of irradiated material, including biological tissue. Unit: Gray (Gy), which corresponds to one joule per kilogram (1 J/kg1 \, \text{J/kg}1J/kg). This unit is crucial to understanding how much energy actually interacts with materials.
  31. Equivalent Dose Definition: The equivalent dose takes into account the

    type of radiation and its biological effectiveness. Different types of radiation have different biological effects even when they deliver the same amount of energy. Units: Sievert (Sv): Used to reflect the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of different types of radiation. Rem: An older unit still used in some contexts, mainly in the United States (1 Sv=100 rem1 \, \text{Sv} = 100 \, \text{rem}1Sv=100rem).
  32. Radiation Weighting Factors (wR) Definition The radiation weighting factor is

    used to adjust the absorbed dose and reflect the biological potential of the radiation. For example, alpha radiation is more biologically damaging than beta or gamma radiation, for the same amount of energy deposited. Application Essential for calculating the equivalent dose and, by extension, the effective dose, which is a key indicator for regulatory limits and protective measures.
  33. Definition: The effective dose is a measurement that considers both

    the type of radiation and the sensitivity of the different tissues exposed to it. Application: Used to estimate the risk associated with radiation exposure in occupational and medical environments, supporting radiation safety practices. International Recommendations Background: Organizations such as the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) set scientifically-based guidelines to minimize the risks of radiation exposure.

    What you will learn in this module: Types of Contamination Protective Measures Radiation Risks Principles and Objectives of Radiation Protection