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The intrepid adventure of scaling a mobile app

The intrepid adventure of scaling a mobile app

Slides from the talk that I gave in T3chfest 2018 about my experience helping to scale mobile apps codebases

Pedro Piñera Buendía

February 25, 2018

More Decks by Pedro Piñera Buendía

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  1. About me — Production Engineer at Shopify. — Building tools

    for mobile developers. — Born and raised in the ❤ Murcia. — Suffering the ☔ in Berlin. — # ppinera.es — $ @pepibumur — % pedro.pinera@shopify.com 2
  2. Scaling a mobile codebase "Scalability is the capability of a

    system, network, or process to handle a growing amount of work, or its potential to be enlarged to accommodate that growth" - Wikipedia @pepibumur 3
  3. The codebase doesn't scale when... — 20 engineers produce the

    same as 10 — You spend more time fighting the tools — You can prepare & drink a coffee while CI runs — Random issues arise in a daily basis — There are conflicts very often @pepibumur 4
  4. If you are not experimenting scalability issues, they will come

    up sooner or later (don't build for scale, think for scale) @pepibumur 6
  5. Changing environment — Larger products — More APIs — More

    platforms to support — New programming languages — People joining/leaving the team @pepibumur 7
  6. ! SoundCloud — Compilation times. — Inconsistencies in settings. !

    Shopify — Multiple mobile apps. — Historically no shared code. — Compilation times. @pepibumur 9
  7. Key points 1. Make features independent (from UI to Data)

    — Reduce friction 2. Reduce dependencies between features (atomicity) — Allow autonomy 3. Share as much code as possible — Save time @pepibumur 12
  8. Storing data — Collections ➡ SQLite / Core Data /

    Realm — Secure ➡ Keychain / AccountManager — Other ➡ UserDefaults / SharedPreferences @pepibumur 13
  9. Example — Feature A: Deletes a token from the Keychain

    — Feature B: Expects the token to be there to work. — Result: Feature B behaving unexpectedly @pepibumur 15
  10. Make your stores observable And let other features know about

    the state changes SecureStore.instance.observe(.token) { [weak self] token in if token == nil { self?.deleteData() } } @pepibumur 16
  11. Example — Feature A: Saves /Documents/orders.json. — Feature B: Cleans

    the folder /Documents. — Feature A: Tries to access /Documents/orders.json. — Result: Unexpected behaviour from feature A @pepibumur 18
  12. Be!er approach // A store to save orders related data

    let store = StoreManager.instance.store(for: .orders) // We interact with our own disk space try! store.save(json, name: "orders.json") try! store.cleanAll() store.observe("orders.json") { orders in // Orders changed } @pepibumur 19
  13. Relationships class Product: NSManagedObject {} class Order: NSManagedObject { @dynamic

    var products: [Product] } class Client: NSManagedObject { @dynamic var orders: [Order] } — Can we safely delete an order? — Do I have to update the order delivery address if the client address changes? — Do I have to update an order if a product gets removed? @pepibumur 22
  14. Explicit APIs — If you use SQL, don't use relationships

    — Aim for APIs that other features can consume. let order = ordersRepository.new(clientId: clientId) let token = ordersRepository.observe(clientId: clientId) { orders in // Client orders changed } @pepibumur 24
  15. Maybe you don't need a SQL store ! . Just

    serialize objects into disk @pepibumur 25
  16. // Module Core public class Client { public fund execute(request:

    Request) -> Response private fund privateMethod() { /* some code */ } } // Module App class ProfileInteractor { let client: Client func sync() { client.privateMethod() // Compiler error! let response = client.execute(request: User.me) // All right } } @pepibumur 27
  17. Other programming paradigms might have benefits, but its usage in

    large teams is questionable @pepibumur 30
  18. Use case: Reactive programming — Everyone in your team needs

    to learn it. — They need to learn it properly. — You'll most likely rely on a third party dependency (RxSwift, RxJava...) @pepibumur 31
  19. Because... — !" know about the system patterns. — #

    You get updates/improvements from the platform. — $ Building an abstraction that scale is hard in practice. — % The fewer dependencies, the better. @pepibumur 33
  20. Minimize dependencies — Dependencies save time initially, but need to

    be maintained. — Do you need dependency X: — Yes: Use it but with an abstraction layer. — No: Then don't use it or build just what you need. @pepibumur 34
  21. 1. I start defining my layout 2. I add this

    button here. 3. I add this list of images there. 4. I introduce this new button between these two elements 5. ... 6. ... 7. ... 8. No one can modify the XML/XIB/storyboard anymore @pepibumur 37
  22. Use your intuition if the layout is growing considerably then

    split it in small layouts @pepibumur 38
  23. Don't spend your developers' time There are great tools already

    built to help you with automation (e.g. Fastlane) @pepibumur 42
  24. Build times The more code you have, the more it

    takes to compile (unless you use React Native) @pepibumur 43
  25. Gradle & Xcode Build system build incrementally Until you clean

    the build ! And I'm sure it's the first thing you do when your project doesn't compile. @pepibumur 44
  26. Let's do some maths — Clean build: 10 minutes —

    Cleans per day per developer: 10 — Developers in the team: 30 Build time spent per month - 1000 hours - 6.25 developers - 21% of your team @pepibumur 45
  27. Make your app modular — Cleaning should only affect the

    current module. — Developers should only compile the module they are working on (and its dependencies). — Reference: Microfeatures @pepibumur 46
  28. You can go further And try other build systems that

    build incrementally across developers in a team Buck from Facebook Bazel from Google @pepibumur 47
  29. If clean builds are slow... So they are on CI

    Continuous integration services/platforms Build from a clean environment @pepibumur 48
  30. Can we speed up clean builds on CI? — Selective

    build/run tests based on the files that were modified. — Parallelize work. — Cache build artifacts across builds (e.g. Pods, Bundler dependencies) — Use Buck/Bazel. @pepibumur 49
  31. What to measure? ! — Compilation time of each of

    the modules. — App startup time. — Flaky tests consistently failing. — Failing builds and the reason. @pepibumur 51
  32. Reproducible builds "My build is failing on CI but it

    doesn't fail locally" @pepibumur 53
  33. How to make your builds reproducible — Avoid custom logic

    that only runs on CI. — Pin your dependencies versions. — Bundle your dependencies into the repository and avoid access the shared system environment. — Use Nix @pepibumur 54
  34. Feature teams / Squads ! They are independent. " They

    might duplicate code. " Patterns/style might diverge a lot. @pepibumur 57
  35. Be consistent — Build settings. — Tools. — Processes. —

    Patterns. — Programming languages. @pepibumur 58
  36. Mobops team !" — Has an overview of the project

    as a whole. — Identifies patterns across teams and extracts reusable components. — Builds tools to make teams productive. — Provides teams with communication tools/channels. — Removes any friction between teams making them as atomic as possible. @pepibumur 59
  37. Collective meetings Where all the iOS/Android developers from different teams

    come together to talk about the vision of the project @pepibumur 60
  38. — If you are not facing the challenges I talked

    about, you'll do sooner or later. — Don't let yourself be influenced by hype technologies. — Automate as much as you can. — Don't expect Apple/Google to optimise the tools for scale. — An awesome product is the result of motivated developers. @pepibumur 62