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iOS Unit Testing Workshop

Pete Hodgson
September 17, 2013

iOS Unit Testing Workshop

Pete Hodgson

September 17, 2013

More Decks by Pete Hodgson

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  1. Unit Testing for iOS $> git clone --recursive https://github.com/moredip/run2bart-iOS.git $>

    cd run2bart-iOS $> open Run2Bart/Run2Bart.xcworkspace you should have already done this:
  2. goals for the workshop hands on experience good testing practices

    overview of all the major moving parts of Kiwi introduction to the advanced stuff
  3. 1. write code 2. submit stack of cards 3. wait

    (probably overnight) 4. find out if your program worked
  4. what is kiwi? open-source tool builds on top of stock

    XCode tooling adds nicer ways of organizing tests adds nicer ways to make assertions adds ability to mock/stub
  5. $> git checkout sl-2 $> git clean -dxf 1: Close

    XCode 2: 3: Open Run2Bart.xcworkspace
  6. @implementation Station + (NSArray *)loadStations:(NSArray *)rawStations { NSMutableArray *stations =

    [NSMutableArray array]; for(NSDictionary *rawStation in rawStations){ Station *station = [[Station alloc] initWithName:rawStation[@"name"] abbr:rawStation[@"abbr"]]; [stations addObject:station]; } return stations; } - (id)initWithName:(NSString *)name abbr:(NSString *)abbr { self = [super init]; if (self) { _name = [name copy]; ! ! _abbr = [abbr copy]; } return self; } @end Station.m
  7. describe(@"Station", ^{ it(@"loads from JSON correctly",^{ NSArray *rawStations = @[

    @{@"abbr":@"s1",@"name":@"station one"}, @{@"abbr":@"s2",@"name":@"station two"}, ]; NSArray *stations = [Station loadStations:rawStations]; [[theValue(stations.count) should] equal:theValue(2)]; [[[stations[0] abbr] should] equal:@"s1"]; [[[stations[0] name] should] equal:@"station one"]; [[[stations[1] abbr] should] equal:@"s2"]; [[[stations[1] name] should] equal:@"station two"]; }); }); StationSpec.m
  8. describe(@"Station", ^{ it(@"loads from JSON correctly",^{ NSArray *rawStations = @[

    @{@"abbr":@"s1",@"name":@"station one"}, @{@"abbr":@"s2",@"name":@"station two"}, ]; NSArray *stations = [Station loadStations:rawStations]; [[theValue(stations.count) should] equal:theValue(2)]; [[[stations[0] abbr] should] equal:@"s1"]; [[[stations[0] name] should] equal:@"station one"]; [[[stations[1] abbr] should] equal:@"s2"]; [[[stations[1] name] should] equal:@"station two"]; }); }); arrange
  9. describe(@"Station", ^{ it(@"loads from JSON correctly",^{ NSArray *rawStations = @[

    @{@"abbr":@"s1",@"name":@"station one"}, @{@"abbr":@"s2",@"name":@"station two"}, ]; NSArray *stations = [Station loadStations:rawStations]; [[theValue(stations.count) should] equal:theValue(2)]; [[[stations[0] abbr] should] equal:@"s1"]; [[[stations[0] name] should] equal:@"station one"]; [[[stations[1] abbr] should] equal:@"s2"]; [[[stations[1] name] should] equal:@"station two"]; }); }); act
  10. describe(@"Station", ^{ it(@"loads from JSON correctly",^{ NSArray *rawStations = @[

    @{@"abbr":@"s1",@"name":@"station one"}, @{@"abbr":@"s2",@"name":@"station two"}, ]; NSArray *stations = [Station loadStations:rawStations]; [[theValue(stations.count) should] equal:theValue(2)]; [[[stations[0] abbr] should] equal:@"s1"]; [[[stations[0] name] should] equal:@"station one"]; [[[stations[1] abbr] should] equal:@"s2"]; [[[stations[1] name] should] equal:@"station two"]; }); }); assert
  11. describe(@"Station", ^{ it(@"loads from JSON correctly",^{ ////////////////// // Arrange NSArray

    *rawStations = @[ @{@"abbr":@"s1",@"name":@"station one"}, @{@"abbr":@"s2",@"name":@"station two"}, ]; ////////////////// // Act NSArray *stations = [Station loadStations:rawStations]; ////////////////// // Assert [[theValue(stations.count) should] equal:theValue(2)]; [[[stations[0] abbr] should] equal:@"s1"]; [[[stations[0] name] should] equal:@"station one"]; [[[stations[1] abbr] should] equal:@"s2"]; [[[stations[1] name] should] equal:@"station two"]; }); });
  12. describe(@"Station", ^{ it(@"loads from JSON correctly",^{ ////////////////// // Given NSArray

    *rawStations = @[ @{@"abbr":@"s1",@"name":@"station one"}, @{@"abbr":@"s2",@"name":@"station two"}, ]; ////////////////// // When NSArray *stations = [Station loadStations:rawStations]; ////////////////// // Then [[theValue(stations.count) should] equal:theValue(2)]; [[[stations[0] abbr] should] equal:@"s1"]; [[[stations[0] name] should] equal:@"station one"]; [[[stations[1] abbr] should] equal:@"s2"]; [[[stations[1] name] should] equal:@"station two"]; }); });
  13. #import "Kiwi.h" #import "UpcomingDeparture.h" SPEC_BEGIN(UpcomingDepartureSpec) describe(@"[UpcomingDeparture etdToDisplay]", ^{ it(@"is correct

    for an etd of 5",^{ UpcomingDeparture *upcomingDeparture = [[UpcomingDeparture alloc] initWithDestinationName:@"blah" etd:@(5)]; [[[upcomingDeparture etdToDisplay] should] equal:@"5 mins"]; }); }); SPEC_END UpcomingDepartureSpec.m
  14. describe(@"[UpcomingDeparture etdToDisplay]", ^{ it(@"is correct for an etd of 5",^{

    UpcomingDeparture *upcomingDeparture = [[UpcomingDeparture alloc] initWithDestinationName:@"blah" etd:@(5)]; [[[upcomingDeparture etdToDisplay] should] equal:@"5 mins"]; }); it(@"is correct for an etd of 1",^{ UpcomingDeparture *upcomingDeparture = [[UpcomingDeparture alloc] initWithDestinationName:@"blah" etd:@(1)]; [[[upcomingDeparture etdToDisplay] should] equal:@"1 min"]; }); it(@"is correct for an etd of 0",^{ UpcomingDeparture *upcomingDeparture = [[UpcomingDeparture alloc] initWithDestinationName:@"blah" etd:@(0)]; [[[upcomingDeparture etdToDisplay] should] equal:@"now"]; }); }); UpcomingDepartureSpec.m
  15. $> git checkout sl-3 $> git clean -dxf 1: Close

    XCode 2: 3: Open Run2Bart.xcworkspace
  16. - (id)initForStation:(Station *)station { self = [super init]; if (self)

    { self.station = station; self.title = station.name; self.bartClient = [AppDelegate sharedInstance].bartClient; } return self; } UpcomingDeparturesViewController.m
  17. SPEC_BEGIN(UpcomingDeparturesViewControllerSpec) describe( @"UpcomingDeparturesViewController ", ^{ it( @"has the station's name

    as the title", ^{ // Given Station *theStation = [[Station alloc] initWithName:@"station name" abbr:@"station-abbr"]; UpcomingDeparturesViewController *theDeparturesVC = [[UpcomingDeparturesViewController alloc] initForStation:theStation]; // Then [[theDeparturesVC.title should] equal:@"station name"]; }); // ... UpcomingDeparturesViewControllerSpec.m
  18. - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *CellIdentifier

    = @"Cell"; UpcomingDeparture *departure = [self.departures objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier]; if( !cell ) cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleValue1 reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier]; cell.textLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:18.0]; cell.detailTextLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:24.0]; cell.textLabel.text = departure.destinationName; cell.detailTextLabel.text = departure.etdToDisplay; return cell; } UpcomingDeparturesViewController.m
  19. describe(@"rendering departures", ^{ it( @"renders a table view cell for

    each departure", ^{ // Given UITableView *ignoredTableView = nil; Station *someStation = [[Station alloc] initWithName:@"station name" abbr:@"station-abbr"]; UpcomingDeparturesViewController *departuresVC = [[UpcomingDeparturesViewController alloc] initForStation:someStation]; NSArray *departures = @[ [[UpcomingDeparture alloc] initWithDestinationName:@"dest 1" etd:@(0)], [[UpcomingDeparture alloc] initWithDestinationName:@"dest 2" etd:@(1)], [[UpcomingDeparture alloc] initWithDestinationName:@"dest 3" etd:@(2)] ]; departuresVC.departures = departures; // When NSInteger numSections = [departuresVC numberOfSectionsInTableView:ignoredTableView]; NSInteger numRows = [departuresVC tableView:ignoredTableView numberOfRowsInSection:0]; // Then [[theValue(numSections) should] equal:theValue(1)]; [[theValue(numRows) should] equal:theValue(3)]; }); }); UpcomingDeparturesViewControllerSpec.m
  20. $> git checkout sl-4 $> git clean -dxf 1: Close

    XCode 2: 3: Open Run2Bart.xcworkspace
  21. UpcomingDeparturesViewController.m - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated{ [self refreshUpcomingDepartures]; } - (void) refreshUpcomingDepartures{ [self.refreshControl

    beginRefreshing]; [self.bartClient fetchUpcomingDeparturesForStation:self.station success:^(NSArray *departures) { [self.refreshControl endRefreshing]; self.departures = departures; [self.tableView reloadData]; } failure:^(NSError *error) { [self.refreshControl endRefreshing]; }]; }
  22. - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated{ [self refreshUpcomingDepartures]; } - (void) refreshUpcomingDepartures{ [self.refreshControl beginRefreshing];

    [self.bartClient fetchUpcomingDeparturesForStation:self.station success:^(NSArray *departures) { [self.refreshControl endRefreshing]; self.departures = departures; [self.tableView reloadData]; } failure:^(NSError *error) { [self.refreshControl endRefreshing]; }]; } UpcomingDeparturesViewController.m
  23. @interface SpyBartClient : NSObject<BartClient>{ BOOL _fetchWasCalled; } @end @implementation SpyBartClient

    - (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { _fetchWasCalled = NO; } return self; } - (void)fetchUpcomingDeparturesForStation:(Station *)station success:(FetchSuccessBlock)success failure:(FetchFailureBlock)failure{ _fetchWasCalled = YES; } - (BOOL)fetchUpcomingDeparturesWasCalled{ return _fetchWasCalled; } @end UpcomingDeparturesViewControllerSpec.m
  24. describe(@"the VC's view appearing", ^{ it( @"asks the api client

    to load the upcoming departures", ^{ SpyBartClient *testDoubleBartClient = [[SpyBartClient alloc] init]; departuresVC.bartClient = testDoubleBartClient; [departuresVC viewWillAppear:YES]; [[theValue([testDoubleBartClient fetchUpcomingDeparturesWasCalled]) should] beTrue]; }); }); UpcomingDeparturesViewControllerSpec.m
  25. @interface SpyBartClient : NSObject<BartClient>{ BOOL _fetchWasCalled; } @end @implementation SpyBartClient

    - (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { _fetchWasCalled = NO; } return self; } - (void)fetchUpcomingDeparturesForStation:(Station *)station success:(FetchSuccessBlock)success failure:(FetchFailureBlock)failure{ _fetchWasCalled = YES; } - (BOOL)fetchUpcomingDeparturesWasCalled{ return _fetchWasCalled; } @end UpcomingDeparturesViewControllerSpec.m
  26. UpcomingDeparturesViewControllerSpec.m it( @"asks the api client to load the upcoming

    departures", ^{ id mockBartClient = [KWMock mockForProtocol:@protocol(BartClient)]; departuresVC.bartClient = mockBartClient; [[mockBartClient should] receive:@selector(fetchUpcomingDeparturesForStation:success:failure:) andReturn:nil]; [departuresVC viewWillAppear:YES]; });
  27. it( @"asks the api client to load the upcoming departures",

    ^{ id mockBartClient = [KWMock mockForProtocol:@protocol(BartClient)]; departuresVC.bartClient = mockBartClient; [[mockBartClient should] receive:@selector(fetchUpcomingDeparturesForStation:success:failure:) andReturn:nil]; [departuresVC viewWillAppear:YES]; }); it( @"asks the api client to load the upcoming departures", ^{ SpyBartClient *testDoubleBartClient = [[SpyBartClient alloc] init]; departuresVC.bartClient = testDoubleBartClient; [departuresVC viewWillAppear:YES]; [[theValue([testDoubleBartClient fetchUpcomingDeparturesWasCalled] should] beTrue]; }); hand-rolled dynamic
  28. - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated{ [self refreshUpcomingDepartures]; } - (void) refreshUpcomingDepartures{ [self.refreshControl beginRefreshing];

    [self.bartClient fetchUpcomingDeparturesForStation:self.station success:^(NSArray *departures) { [self.refreshControl endRefreshing]; self.departures = departures; [self.tableView reloadData]; } failure:^(NSError *error) { [self.refreshControl endRefreshing]; }]; } UpcomingDeparturesViewController.m
  29. UpcomingDeparturesViewControllerSpec.m it( @"asks the api client to load the upcoming

    departures for the right station", ^{ id mockBartClient = [KWMock mockForProtocol:@protocol(BartClient)]; departuresVC.bartClient = mockBartClient; [[[mockBartClient should] receive] fetchUpcomingDeparturesForStation:station success:any() failure:any()]; [departuresVC viewWillAppear:YES]; });
  30. D e p e n d e n c y

    system under test indirect output indirect input direct input direct output T e s t
  31. D e p e n d e n c y

    system under test indirect output indirect input direct input direct output T e s t values passed to dependency via method call values returned from call to dependency
  32. $> git checkout sl-3 $> git clean -dxf 1: Close

    XCode 2: 3: Open Run2Bart.xcworkspace
  33. describe( @"UpcomingDeparturesViewController ", ^{ it( @"has the station's name as

    the title", ^{ // Given Station *theStation = [[Station alloc] initWithName:@"station name" abbr:@"station-abbr"]; UpcomingDeparturesViewController *theDeparturesVC = [[UpcomingDeparturesViewController alloc] initForStation:theStation]; // Then [[theDeparturesVC.title should] equal:@"station name"]; }); // ... UpcomingDeparturesViewControllerSpec.m
  34. describe( @"UpcomingDeparturesViewController ", ^{ it( @"has the station's name as

    the title", ^{ // Given Station *theStation = [[Station alloc] initWithName:@"station name" abbr:@"station-abbr"]; UpcomingDeparturesViewController *theDeparturesVC = [[UpcomingDeparturesViewController alloc] initForStation:theStation]; // Then [[theDeparturesVC.title should] equal:@"station name"]; }); // ... UpcomingDeparturesViewControllerSpec.m
  35. describe( @"UpcomingDeparturesViewController ", ^{ __block Station *station; __block UpcomingDeparturesViewController *departuresVC;

    beforeEach(^{ station = [[Station alloc] initWithName:@"station name" abbr:@"station-abbr"]; departuresVC = [[UpcomingDeparturesViewController alloc] initForStation:station]; }) it( @"has the station's name as the title", ^{ // Then [[departuresVC.title should] equal:station.name]; }); // ... UpcomingDeparturesViewControllerSpec.m
  36. describe( @"UpcomingDeparturesViewController ", ^{ __block Station *station; __block UpcomingDeparturesViewController *departuresVC;

    beforeEach(^{ station = [[Station alloc] initWithName:@"station name" abbr:@"station-abbr"]; departuresVC = [[UpcomingDeparturesViewController alloc] initForStation:station]; }) it( @"has the station's name as the title", ^{ // Then [[departuresVC.title should] equal:station.name]; }); // ... UpcomingDeparturesViewControllerSpec.m