Total TiDB node memory utilization across cluster exceeded 70% for 10 minutes Total TiDB node memory utilization of cluster ABC has exceeded 70% for 10 minutes. If you expect this to continue, it is recommended you add additional TiDB nodes. To monitor TiDB node memory utilization, go to hyperlink XYZ. TotalTiKVMemoryUsageTooHigh Total TiKV node memory utilization across cluster exceeded 70% for 10 minutes Total TiKV memory node utilization of cluster ABC has exceeded 70% for 10 minutes. If you expect this to continue, it is recommended you add additional TiKV nodes. To monitor TiKV node memory utilization, go to hyperlink XYZ. TotalTiFlashMemoryUsageTooHigh Total TiFlash node memory utilization across cluster exceeded 70% for 10 minutes Total TiFlash node memory utilization of cluster ABC has exceeded 70% for 10 minutes. If you expect this to continue, it is recommended you add additional TiFlash nodes. To monitor TiFlash node memory utilization, go to hyperlink XYZ. TotalTiDBCPUUsageTooHigh Total TiDB node CPU utilization exceeded 80% for 10 minutes Total TiDB node CPU utilization has exceeded 80% for 10 minutes. If you expect this to continue, it is recommended you add additional TiDB nodes. To monitor TiDB node CPU utilization, go to hyperlink XYZ. TotalTiKVCPUUsageTooHigh Total TiKV node CPU utilization exceeded 80% for 10 minutes Total TiKV node CPU utilization has exceeded 80% for 10 minutes. If you expect this to continue, it is recommended you add additional TiKV nodes. To monitor TiKV node CPU utilization, go to hyperlink XYZ. TotalTiFlashCPUUsageTooHigh Total TiFlash node CPU utilization exceeded 80% for 10 minutes Total TiFlash node CPU utilization has exceeded 80% for 10 minutes. If you expect this to continue, it is recommended you add additional TiFlash nodes. To monitor TiFlash node CPU utilization, go to hyperlink XYZ. TiKVStorageUsageTooHigh TiKV storage utilization exceeds 80% Cluster ABC is utilizing 80% of TiKV storage. It is recommended you add additional TiKV server nodes to increase your storage capacity. To monitor TiKV storage utilization, go to hyperlink XYZ. TiflashStorageUsageTooHigh TiFlash storage utilization exceeds 80% Cluster ABC is utilizing 80% of TiFlash storage. It is recommended you add additional TiFlash server nodes to increase your storage capacity. To monitor TiFlash storage utilization, go to hyperlink XYZ. アラート内容の例
At least one TiDB node in the cluster has run out of memory At least one TiDB node in cluster ABC ran out of memory while executing a SQL statement. As described at hyperlink XYZ, consider modifying the following statement to avoid a recurrence: <insert statement text here> ClusterOffline Cluster is offline Cluster ABC has gone offline. The TiDB Cloud Ops team is aware and working to resolve the issue. For the latest status go to hyperlink XYZ. アラート内容の例
Region Default backup time AWS US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 07:00 UTC AWS US West (Oregon) us-west-2 10:00 UTC AWS Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 17:00 UTC(日本時間午前2時) AWS Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 18:00 UTC AWS Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1 20:30 UTC AWS Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 03:00 UTC GCP Iowa us-central1 08:00 UTC GCP Oregon us-west1 10:00 UTC GCP Tokyo asia-northeast1 17:00 UTC(日本時間午前2時) GCP Singapore asia-southeast1 18:00 UTC