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Introducing Kotlin Multiplatform in an existing project - DevFest Romania

Introducing Kotlin Multiplatform in an existing project - DevFest Romania

After discovering a new interesting technology or framework, you will probably start asking yourself how to integrate it into an existing project. That’s because, the possibility to start with a blank canvas is rare (not impossible, but rare).

This is also the case for Kotlin Multiplatform, and even though it is still in alpha, you can already start to use it in production applications.

In this talk, we will understand which part of the code can be a starting point for sharing, how to consume the shared code and how to structure an existing project to have an as smooth as possible integration.

Marco Gomiero

November 13, 2021

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  1. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier Marco Gomiero 👨💻 Android Engineer @

    TIER 🛴 🇩🇪 🇮🇹 
 Google Developer Expert for Kotlin > Twitter: @marcoGomier 
 > Github: prof18 
 > Website: marcogomiero.com
  2. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier Kotlin Multiplatform • Not about compiling

    all code for all platforms • Share as much [NO UI] code as possible
  3. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier Common Kotlin Kotlin/JVM Kotlin/JS Kotlin/Native Java

    Android Browser NodeJS Android NDK iOS macOS watchOS tvOS Linux Windows
  4. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier Common Kotlin Kotlin/JVM Kotlin/JS Kotlin/Native Java

    Android Browser NodeJS Android NDK iOS macOS watchOS tvOS Linux Windows Mobile App
  5. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier . └──

    kmm-project ├── androidApp ├── iosApp └── shared Same Repository
  6. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier CocoaPods integration https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/native/cocoapods.html Pod :: Spec.new

    do |spec| spec.name = 'shared' spec.version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT' spec.homepage = 'Link to a Kotlin/Native module homepage' spec.source = { :git => "Not Published", :tag = > "Cocoapods/ #{ spec.name} #{ spec.authors = '' spec.license = '' spec.summary = 'Some description for a Kotlin/Native module' spec.static_framework = true spec.vendored_frameworks = "build/cocoapods/framework/shared.framework" spec.libraries = "c ++ " spec.module_name = " # { spec.name}_umbrella" spec.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'KOTLIN_TARGET[sdk=iphonesimulator*]' => 'ios_x64', 'KOTLIN_TARGET[sdk=iphoneos*]' => 'ios_arm', 'KOTLIN_TARGET[sdk=watchsimulator*]' => 'watchos_x86', 'KOTLIN_TARGET[sdk=watchos*]' => 'watchos_arm', 'KOTLIN_TARGET[sdk=appletvsimulator*]' = > 'tvos_x64', 'KOTLIN_TARGET[sdk=appletvos*]' => 'tvos_arm64', 'KOTLIN_TARGET[sdk=macosx*]' = > 'macos_x64' } spec.script_phases = [ { :name = > 'Build shared', :execution_position = > :before_compile, :shell_path => '/bin/sh', :script => < <- SCRIPT set -ev REPO_ROOT="$PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT" "$REPO_ROOT/ .. /gradlew" -p "$REPO_ROOT" :shared:syncFramework \ -Pkotlin.native.cocoapods.target=$KOTLIN_TARGET \ -Pkotlin.native.cocoapods.configuration=$CONFIGURATION \ -Pkotlin.native.cocoapods.cflags="$OTHER_CFLAGS" \ -Pkotlin.native.cocoapods.paths.headers="$HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS" \ -Pkotlin.native.cocoapods.paths.frameworks="$FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS" SCRIPT } ] end
  7. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

    🙅 shared androidApp iosApp Gradle Module Framework Same Repository
  8. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash

    A little piece of tech stack to start with
  9. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier • Boring code to write multiple

    times • Code/feature that centralises the source of truth (i.e. a field is nullable or not) • Code/feature that can be gradually extracted Where to start?
  10. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier • DTOs • Common Models •

    Utility methods, aka `object Utils {}` • Analytics • . . . Where to start?
  11. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier Common Kotlin Android App iOs App

    .aar Framework 
 Cocoa Repo Android App Repository KMP Repository iOs App Repository
  12. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier plugins { //.. . id("maven-publish") }

    group = "com.prof18.hn.foundation" version = "1.0" publishing { repositories { maven{ credentials { username = "username" password = "pwd" } url = url("https: // mymavenrepo.it") } } } Setup a Maven repository to share the artifacts: build.gradle.kts
  13. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier XCFramework Official Support from Kotlin 1.5.30

  14. XCFramework prior to Kotlin 1.5.30 https://github.com/prof18/kmp-xcframework-sample/blob/pre-kotlin-1.5.30/build.gradle.kts#L86 register("buildReleaseXCFramework", Exec :: class.java)

    { description = "Create a Release XCFramework" dependsOn("link${libName}ReleaseFrameworkIosArm64") dependsOn("link${libName}ReleaseFrameworkIosX64") val arm64FrameworkPath = "$rootDir/build/bin/iosArm64/${libName}ReleaseFramework/${libName}.framework" val arm64DebugSymbolsPath = "$rootDir/build/bin/iosArm64/${libName}ReleaseFramework/${libName}.framework.dSYM" val x64FrameworkPath = "$rootDir/build/bin/iosX64/${libName}ReleaseFramework/${libName}.framework" val x64DebugSymbolsPath = "$rootDir/build/bin/iosX64/${libName}ReleaseFramework/${libName}.framework.dSYM" val xcFrameworkDest = File("$rootDir/ .. /kmp-xcframework-dest/$libName.xcframework") executable = "xcodebuild" args(mutableListOf<String>().apply { add("-create-xcframework") add("-output") add(xcFrameworkDest.path) // Real Device add("-framework") add(arm64FrameworkPath) add("-debug-symbols") add(arm64DebugSymbolsPath) // Simulator add("-framework") add(x64FrameworkPath) add("-debug-symbols") add(x64DebugSymbolsPath) }) doFirst { xcFrameworkDest.deleteRecursively() } }
  15. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier XCFramework prior to Kotlin 1.5.30 https:

    / / www.marcogomiero.com/posts/2021/build-xcframework-kmp/
  16. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier . ├── build ├── XCFrameworks ├──

    debug │ └── LibraryName.xcframework └── release └── LibraryName.xcframework XCFramework
  17. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier HNFoundation.podspec https://github.com/prof18/hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework/blob/main/HNFoundation.podspec Pod :: Spec.new do

    |s| # ――― Spec Metadata ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― # # # These will help people to find your library, and whilst it # can feel like a chore to fill in it's definitely to your advantage. The # summary should be tweet-length, and the description more in depth. # s.name = "HNFoundation" s.version = "2.0.0" s.summary = "HNFoundation KMP library" s.homepage = "https: // github.com/prof18/hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework" s.license = "Apache" s.author = { "Marco Gomiero" = > "[email protected]" } s.vendored_frameworks = 'HNFoundation.xcframework' s.source = { :git => "[email protected]:prof18/hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework", :tag => " #{ s.version}" } s.exclude_files = "Classes/Exclude" end
  18. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier iOs Project: Podfile # For develop

    releases: pod 'HNFoundation', :git => “[email protected]:prof18/hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework.git", :branch = > 'develop'
  19. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier iOs Project: Podfile # For develop

    releases: pod 'HNFoundation', :git => “[email protected]:prof18/hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework.git", :branch = > 'develop' # For stable releases pod 'HNFoundation', :git => “[email protected]:prof18/hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework.git", :tag => ‘2.0.0'
  20. register("publishDevFramework") { description = "Publish iOs framework to the Cocoa

    Repo" doFirst { project.exec { workingDir = File("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework") commandLine("git", "checkout", "develop").standardOutput } } dependsOn("assemble${libName}DebugXCFramework") doLast { copy { from("$buildDir/XCFrameworks/debug") into("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework") } .. .. https://github.com/prof18/shared-hn-android-ios-backend/blob/main/hn-foundation/build.gradle.kts#L110 Publish Dev Framework Task
  21. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier workingDir = File("$rootDir/ .. / ..

    /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework") commandLine("git", "checkout", "develop").standardOutput } } dependsOn("assemble${libName}DebugXCFramework") doLast { copy { from("$buildDir/XCFrameworks/debug") into("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework") } val dir = File("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework/$libName.podspec") val tempFile = File("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework/$libName.podspec.new") val reader = dir.bufferedReader() val writer = tempFile.bufferedWriter() var currentLine: String? while (reader.readLine().also { currLine -> currentLine = currLine } != null) { if (currentLine ?. startsWith("s.version") == true) { writer.write("s.version = \"${libVersionName}\"" + System.lineSeparator())
  22. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier into("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework") }

    val dir = File("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework/$libName.podspec") val tempFile = File("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework/$libName.podspec.new") val reader = dir.bufferedReader() val writer = tempFile.bufferedWriter() var currentLine: String? while (reader.readLine().also { currLine -> currentLine = currLine } != null) { if (currentLine ?. startsWith("s.version") == true) { writer.write("s.version = \"${libVersionName}\"" + System.lineSeparator()) } else { writer.write(currentLine + System.lineSeparator()) } } writer.close() reader.close() val successful = tempFile.renameTo(dir) if (successful) { project.exec { workingDir = File("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework")
  23. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier if (successful) { project.exec { workingDir

    = File("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework") commandLine("git", "add", ".").standardOutput } val dateFormatter = SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy - HH:mm", Locale.getDefault()) project.exec { workingDir = File("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework") commandLine( "git", "commit", "-m", "\"New dev release: ${libVersionName}-${dateFormatter.format(Date())}\"" ).standardOutput } project.exec { workingDir = File("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework") commandLine("git", "push", "origin", "develop").standardOutput } }
  24. https://github.com/prof18/shared-hn-android-ios-backend/blob/main/hn-foundation/build.gradle.kts#L177 Publish Release Framework Task register("publishFramework") { description = "Publish

    iOs framework to the Cocoa Repo" doFirst { project.exec { workingDir = File("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework") commandLine("git", "checkout", "main").standardOutput } } dependsOn("assemble${libName}ReleaseXCFramework") doLast { copy { from("$buildDir/XCFrameworks/release") into("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework") } .. ..
  25. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier project.exec { workingDir = File("$rootDir/ ..

    / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework") commandLine("git", "checkout", "main").standardOutput } } dependsOn("assemble${libName}ReleaseXCFramework") doLast { copy { from("$buildDir/XCFrameworks/release") into("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework") } val dir = File("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework/$libName.podspec") val tempFile = File("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework/$libName.podspec.new") val reader = dir.bufferedReader() val writer = tempFile.bufferedWriter() var currentLine: String? while (reader.readLine().also { currLine -> currentLine = currLine } != null) { if (currentLine ?. startsWith("s.version") == true) {
  26. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier project.exec { workingDir = File("$rootDir/ ..

    / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework") commandLine("git", "add", ".").standardOutput } project.exec { workingDir = File("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework") commandLine("git", "commit", "-m", "\"New release: ${libVersionName}\"").standardOu } project.exec { workingDir = File("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework") commandLine("git", "tag", libVersionName).standardOutput } project.exec { workingDir = File("$rootDir/ .. / .. /hn-foundation-cocoa-xcframework") commandLine("git", "push", "origin", "main", " -- tags").standardOutput } } } }
  27. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier • Kotlin/Native different from the JVM

    • One thread -> no problems, you can use mutable objects • Many thread - > only immutable objects Concurrency https://kotlinlang.org/docs/mobile/concurrency-overview.html
  28. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier override fun deserialize(jsonString: String): NewsDTO {

    val newsDTO: NewsDTO = json.decodeFromString(jsonString) newsDTO.freeze() return newsDTO }
  29. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier Faced [and resolved] difficulties • How

    to organise the project without a monorepo • How to effectively distribute the iOS framework
  30. DevFest Romania - @marcoGomier Start little then go bigger •

    Validate the process with “little” effort • Then you can go bigger and share more “features” 

  31. Bibliography / Useful Links • https: / / kotlinlang.org/lp/mobile/ •

    https: / / www.marcogomiero.com/posts/2020/my-2cents-cross-platform/ • https: / / giansegato.com/essays/a-technical-framework-for-early-stage-startups/ • https: / / giansegato.com/essays/the-ebb-and-the-flow-of-product-development/ • https: / / www.marcogomiero.com/posts/2021/build-xcframework-kmp/ • https: / / www.marcogomiero.com/posts/2021/kmp-xcframework-official-support/ • https: / / www.marcogomiero.com/posts/2020/kotlin-serialization-alamofire/ • https: / / www.marcogomiero.com/posts/2021/kmp-existing-project/ • https: / / www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxQ6e1VeH4M • https: / / dev.to/kpgalligan/series/3739 • https: / / blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/2021/08/try-the-new-kotlin-native-memory-manager- development-preview/
  32. Marco Gomiero DevFest Romania Thank you! > Twitter: @marcoGomier 

    > Github: prof18 
 > Website: marcogomiero.com