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Best bugs from games: fellow programmer's mistakes

Best bugs from games: fellow programmer's mistakes

The presentation shows how the PVS-Studio static analyzer finds errors in the code of well-known games. Possible ways to fix these errors are also demonstrated.
Take a look at an analysis our team made for a few open-source games: https://pvs-studio.com/en/blog/posts/csharp/1056/


July 05, 2023

More Decks by PVS-Studio

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  1. 1. How we search for code errors 2. Examples and

    an overview of bugs found 3. Conclusion Contents 2
  2. How We Search Bugs in Code 4 An up-to-date list

    of articles: https://pvs-studio.com/en/blog/inspections/ We check open-source projects regularly.
  3. fix Terrain( fix X, fix Y, int deriv ) {

    if( deriv == 0 ) return fix_mul( fix_make(0,0x2000), (X - fix_make(20,0) ) ); if( deriv == 1 ) return fix_mul( fix_make(0,0x2000), (X - fix_make(20,0) ) ); if( deriv == 2 ) return 0; return 0; } Example №1 7
  4. fix Terrain( fix X, fix Y, int deriv ) {

    if( deriv == 0 ) return fix_mul( fix_make(0,0x2000), (X - fix_make(20,0) ) ); if( deriv == 1 ) return fix_mul( fix_make(0,0x2000), (X - fix_make(20,0) ) ); if( deriv == 2 ) return 0; return 0; } Example №1 8 V751 Parameter 'Y' is not used inside function body. BTEST.C 67
  5. fix Terrain( fix X, fix Y, int deriv ) {

    if( deriv == 0 ) return fix_mul( fix_make(0,0x2000), (X - fix_make(20,0) ) ); if( deriv == 1 ) return fix_mul( fix_make(0,0x2000), (Y - fix_make(20,0) ) ); if( deriv == 2 ) return 0; return 0; } Example №1 9 V751 Parameter 'Y' is not used inside function body. BTEST.C 67
  6. // And here, ladies and gentlemen, // is a celebration

    of C and C++ and their untamed passion... // ================== TerrainData terrain_info; // Now the actual stuff... // ======================= Funny Comments 10
  7. // it's a wonderful world, with a lot of strange

    men // who are standing around, and they all wearing towels // Returns whether or not in the humble opinion of the // sound system, the sample should be politely // obliterated out of existence Funny Comments 11
  8. if (....) MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLine(string.Format( "Could not find any sound for '{0}'",

    cueName)); else { if (....) string.Format( "Could not find arcade sound for '{0}'", cueName); if (....) string.Format( "Could not find realistic sound for '{0}'", cueName); } Example №1 13
  9. if (....) MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLine(string.Format( "Could not find any sound for '{0}'",

    cueName)); else { if (....) string.Format( "Could not find arcade sound for '{0}'", cueName); if (....) string.Format( "Could not find realistic sound for '{0}'", cueName); } Example №1 14 V3010 The return value of function 'Format' is required to be utilized. Sandbox.Game MyEntity3DSoundEmitter.cs 72, 74
  10. if (....) MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLine(string.Format( "Could not find any sound for '{0}'",

    cueName)); else { if (....) MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLine(string.Format( "Could not find arcade sound for '{0}'", cueName)); if (....) MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLine(string.Format( "Could not find realistic sound for '{0}'", cueName)); } Example №1 15 V3010 The return value of function 'Format' is required to be utilized. Sandbox.Game MyEntity3DSoundEmitter.cs 72, 74
  11. var actionsItem = item as MyToolbarItemActions; if (item != null)

    { if (idx < 0 || idx >= actionsItem .PossibleActions(....) .Count) RemoveToolbarItem(slot); .... } Example №2 16
  12. var actionsItem = item as MyToolbarItemActions; if (item != null)

    { if (idx < 0 || idx >= actionsItem .PossibleActions(....) .Count) RemoveToolbarItem(slot); .... } Example №2 17 V3019 Possibly an incorrect variable is compared to null after type conversion using 'as' keyword. Check variables 'item', 'actionsItem'. Sandbox.Game MyGuiControlToolbar.cs 511
  13. var actionsItem = item as MyToolbarItemActions; if (item != null)

    { if (idx < 0 || idx >= actionsItem .PossibleActions(....) .Count) RemoveToolbarItem(slot); .... } Example №2 18 V3019 Possibly an incorrect variable is compared to null after type conversion using 'as' keyword. Check variables 'item', 'actionsItem'. Sandbox.Game MyGuiControlToolbar.cs 511
  14. var actionsItem = item as MyToolbarItemActions; if (actionsItem != null)

    { if (idx < 0 || idx >= actionsItem .PossibleActions(....) .Count) RemoveToolbarItem(slot); .... } Example №2 19 V3019 Possibly an incorrect variable is compared to null after type conversion using 'as' keyword. Check variables 'item', 'actionsItem'. Sandbox.Game MyGuiControlToolbar.cs 511
  15. // Maximum number of multi players possible. #define MAX_PLAYERS 8

    // max # of players we can have for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS && i < 4; i++) { if (GlyphxPlayerIDs[i] == player_id) { MultiplayerStartPositions[i] = XY_Cell(x, y); } } Example №1 21
  16. // Maximum number of multi players possible. #define MAX_PLAYERS 8

    // max # of players we can have for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS && i < 4; i++) { if (GlyphxPlayerIDs[i] == player_id) { MultiplayerStartPositions[i] = XY_Cell(x, y); } } Example №1 22 V590 Consider inspecting the 'i < 8 && i < 4' expression. The expression is excessive or contains a misprint. DLLInterface.cpp 2238
  17. // Maximum number of multi players possible. #define MAX_PLAYERS 8

    // max # of players we can have for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS || i < 4; i++) { if (GlyphxPlayerIDs[i] == player_id) { MultiplayerStartPositions[i] = XY_Cell(x, y); } } Example №1 23 V590 Consider inspecting the 'i < 8 && i < 4' expression. The expression is excessive or contains a misprint. DLLInterface.cpp 2238
  18. void * ptr = new char [sizeof(100)]; if (ptr) {

    sprintf((char *)ptr, "%cTrack %d\t%d:%02d\t%s", ....); listbox.Add_Item((char const *)ptr); } Example №2 24
  19. void * ptr = new char [sizeof(100)]; if (ptr) {

    sprintf((char *)ptr, "%cTrack %d\t%d:%02d\t%s", ....); listbox.Add_Item((char const *)ptr); } Example №2 25 V512 A call of the 'sprintf' function will lead to overflow of the buffer '(char *) ptr'. SOUNDDLG.CPP 250
  20. void * ptr = new char [100]; if (ptr) {

    sprintf((char *)ptr, "%cTrack %d\t%d:%02d\t%s", ....); listbox.Add_Item((char const *)ptr); } Example №2 26 V512 A call of the 'sprintf' function will lead to overflow of the buffer '(char *) ptr'. SOUNDDLG.CPP 250
  21. 27

  22. for ( j = 0; j < w.GetNumPoints(); j++ )

    { for ( k = 0; k < verts.Num(); j++ ) { if ( verts[k].xyz.Compare(w[j].ToVec3(), POLYTOPE_VERTEX_EPSILON)) { break; } } ... } Example №1 29
  23. for ( j = 0; j < w.GetNumPoints(); j++ )

    { for ( k = 0; k < verts.Num(); j++ ) { if ( verts[k].xyz.Compare(w[j].ToVec3(), POLYTOPE_VERTEX_EPSILON)) { break; } } ... } Example №1 30 V533 It is likely that a wrong variable is being incremented inside the 'for' operator. Consider reviewing 'j'. idLib surface_polytope.cpp 65
  24. for ( j = 0; j < w.GetNumPoints(); j++ )

    { for ( k = 0; k < verts.Num(); k++ ) { if ( verts[k].xyz.Compare(w[j].ToVec3(), POLYTOPE_VERTEX_EPSILON)) { break; } } ... } Example №1 31 V533 It is likely that a wrong variable is being incremented inside the 'for' operator. Consider reviewing 'j'. idLib surface_polytope.cpp 65
  25. void idBrushBSP::FloodThroughPortals_r (idBrushBSPNode *node, ...) { ... if ( node->occupied

    ) { common->Error( "Node already occupied\n" ); } if ( !node ) { common->Error( "NULL node\n" ); } ... } Example №2 32
  26. void idBrushBSP::FloodThroughPortals_r (idBrushBSPNode *node, ...) { ... if ( node->occupied

    ) { common->Error( "Node already occupied\n" ); } if ( !node ) { common->Error( "NULL node\n" ); } ... } Example №2 33 V595 The 'node' pointer was utilized before it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 1421, 1424. DoomDLL brushbsp.cpp 1421
  27. void idBrushBSP::FloodThroughPortals_r (idBrushBSPNode *node, ...) { ... if ( node->occupied

    ) { common->Error( "Node already occupied\n" ); } if ( !node ) { common->Error( "NULL node\n" ); } ... } Example №2 35 V595 The 'node' pointer was utilized before it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 1421, 1424. DoomDLL brushbsp.cpp 1421
  28. void idBrushBSP::FloodThroughPortals_r (idBrushBSPNode *node, ...) { ... if ( !node

    ) { common->Error( "NULL node\n" ); } if ( node->occupied ) { common->Error( "Node already occupied\n" ); } ... } Example №2 36 V595 The 'node' pointer was utilized before it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 1421, 1424. DoomDLL brushbsp.cpp 1421
  29. public RulesetInfo GetRuleset(int id) => AvailableRulesets.FirstOrDefault(....); .... public ScoreInfo CreateScoreInfo(RulesetStore

    rulesets) { var ruleset = rulesets.GetRuleset(OnlineRulesetID); var mods = Mods != null ? ruleset.CreateInstance().GetAllMods().Where(....).ToArray() : Array.Empty<Mod>(); .... } Example №1 38
  30. public RulesetInfo GetRuleset(int id) => AvailableRulesets.FirstOrDefault(....); .... public ScoreInfo CreateScoreInfo(RulesetStore

    rulesets) { var ruleset = rulesets.GetRuleset(OnlineRulesetID); var mods = Mods != null ? ruleset.CreateInstance().GetAllMods().Where(....).ToArray() : Array.Empty<Mod>(); .... } Example №1 39 V3146 Possible null dereference of 'ruleset'. The 'FirstOrDefault' can return default null value. APILegacyScoreInfo.cs 24
  31. public RulesetInfo GetRuleset(int id) => AvailableRulesets.FirstOrDefault(....); .... public ScoreInfo CreateScoreInfo(RulesetStore

    rulesets) { var ruleset = rulesets.GetRuleset(OnlineRulesetID); var mods = (Mods != null && ruleset != null) ? ruleset.CreateInstance().GetAllMods().Where(....).ToArray() : Array.Empty<Mod>(); .... } Example №1 40 V3146 Possible null dereference of 'ruleset'. The 'FirstOrDefault' can return default null value. APILegacyScoreInfo.cs 24
  32. private void onScreenChange(IScreen prev, IScreen next) { parallaxContainer.ParallaxAmount = ParallaxContainer.DEFAULT_PARALLAX_AMOUNT

    * ((IOsuScreen)next)?.BackgroundParallaxAmount ?? 1.0f; } Example №2 42 V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. OsuScreenStack.cs 45
  33. private void onScreenChange(IScreen prev, IScreen next) { parallaxContainer.ParallaxAmount = ParallaxContainer.DEFAULT_PARALLAX_AMOUNT

    * ((IOsuScreen)next)?.BackgroundParallaxAmount ?? 1.0f; } Example №2 43 V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. OsuScreenStack.cs 45
  34. private void onScreenChange(IScreen prev, IScreen next) { parallaxContainer.ParallaxAmount = ParallaxContainer.DEFAULT_PARALLAX_AMOUNT

    * ((IOsuScreen)next)?.BackgroundParallaxAmount ?? 1.0f; } Example №2 44 V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. OsuScreenStack.cs 45
  35. private void onScreenChange(IScreen prev, IScreen next) { parallaxContainer.ParallaxAmount = ParallaxContainer.DEFAULT_PARALLAX_AMOUNT

    * ((IOsuScreen)next)?.BackgroundParallaxAmount ?? 1.0f; } Example №2 45 V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. OsuScreenStack.cs 45 x = (c * a) ?? b;
  36. private void onScreenChange(IScreen prev, IScreen next) { parallaxContainer.ParallaxAmount = ParallaxContainer.DEFAULT_PARALLAX_AMOUNT

    * ((IOsuScreen)next)?.BackgroundParallaxAmount ?? 1.0f; } Example №2 47 V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. OsuScreenStack.cs 45 x = (c * a) ?? b;
  37. private void onScreenChange(IScreen prev, IScreen next) { parallaxContainer.ParallaxAmount = ParallaxContainer.DEFAULT_PARALLAX_AMOUNT

    * (null)?.BackgroundParallaxAmount ?? 1.0f; } Example №2 48 V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. OsuScreenStack.cs 45 x = (c * a) ?? b;
  38. private void onScreenChange(IScreen prev, IScreen next) { parallaxContainer.ParallaxAmount = ParallaxContainer.DEFAULT_PARALLAX_AMOUNT

    * null ?? 1.0f; } Example №2 49 V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. OsuScreenStack.cs 45 x = (c * null) ?? b;
  39. private void onScreenChange(IScreen prev, IScreen next) { parallaxContainer.ParallaxAmount = null

    ?? 1.0f; } Example №2 50 V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. OsuScreenStack.cs 45 x = null ?? b;
  40. private void onScreenChange(IScreen prev, IScreen next) { parallaxContainer.ParallaxAmount = 1.0f;

    } Example №2 51 V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. OsuScreenStack.cs 45 x = b;
  41. private void onScreenChange(IScreen prev, IScreen next) { parallaxContainer.ParallaxAmount = ParallaxContainer.DEFAULT_PARALLAX_AMOUNT

    * ((IOsuScreen)next)?.BackgroundParallaxAmount ?? 1.0f; } Example №2 53 V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. OsuScreenStack.cs 45
  42. private void onScreenChange(IScreen prev, IScreen next) { parallaxContainer.ParallaxAmount = ParallaxContainer.DEFAULT_PARALLAX_AMOUNT

    * (((IOsuScreen)next)?.BackgroundParallaxAmount ?? 1.0f); } Example №2 54 V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. OsuScreenStack.cs 45 x = c * (a ?? b);
  43. private void onScreenChange(IScreen prev, IScreen next) { parallaxContainer.ParallaxAmount = ParallaxContainer.DEFAULT_PARALLAX_AMOUNT

    * (null?.BackgroundParallaxAmount ?? 1.0f); } Example №2 55 V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. OsuScreenStack.cs 45 x = c * (a ?? b);
  44. private void onScreenChange(IScreen prev, IScreen next) { parallaxContainer.ParallaxAmount = ParallaxContainer.DEFAULT_PARALLAX_AMOUNT

    * (null ?? 1.0f); } Example №2 56 V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. OsuScreenStack.cs 45 x = c * (null ?? b);
  45. private void onScreenChange(IScreen prev, IScreen next) { parallaxContainer.ParallaxAmount = ParallaxContainer.DEFAULT_PARALLAX_AMOUNT

    * 1.0f; } Example №2 57 V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. OsuScreenStack.cs 45 x = c * b;
  46. private void onScreenChange(IScreen prev, IScreen next) { parallaxContainer.ParallaxAmount = ParallaxContainer.DEFAULT_PARALLAX_AMOUNT;

    } Example №2 58 V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. OsuScreenStack.cs 45 x = c * b;
  47. TiXmlElement *pElem; .... pElem = hDoc.FirstChildElement().Element(); if (!pElem) { printf("No

    valid root! Corrupt level file?\n"); } pElem->QueryIntAttribute("version", &version); Example №1 60
  48. TiXmlElement *pElem; .... pElem = hDoc.FirstChildElement().Element(); if (!pElem) { printf("No

    valid root! Corrupt level file?\n"); } pElem->QueryIntAttribute("version", &version); Example №1 61 V1004 The 'pElem' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 1739, 1744. editor.cpp 1744
  49. TiXmlElement *pElem; .... pElem = hDoc.FirstChildElement().Element(); if (!pElem) { printf("No

    valid root! Corrupt level file?\n"); return; } pElem->QueryIntAttribute("version", &version); Example №1 62 V1004 The 'pElem' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 1739, 1744. editor.cpp 1744
  50. TiXmlElement *pElem; .... pElem = hDoc.FirstChildElement().Element(); if (!pElem) { printf("No

    valid root! Corrupt level file?\n"); return; // You could also use throw } pElem->QueryIntAttribute("version", &version); Example №1 63 V1004 The 'pElem' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 1739, 1744. editor.cpp 1744
  51. ▪ Programmers could avoid errors using static analysis ▪ The

    illustrated examples are just the tip of the iceberg Conclusion 74