Make your and other programmers' life easier with static analysis (Unreal Engine 4)
The PVS-Studio team talks about how to use static analysis to look for code errors in the Unreal Engine 4 game engine.
Here are our results of checking Unreal Engine 4 with PVS-Studio:
call the Unreal Build Tool ▪ Unreal Build Tool calls cl.exe (or clang for Linux builds) ▪ The analyzer cannot collect the parameters required for compilation because of all these layers Unreal Engine Build System 27
4 ▪ We analyzed each build ▪ In the morning, we got a new report with errors found ▪ What’s more, we could check the build right away How We Fixed Bugs 39
started using a continuous static code analysis, as we did ▪ Now they receive warnings about errors promptly ▪ As for us… we wrote another article :) Results 43
that moment you’ll get only new warnings ▪ Work on errors in new code only ▪ Don’t forget about hidden errors! Get back to them and fix one-by-one. How to Work with Suppress Files 54
Suppress file is committed to the version control system ▪ Changes are allowed only if they don’t increase warnings total number How to Work with Suppress Files 55