Running state [nginx] at time 13:12:03.314726 [INFO ] Executing state pkg.installed for nginx [INFO ] Executing command "dpkg-query --showformat='${Status} ${Package} $ {Version} ${Architecture}\n' -W" in directory '/home/pete' [INFO ] Executing command 'grep-available -F Provides -s Package,Provides -e "^.+ $"' in directory '/home/pete' [INFO ] Executing command 'apt-get -q update' in directory '/home/pete' [INFO ] Executing command ['apt-get', '-q', '-y', '-o', 'DPkg::Options::=--force- confold', '-o', 'DPkg::Options::=--force-confdef', 'install', 'nginx'] in directory '/home/pete' [INFO ] Executing command "dpkg-query --showformat='${Status} ${Package} $ {Version} ${Architecture}\n' -W" in directory '/home/pete' [INFO ] In stalled Packages: libgd3 changed from absent to 2.1.0-2 libxpm4 changed from absent to 1:3.5.10-1 ttf-dejavu-core changed from absent to 2.33+svn2514-3ubuntu1 nginx-common changed from absent to 1.4.1-3ubuntu1.3 libvpx1 changed from absent to 1.2.0-2 fonts-dejavu-core changed from absent to 2.33+svn2514-3ubuntu1 nginx-full changed from absent to 1.4.1-3ubuntu1.3 fontconfig-config changed from absent to 2.10.93-0ubuntu1 libxslt1.1 changed from absent to 1.1.28-2 libtiff5 changed from absent to 4.0.2-4ubuntu3 libjpeg-turbo8 changed from absent to 1.3.0-0ubuntu1.1 libjbig0 changed from absent to 2.0-2ubuntu1 nginx changed from absent to 1.4.1-3ubuntu1.3 libjpeg8 changed from absent to 8c-2ubuntu8 libfontconfig1 changed from absent to 2.10.93-0ubuntu1 ! [INFO ] Loading fresh modules for state activity [INFO ] Completed state [nginx] at time 13:13:32.491024