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Declarative business logic | ReactJS Norway

Declarative business logic | ReactJS Norway

Declarative code is more readable, but what is it really? How do we write it and what other benefits can it give us? In this presentation we will move far beyond the boring examples of declarative value transformation and see how we can build real complex business logic in a declarative manner.

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Sponsored by Stooic Labs (http://bit.ly/2oTE4dF)
Organizer: Domenico Solazzo (http://bit.ly/2jRxj8j)

ReactJS Norway

January 04, 2018

More Decks by ReactJS Norway

Other Decks in Programming


  1. const ul = document.createElement(‘ul’) const li = document.createElement(‘li’) li.innerHTML =

    ‘Foo’ ul.appendChild(li) <ul> <li>Foo</li> </ul> (Declarative) Developer to Developer (Imperative) Developer to Computer
  2. const user = new Object() user.name = ‘bob’ const list

    = new Array() list[0] = ‘apple’ Declarative Imperative const user = { name: ‘bob’ } const list = [ ‘apple’ ]
  3. 1. Run functions in a sequence 2. Run functions asynchronously

    3. Run functions in parallel 4. Run functions conditionally INTERPRETER
  4. 1. Set loading state 2. Get user success: Set user

    and notify success error: Set error and notify error 3. Unset loading state [ setLoading(true), getUser, { success: [setUser, notify(‘User loaded’, ‘success’)], error: [setError, notify(‘User error’, ‘error’)] }, setLoading(false), ]
  5. function run () { this.isLoading = true return http.get(‘/user’) .then((response)

    => { this.user = response.result notifier.add(‘User loaded’, ‘success’) this.isLoading = false }) .catch((error) => { this.error = error notifier.add(‘User error’, ‘error’) this.isLoading = false }) }
  6. app.get(‘/articles’, handle([ getUser, roleEquals, { admin: getAdminArticles, user: getUserArticles },

    sendArticles ])) export const initialize = thunk([ getUser, dispatch(SET_USER), parallel([ getProfile, getNotifications ]), dispatch(SET_APP_DATA) ]) export const initialize = [ getUser, set(state`auth.user`, props`user`), parallel([ getProfile, getNotes ]), set(state`app.profile`, props`profile`), set(state`app.notes`, props`notes`) ]
  7. execution:start function:start function:end function:start function:async function:end path:start sequence:start function:start function:end

    function:start function:end sequence:end path:end function:start function:end execution:end [ setLoading(true), getUser, { success: [setUser, notify(‘User loaded’, ‘success’)], error: [setError, notify(‘User error’, ‘error’)] }, setLoading(false), ]
  8. [ setLoading(true), getUser, { success: [setUser, notify(‘User loaded’, ‘success’)], error:

    [setError, notify(‘User error’, ‘error’)] }, setLoading(false), ] CRITICAL RENDER
  9. [ {type: ‘function’, name: ‘setLoading’}, {type: ‘function’, name: ‘getUser’}, {type:

    ‘path’, outputs: {} } {type: ‘function’, name: ‘setLoading’}, ]
  10. 1. Declarative improves developer to developer communication 2. Data structures

    are the holy grail of declarative 3. Interpret as business logic SUMMARY