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見てわかるテスト駆動開発 / TDD Workshop

August 19, 2021

見てわかるテスト駆動開発 / TDD Workshop

2021年度リクルート エンジニアコース新人研修の講義資料です


August 19, 2021

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  1.  ࣍ͷ໨ඪΛߟ͑Δ  ͦͷ໨ඪΛࣔ͢ςετΛॻ͘  ͦͷςετΛ࣮ߦࣦͯ͠ഊͤ͞Δ 3FE   ໨తͷίʔυΛॻ͘

     Ͱॻ͍ͨςετΛ੒ޭͤ͞Δ (SFFO   ςετ͕௨Δ··ͰϦϑΝΫλϦϯάΛߦ͏ 3FGBDUPS   ̍ʙΛ܁Γฦ͢ 5%%ͷαΠΫϧ
  2. Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to

    100. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”. ͔Β·Ͱͷ਺ΛϓϦϯτ͢ΔϓϩάϥϜΛॻ͚ɻ ͨͩ͠ͷഒ਺ͷͱ͖͸਺ͷ୅ΘΓʹň'J[[ʼnͱɺͷഒ ਺ͷͱ͖͸ň#V[[ʼnͱϓϦϯτ͠ɺͱ྆ํͷഒ਺ͷ৔ ߹ʹ͸ň'J[[#V[[ʼnͱϓϦϯτ͢Δ͜ͱɻ http://tickletux.wordpress.com/2007/01/24/using-fizzbuzz-to-find-developers-who-grok-coding/ http://www.aoky.net/articles/jeff_atwood/why_cant_programmers_program.htm σϞ'J[[#V[[໰୊ % &. 0
  3. '"2