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OCB AMA: Introducing the Migration Toolkit for ...

OCB AMA: Introducing the Migration Toolkit for Virtualization (MTV) - Miguel Perez Colino (Red Hat)

Join this briefing and learn how to Migrate virtual machines to OpenShift Virtualization using Red Hat’s new Migration Toolkit for Virtualization (MTV) which is now available as a tech preview. MTV allows customers to migrate virtual machines at scale from VMware vSphere to OpenShift Virtualization in a few simple steps. The tooling provides source and destination credentials, maps infrastructures, and will even detect potential compatibility issues allowing customers to perform rapid and comprehensive migrations while minimizing time to value with Kubernetes-orchestrated OpenShift virtualization.

Red Hat Livestreaming

March 09, 2021

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  1. Migration Toolkit for Virtualization Miguel Pérez Colino Product Manager Cloud

    Platforms BU miguel@redhat.com How to accelerate your path to open hybrid cloud
  2. Containers are not Virtual Machines MIGRATION TOOLKIT FOR VIRTUALIZATION 3

    Infrastructure Operating System App 1 App 3 App 2 Hypervisor Guest OS Guest OS Guest OS Infrastructure Virtualization Containerization App 1 App 3 App 2 • Containers are process isolation • Kernel namespaces provide isolation and cgroups provide resource controls • No hypervisor needed for containers • Contain only binaries, libraries, and tools which are needed by the application • Ephemeral Operating System
  3. Virtual Machines can be put into containers MIGRATION TOOLKIT FOR

    VIRTUALIZATION 4 • A KVM virtual machine is a process • Containers encapsulate processes • Both have the same underlying resource needs: ◦ Compute ◦ Network ◦ (sometimes) Storage Hypervisor Guest OS Infrastructure Virtualization on Containers App 1 App 3 App 2 Operating System
  4. OpenShift Virtualization 5 • Virtual machines ◦ Running in containers

    ◦ Using the KVM hypervisor • Scheduled, deployed, and managed by Kubernetes • Integrated with container orchestrator resources and services ◦ Traditional Pod-like SDN connectivity and/or connectivity to external VLAN and other networks via multus ◦ Persistent storage paradigm (PVC, PV, StorageClass)
  5. Factory Process for Moving to Red Hat VMs & Containers

    Migration Analytics Tooling What if we can automatically convert VMware Images to KVM Images, compatible with OpenShift Virtualization?. This would dramatically lower the cost of migrating as the workload does not need to be re-architected / developed to containers. Over time, workloads moved to OpenShift as Virtual Machines may be modernized to Containers, or retained as VMs in OpenShift. OpenShift Containers VMware Virtual Machine Over Time Immediate Bare Metal
  6. System / OpenShift Project System / OpenShift Project System /

    OpenShift Project Allows Modernizing Applications Iteratively OpenShift VMware Virtual Machine Apache Database Websphere Websphere Weblogic Apache Containers Apache Database Websphere Websphere Weblogic Apache Apache Database Websphere Websphere JBoss Apache System / OpenShift Project Apache Database Websphere Websphere JBoss Apache OpenShift Virtual Machine Containers OpenShift Virtual Machine Containers OpenShift Virtual Machine Containers MODERNIZE MODERNIZE MODERNIZE SHIFT VM CONTAINER
  7. Replatform (As VMs & Containers) Refactor (As Containers) Repurchase (As

    Containers) Rehost (New Hardware, Existing Platform) Retain (Existing Hardware & Platform) Retire (Retire Workload) Modernization Complete Modernize Repackage as Containers, Rearchitect, Decompose, Microservices, Serverless OpenShift Project Repurchase Repurchase ISV/COTS OpenShift Project Automated Migration Schedule Migration Execute Migration OpenShift Project Test in OpenShift Assess Workloads Further Enhance? Strategic Non-Strategic Deploy to Production OpenShift Migration Analytics, Pathfinder 6-R Framework for Modernizing with OpenShift
  8. 6-R Framework Time To Realize Migration Costs Operating Costs Business

    Benefit Comments • • Workloads is sunset and has limited value to move and modernize. •• •• ••••• •• Rehost on a new deployment of the existing platform. This takes a short amount of time, and has low migration costs, but also has little business benefit as this is considered business as usual and not modernization. ••••• Retaining the workload on the existing platform has virtually no time or cost, but typically has a more expensive cost to operate than open source solutions, and doesn’t provide the business benefits of a hybrid solution to provide developers the flexibility to build new applications with modern patterns. •• • ••• •••• One hyper-converged, open source, VM & container platform reduces operating costs; business is benefited by having the ability to deploy VM solution with modern containers to drive innovation. Self-service for VMs drives availability of platform for business innovation. •••• ••• • ••••• As legacy applications are containerized, they can be iteratively refactored to realize decreased time to market for new development, leveraging concepts like microservices strategies. Refactoring may also include upgrading technologies to lighter weight, modern, and more cost effective open source solutions. ••• ••• •• •••• For commercial off the shelf solutions, moving to containers may be realized through upgrading the vendor product to the latest version. While this takes time to realize and cost, it can be aligned to end-of-life schedules for COTS providers. Costs & Benefits of Change Retire (Retire Workload) Rehost (New Hardware, Existing Platform) Retain (Existing Hardware & Platform) Replatform (As VMs) Refactor (As Containers) Repurchase (As Containers) The following table explores the costs and benefits to your business, comparing business-as-usual to modernizing platforms and workloads to OpenShift for containers and virtual machines. As Usual Modernize
  9. Replatform Refactor Rehost (Existing Platform) Repurchase (As Containers) Retain (Existing

    Hardware & Platform) Retire (Retire Workload) Existing Applications & Infrastructure Automated Tooling for Migrating to Kubernetes Forklift Crane Migrate applications between Kubernetes clusters Migrate virtual machines to Kubernetes (KubeVirt) Move2Kube Migrate containers from alternative container orchestration to Kubernetes Windup Analyze Java Applications for modernization Pathfinder Assess Applications for Container Suitability
  10. Upstream konveyor.io project Migration Toolkits crane forklift tackle Move2Kube pelorus

    ... MTC Migration Toolkit for Containers MTV Migration Toolkit for Virtualization MTA Migration Toolkit for Applications
  11. MIGRATION TOOLKIT FOR VIRTUALIZATION Migration at scale of Virtual Machines

    to OpenShift Virtualization Mass Migration of VMs Migrate virtual machines at scale to OpenShift Virtualization in a few simple steps. Provide source and destination credentials, map infrastructure, and create migration plans
  12. 16 The providers section allows you to configure the credentials

    for your source and destination clusters. Multiple source and destinations can be added, and your overall provider information can also optionally be uploaded to cloud.redhat.com for additional information about your overall environment, helping you better plan your migration at scale. Provider configuration
  13. 17 Infrastructure mapping allows you to answer questions about source

    and destination of your VMs from a network and storage point of view. This can be configured once by your network and storage specialist, avoiding redundant questions during the execution of your migrations. Infrastructure mapping
  14. 18 MTV will introduce new on-premise migration analytic capabilities, helping

    you find potential migration issues before executing a migration. When selecting your virtual machines, MTV will automatically inform you of any known potential issue and provide information on how to solve this issue when possible. Virtual machines can be filtered down by names, folders or other parameters to review all VMs related to a specific applications. Migration plan
  15. 19 Most of the time, migrations are as simple as

    selecting your VMs and start your migration. That said, some automation can come to the rescue when needed. We call them "Migration Hooks". Hooks are ways to run an automation pod pre or post migration. A simple Ansible playbook can be provided, or any custom script in the language of your choice can also be provided as a container to run from your registry. Migration automation
  16. 20 Launch your migration, sit back and relax. We will

    keep you informed on our progress during the migration. Migration progress
  17. Migration Toolkit for Virtualization 22 Roadmap Timeline and Features Migration

    Toolkit for Virtualization 2.0 Beta MAR 2021 MAY 2021 Migration Toolkit for Virtualization 2.0 GA MIGRATION TOOLKIT FOR VIRTUALIZATION Beta GA Mass Migration of VMs Migrate virtual machines at scale to OpenShift Virtualization in a few simple steps. Provide source and destination credentials, map infrastructure, and create migration plans Warm Migration Migrate your Virtual Machines with reduced downtime by allowing disks to be copied before the final VM restart on OpenShift Pre-Migration Checks Detect potential compatibility issues before migrating so that you can ensure a successful migration
  18. linkedin.com/company/red-hat youtube.com/user/RedHatVideos facebook.com/redhatinc twitter.com/RedHat Red Hat is the world’s leading

    provider of enterprise open source software solutions. Award-winning support, training, and consulting services make Red Hat a trusted adviser to the Fortune 500. Thank you 26