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Carbon Offsets 101

Carbon Offsets 101

This essential introduction to carbon offsets covers the basics of how offsets work and provides an overview of the global voluntary market. The hour-long webinar will explain offset terms and definitions, project types, quality criteria, project standards and credit certification, and retail offset transactions and product certification. We will also cover the state of and trends in the voluntary marketplace, and an overview of different players in the market.

This webinar is designed for those who want a basic overview of the international over-the-counter (voluntary) carbon market, with special emphasis on offset project types and how offsetting is used to reduce the environmental impact of individual and organizational activities. Originally aired Wednesday, August 6, 2014 at 10:00 am PT with Todd Jones, Green-e Climate Manager

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  1. CARBON OFFSETS 101 Definitions, Projects, Players and Trends August 6,

    2014 Todd Jones, Green-e Climate Manager Center for Resource Solutions
  2. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Chemical Symbol Global Warming Potential (GWP) Carbon

    Dioxide CO2 1 Methane CH4 21 Nitrous Oxide N2 O 310 Hydrofluorocarbon HFC 140 - 11,700 Perfluorocarbon PFC 6,500-9,200 Sulfur Hexafluoride SF6 23,900
  3. Source: IPCC, AR 5, Working Group I, Summary for Policymakers,

    pg.14, http://www.climatechange2013.org/images/report/WG1AR5_SPM_FINAL.pdf
  4. Source: IPCC, AR 5, Working Group I, Summary for Policymakers,

    pg.18, http://www.climatecha nge2013.org/images/re port/WG1AR5_SPM_FI NAL.pdf
  5. Types of Carbon Markets Compliance Voluntary Emissions (allowances) 1 Cap-and-trade

    2 Voluntary Cap-and- trade Emissions Reductions (offsets) 3 Compliance Offsets 4 Offsets
  6. Carbon offset project Greenhouse gas emissions reduction Retail carbon offset

    Retail consumer Lifecycle of a Retail Offset Credits
  7. Carbon offset project Greenhouse gas emissions reduction Retail carbon offset

    Retail consumer Lifecycle of a Retail Offset Credits Project developers/ owners Project Standards and Certification Programs Offset Providers/ Retailers Project Registries Retail Offset Standards and Certification Programs Brokers and Exchanges Direct and wholesale purchasers
  8.  The American Carbon Registry  The Clean Development Mechanism

     The Climate Action Reserve  The Gold Standard  The Verified Carbon Standard Carbon offset project Greenhouse gas emissions reduction Retail carbon offset Retail consumer Carbon Offset Market - Oversight Registry account- holders/retailers
  9.  The American Carbon Registry  The Clean Development Mechanism

     The Climate Action Reserve  The Gold Standard  The Verified Carbon Standard Carbon offset project Greenhouse gas emissions reduction Retail carbon offset Retail consumer Carbon Offset Market - Oversight Registry account- holders/retailers • Retailers • Direct and Wholesale Purchasers • Permanence • Additionality • Verified • Enforceable • Real
  10.  The American Carbon Registry  The Clean Development Mechanism

     The Climate Action Reserve  The Gold Standard  The Verified Carbon Standard Carbon offset project Greenhouse gas emissions reduction Retail carbon offset Retail consumer Carbon Offset Market - Oversight Registry account- holders/retailers • Retailers • Direct and Wholesale Purchasers • Permanence • Additionality • Verified • Enforceable • Real
  11.  The American Carbon Registry  The Clean Development Mechanism

     The Climate Action Reserve  The Gold Standard  The Verified Carbon Standard Carbon offset project Greenhouse gas emissions reduction Retail carbon offset Retail consumer Carbon Offset Market - Oversight Registry account- holders/retailers • Permanence • Additionality • Verified • Enforceable • Real in Transparency & Oversight Gap
  12.  The American Carbon Registry  The Climate Action Reserve

     The Gold Standard  The Verified Carbon Standard Carbon offset project Greenhouse gas emissions reduction Retail carbon offset Retail consumer Carbon Offset Market - Oversight Registry account- holders/retailers • Permanence • Additionality • Verified • Enforceable • Real
  13.  The American Carbon Registry  The Climate Action Reserve

     The Gold Standard  The Verified Carbon Standard Carbon offset project Greenhouse gas emissions reduction Retail carbon offset Retail consumer Carbon Offset Market - Oversight Registry account- holders/retailers • Permanence • Additionality • Verified • Enforceable • Real Looks for the Green-e logo
  14. Endorsed Programs Endorsed Programs Endorsed Programs Retail Assurances 1. Offsets

    are supplied with verified emissions reductions and projects that meet a high standard of quality. P.A.V.E.R. 2. Emissions reductions are not being double-sold. Retirement of correct volumes and types of emissions reductions on behalf of customers based on an audit of sales and supply. Exclusive Ownership 3. Customers are given complete and accurate information about their purchase and are not mislead with inaccurate advertising. Disclosure
  15. • P.A.V.E.R. • Exclusive Retail Ownership • Disclosure  The

    American Carbon Registry  The Climate Action Reserve  The Gold Standard  The Verified Carbon Standard Carbon offset project Greenhouse gas emissions reduction Retail carbon offset Retail consumer Carbon Offset Market - Oversight Registry account- holders/retailers • Permanence • Additionality • Verified • Enforceable • Real Looks for the Green-e logo
  16. Carbon offset project Greenhouse gas emissions reduction Retail carbon offset

    Retail consumer Carbon Offset Market - Oversight Looks for the Green-e logo •Additionality •Permanence •Real •Ownership •Verified •Enforceable •Disclosure
  17. Carbon offset project Greenhouse gas emissions reduction Retail carbon offset

    Retail consumer Carbon Offset Market - Oversight Looks for the Green-e logo A .P.R.O.V.E.D.
  18. 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 2008 2009 2010

    2011 2012 preliminary 2013 metric tons CO2e Green-e Climate Growth* *Current Endorsed Programs only and controlling for outlying purchases.
  19. Green-e Climate Certified Sales 2012 57.25% 18.41% 13.65% 5.91% 3.99%

    0.43% 0.35% Project Types LFG Methane Coal Mine Methane Wind RE EE Forestry Solar RE Geothermal RE 83.74% 5.91% 3.99% 3.00% 3.00% 0.35% Project Location US South Africa Kenya China India Turkey
  20. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 MA OH NY

    OR CT CA WA NJ IL PA Top 10 Number of Customers by Location Green-e Climate Certified Sales 2012
  21. Todd Jones Green-e Climate Manager Center for Resource Solutions todd@resource-solutions.org

    CONTACT @greenemarktplc facebook.com/CenterForResourceSolutions