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Introduction to Green-e Energy

Introduction to Green-e Energy

A free webinar that explains the Green-e Energy certification program and how it works within the larger voluntary renewable energy market in North America. This webinar covers the basics of how renewable energy is generated, tracked, and sold; how Green-e Energy protects consumers by ensuring clear title to renewable energy purchases that are as advertised; and how consumers, businesses, and renewable energy sellers can become involved with Green-e Energy.

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  1. 1. About CRS and Green-e® 2. The Voluntary Market 3.

    The Value of Green-e® 4. Verification Procedures 5. Marketing and Claims 6. Get Certified Outline 2 Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  2. Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) creating policy and market solutions to advance

    sustainable energy since 1997. • Expert assistance • Renewable energy and climate policy • Renewable Energy Markets annual conference • Green-e® certification for suppliers and users of renewable energy and carbon offsets in the voluntary market About Center for Resource Solutions 3 Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  3. 5 Certifications for sellers… ü Utility green power programs ü

    Community solar ü RECs ü Competitive electricity products ü Carbon offsets ü Community choice aggregation ü Carbon offset natural gas programs ü Federally eligible Certifications for buyers… ü PPAs (delivered or virtual) ü On-site power ü Corporate purchasers ü Products manufacturing ü Conferences and trade shows ü EV charging stations ü Paper and printers Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  4. Voluntary Purchasing. Why? • Reduce GHGs and air pollution •

    Meet corporate sustainability goals • Scope 2 GHG Emissions Claims • Energy independence • Job creation • Promote sources of unlimited, emissions-free energy • Proven and effective compliment to policy drivers • Accelerate market development and help overcome market barriers Driving Demand 7 Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  5. Voluntary Product Types 8 Bundled Utility Green Pricing Competitive Electricity

    Direct PPAs Community Choice Aggregation Community/Shared Renewables On-site OR Unbundled RECs Direct RECs (VPPAs) Community Choice Aggregation (RECs) Brokers RECs must be included in ALL options Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  6. Voluntary Markets Need 9 • Real delivery of specified generation

    (attributes) • Consumer confidence • No double counting or double claiming • Ongoing interaction with regulatory structure • Regulatory surplus Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  7. Double Claims 10 [P]ublic statements or representations that directly or

    through implication confer the use of renewable electricity or any of the environmental attributes within the REC (including avoided emissions) to a party who is not the REC owner. The effect of a double claim is that the environmental benefits of that REC are counted twice, once by the legitimate REC owner and once by the other claimant, which can result in environmental benefits that are “double-counted.” (Explanation of Green-e® Energy Double Claims Policy, p.2-3). Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  8. The Value of Green-e® 11 Copyright © 2019 Center for

    Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  9. 12 Consumer protection and certification for voluntary renewable energy purchases

    Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  10. 13 • Certifies majority of the U.S. voluntary market •

    Chain of custody certification • Certify RE transactions and programs Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  11. Green-e® Energy and Consumer Protection 14 • The Reason for

    Green-e® Energy. Creating confidence in clean energy purchases. • Best Practices in standard setting. Independent Governance Board, stakeholder-driven standards and policies. Code of Conduct and customer disclosure requirements • Claims and the annual Verification process. Annual Verification of sales and claims, Marketing Compliance Review. • Other Standards Require Green-e®. Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  12. Green-e® Certification | Citations and Partners 15 Green-e® Citations: Green-e®

    Partners: § U.S. EPA § NRDC § Union of Concerned Scientists § CDP § World Resources Institute LEED points issued to new construction using Green-e® certified energy Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  13. The Value of Green-e® Energy: Ensuring Best Practices 16 GENERATION/

    SUPPLY à SALE à CUSTOMER 1. Customers were provided with the product promised to them. •Annual Verification of Supply and Sales. 2. Customers are given clear and accurate information about their purchase. •Disclosure when you buy: § Price, Terms & Conditions § Product Content Label •Marketing Compliance Review Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  14. Benefits of Green-e® Certification 17 • Provides risk reduction to

    all parties • Protects against double claims • Verifies product marketing claims • Meets diverse state-specific requirements • Support for multiple purchasing types • Demonstrates clean energy and climate leadership • Differentiates your company and product • Strengthens customer and employee loyalty • Integrates you into a community of leading organizations • Provides trusted 3rd party assurances Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  15. Green-e® Renewable Energy Standard 19 • Resource type • Date

    facility came on-line (New Date) • Vintage • No double counting / selling / claiming • GHG benefits must be included • Geographic restrictions • State-specific requirements and restrictions Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  16. Green-e® Energy Annual Verification 20 • Annual independent verification audit

    of supply and sales § Proof of sale • Internal reporting documents, invoices, contracts, etc. (A) § Sale details • Ensures clear ownership, no double counting • Chain of custody through attestations and tracking systems • Tracking Attestations § Submit online Tracking Attestations § Review by CRS Staff § Facility listed in Green-e® Energy Participant Portal Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  17. Green-e® Eligible ≠ Green-e® Certified 21 • Not the individual

    facility that is certified • The individual facility is not eligible; it is the generation that is eligible • Eligibility means that we have checked that the facility meets our standards and the RECs have not been claimed by other parties Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved. Green-e® eligible does not mean Green-e® certified Green-e® certifiable does not exist
  18. Growing Successful Renewable Energy Markets Requires 23 1. Real delivery

    of specified generation (attributes) 2. Consumer confidence 3. No double counting or double claiming 4. Ongoing interaction with regulatory structure 5. Regulatory surplus 6. Government support and recognition 7. Products that meet customer preferences and needs Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  19. Code of Conduct: Marketing and Claims 24 • Review of

    customer disclosure and marketing language • Required Product Content Label and product disclosures • Marketing material reviews • Accuracy in product advertising Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  20. Marketing Compliance Review (MCR) 25 Participant will submit: • Product

    details § Name, type, resource mix • Mailings • Upfront disclosures • Subscription Mechanisms • Marketing Materials (incl. social media) • Website • Logo use • Call Centers Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  21. Sign-Up for Green-e® Energy 26 Copyright © 2019 Center for

    Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  22. Submit Application to Green-e® Staff 28 1. Contract with Green-e

    2. Prospective Product Content Label (PPCL) 3. Price, Terms, and Conditions Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  23. 29 Western Region: Judy Chen [email protected] Midwest Region: Maggie Lund

    [email protected] Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Region: Miranda Domico [email protected] Southern Region: Pat Brewer [email protected] Copyright © 2019 Center for Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.
  24. NOTICE: This presentation is the copyrighted property of Center for

    Resource Solutions (CRS). It cannot be copied, reprinted or used in any way without permission of CRS. If you wish to obtain permission to use our copyrighted materials, please contact CRS at +1-415-561-2100 or [email protected]