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given - when, for business critical application...

given - when, for business critical applications (LPW2012)

What happens when you ask your boss about rewriting all the business critical applications of your company using the Perl programming language?
This talk was held as a lightning talk on the London Perl Workshop (#LPW2012)

Ulrich Habel

November 25, 2012

More Decks by Ulrich Habel

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  1. given ($_){ when ( ) { } } for mission

    critical applications? rhaen@cpan.org 1 Sonntag, 25. November 12
  2. BEGIN {...} Can we rewrite our mission critical applications and

    use Perl; -German version- Sonntag, 25. November 12
  3. given ($person) { when (/.../) { say "..." } default

    { say "Perl is for scripts only" } } Sonntag, 25. November 12
  4. when (/^consulting/) { say "Let's do this, would be cool.

    However, we might have problem to find enough devs."; } Sonntag, 25. November 12
  5. when (/^boss/) { say "If it's the right tool for

    the job and you can deliver fast, go for it! However, we might have problem to find enough developers for the job."; } Sonntag, 25. November 12
  6. we have... Mojolicious Catalyst DBIx::Class Dancer Moose Devel::Declare Template Toolkit

    Jifty Chart::Clicker AnyEvent Dist::Zilla Test::More SQL::Abstract Devel::NYTProf Devel::SizeMe Sonntag, 25. November 12
  7. END {...} • We have the tools • We are

    lacking developers • We are lacking evangelists Sonntag, 25. November 12
  8. Run a workshop • Show them beauty! Pick one example

    and run a workshop ~25 minutes (one minute for each year of Perl history) • Make clean and simple code snippets, put them in a public repository • „Make sure to visit German Perl Workshop!“ Sonntag, 25. November 12
  9. Examples • Moose (Object creation / Class Data) #!/usr/bin/env perl

    use Moose; • Mojolicious (CSS sel. and JSON pointers) $ mojo get http://yapc.org ‘title‘ • MooseX::App::Cmd (Bicycle-Workshop) Sonntag, 25. November 12
  10. __DATA__ • Thanks for the workshop #LPW2012 • Background Image:

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/orazal/ Contact me: rhaen@cpan.org Sonntag, 25. November 12