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Industrial Edge

Industrial Edge

Portfolio Architecture presentation of Industrial Edge Validated Pattern

Red Hat Validated Patterns

December 19, 2023

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  1. Industrial Edge Stefan Bergstein Sr. Solution Architect June 2022 Portfolio

    Architecture Ishu Verma Emerging Technology Evangelist William Henry Sr. Distinguished Engineer
  2. Tackling the challenges • Software driven production optimization • Real-time

    insights on factory data • Declarative configuration management for multi-tiered production lines • Leverage big data and ML technology for traceability and analytics
  3. Core Data Center Industrial Edge Introduction Secure GitOps and DevOps

    management across core and factory sites Provides real-time insights from edge to centralized sites Reducing maintenance costs Business Drivers Edge AI Application Container Images Factory Edge Management Edge Management Local Dashboard Sensor Data DevOps Management ML Model Training Sensor Data Stream Data Lake GitOps Management Open Hybrid Cloud Management Secrets
  4. Detail: Git Repository (Factory) Git Repository for storing: - Source

    code - Configuration - Manifest Input from: - Data science Output to: - CI/CD pipeline - Data science
  5. Detail: ML CI/CD Machine learning continuous integration/continuous development pipeline Input

    from: - Container tooling - SCM system - Image registry Output to: - Image registry
  6. Detail: Image registry (Core Data Center) Container image registry Input

    from: - CI/CD pipeline - Regitry.redhat.io Output to: - OCP registry
  7. Detail: Edge GitOps GitOps agent for cluster and application lifecycle

    management Input from: - Git repo - GitOps controller Output to: - Container control plane
  8. Detail: Edge Message Broker Multi-protocol message broker Input from: -

    Line data server - Container control plane Output to: - MQTT integration - Messaging consumer
  9. Detail: Messaging Consumer Messaging consumer application Input from: - Edge

    message broker Output to: - Anomaly detection - Dashboard
  10. Detail: Distributed Streaming (Factory) Pub/sub message broker, data replication Input

    from: - MQTT integration - Stream processor Output to: - Stream processor - Distributed streaming (cloud)
  11. Detail: Distributed Streaming (Core Data Center) Pub/sub message broker Input

    from: - Distributed streaming (factory) Output to: - Event stream integration
  12. Detail: MQTT Integration Kubernetes native integration framework Input from: -

    Edge message broker Output to: - Distributed streaming
  13. Detail: Anomaly Detection Artificial Intelligence/Machine learning model execution with real

    time data Input from: - Image registry - Messaging consumer Output to: - Dashboard
  14. Detail: Line Data Server Edge gateway or edge server interacting

    with IoT devices Input from: - Sensor Output to: - Edge message broker
  15. Detail: Data Lake Persistent data store for edge data Input

    from: - Firewall - Device data Output to: - Device control - Firewall