rights reserved. Challenge 1: PII Personal identifiable information (PII) – For example, SSN, passport number, credit card number • Well-defined • Easy to identify, remove Amazon Macie
rights reserved. Challenge 2: Usability tradeoff For example, joint member promotion between airline and hotel Flights taken Passport no. Passport no. Nights stayed 10 123456789 123456789 1 1 987654321 987654321 20 8 112233445 112233445 15 Airline Hotel
rights reserved. Flights taken Passport no. Passport no. Nights stayed 10 123456789 123456789 1 1 987654321 987654321 20 8 112233445 112233445 15 Airline Hotel Challenge 2: Usability tradeoff For example, joint member promotion between airline and hotel PII Impossible to collaborate