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Building Security Data Lake

Richard Fan
December 13, 2023

Building Security Data Lake

vBrownBag podcast
Building Security Data Lake


Richard Fan

December 13, 2023

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  1. EXPRESSVPN Richard Fan Security Engineer from ExpressVPN A Builder and

    Tech advocate AWS Community Builder • https://dev.to/richardfan1126 • https://medium.com/@richardfan1126 • https://github.com/richardfan1126 Who am I?
  2. EXPRESSVPN Why do we need Security logs? • Detect threat

    • Incident response • Compliance • Vulnerability management Security Data
  3. EXPRESSVPN Security Data Storing (or Not storing) locally • No

    correlation • Difficult to track • Time consuming during incident response Send to SIEM • Centralized • Analytics / threat detection • Strong query capability Capturing security logs
  4. EXPRESSVPN The growing amount/complexity of security logs • Shift-left •

    Adoption of cloud • 2 common approaches ◦ Drop less-important events ◦ Scale-up SIEM and send all events to it Security Data
  5. EXPRESSVPN SIEM is not an ultimate solution • Too expensive

    • Short retention period • Difficult to integrate with other data processor Security Data
  6. EXPRESSVPN Data Lake comes in Data Lake • Store data

    in large scale • Centralize data repository • Turn raw data into useful data • NOT a data archive • NOT a database (Security) Data Lake Security Data Lake • Threat detection • Event context • Real-time alert
  7. EXPRESSVPN How to start? • Identify all your data sources

    • Identify ingestion methods • Evaluate your situation ◦ Engineering ◦ Threat hunting ◦ SIEM options • Decide where SIEM fits in Data Lake
  8. EXPRESSVPN Data lake to SIEM SIEM to Data lake Data

    Lake SIEM in Security data lake
  9. EXPRESSVPN Detection as Code • Better documentation • Code repository

    / Code Review (GitOps) • Common language • Vendor agnostic Threat hunting
  10. EXPRESSVPN How do we build security data lake? Technology •

    Ingestion • Storage ◦ S3 • Analytics • Detection-as-code ◦ Sigma Our story
  11. EXPRESSVPN How do we build security data lake? Company •

    SOC team • IT team • Security Engineering team • Cross-team collaboration • Security knowledge Our story
  12. EXPRESSVPN Takeaway • Evaluate your current state • Start small

    • Estimate cost • Embrace IaC / DaC • Don’t forget about people Our story