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Of Servers and Things

Of Servers and Things

Aug 2014

Rich Miller

August 08, 2014

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Currently - VantageDB1 Epicor application servers Progress database back end

    Purchased fall of 2007 Windows Server 2003 R2 4 GB addressable ram Vantage 8.03.404bp released 30Mar2008 Database size 8.2GB
  2. Limitations & Risks of VantageDB1 Invoice processing not timely Writes

    and any table scans are slow Single point of failure No growth capacity
  3. Alternatives till Epicor 10 1. Port server to new hardware

    SSD Difficult, drivers and progress balky 2. Physical to Virtual clone VantageDB1 Exact copy preserves configuration May run faster after tuning Provides options for path forward
  4. Steps for Physical to Virtual 1. Take image of current

    server 2. Bring that image up in Hyper-V 3. Set cores, memory, drivers 4. Run Progress Database 5. Run Vantage App Servers 6. Run Backup and Restore 7. Connect with Client
  5. Next Steps 1. Make Virtual DB 1 faster 2. Test

    for Production use 3. Clone it again, now there are two 4. Upgrade clone in place to V8.03.410 5. Go into production on V8.03.410 Or fall back to your working V8.03.404
  6. Server for Epicor 10 Took us a while to get

    here Buy a big server and run Hyper-V Host V8 final in production Host E10 in development Host E10 in production