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New Cassandra 3 features that change your (deve...

Riga Dev Day
March 13, 2016

New Cassandra 3 features that change your (developer) life by DuyHai Doan

Riga Dev Day

March 13, 2016

More Decks by Riga Dev Day


  1. @doanduyhai Who Am I ? Duy Hai DOAN Apache Cassandra

    Evangelist •  talks, meetups, confs … •  open-source projects (Achilles, Apache Zeppelin ...) •  OSS Cassandra point of contact ☞ [email protected] ☞ @doanduyhai 2
  2. @doanduyhai Datastax •  Founded in April 2010 •  We contribute

    a lot to Apache Cassandra™ •  400+ customers (25 of the Fortune 100), 400+ employees •  Headquarter in San Francisco Bay area •  EU headquarter in London, offices in France and Germany •  Datastax Enterprise = OSS Cassandra + extra features 3
  3. @doanduyhai Agenda 4 •  Materialized Views •  JSON Support • 

    User Defined Functions (UDF) and Aggregates (UDA) •  New SASI full text search index
  4. @doanduyhai Why Materialized Views ? •  Relieve the pain of

    manual denormalization CREATE TABLE user(id int PRIMARY KEY, country text, …); CREATE TABLE user_by_country( country text, id int, …, PRIMARY KEY(country, id)); 6
  5. @doanduyhai CREATE TABLE user_by_country ( country text, id int, firstname

    text, lastname text, PRIMARY KEY(country, id)); Materialzed View In Action CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW user_by_country AS SELECT country, id, firstname, lastname FROM user WHERE country IS NOT NULL AND id IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY(country, id) 7
  6. @doanduyhai Materialized View Performance •  Write performance •  slower than

    normal write •  for each base table update, worst case: mv_count x 2 (DELETE + INSERT) extra mutations for the views 9
  7. @doanduyhai Materialized View Performance •  Write performance vs manual denormalization

    •  MV better because no client-server network traffic for read-before-write •  MV better because less network traffic for multiple views (client-side BATCH) •  Makes developer life easier à priceless 10
  8. @doanduyhai Materialized View Performance •  Read performance vs secondary index

    •  MV better because single node read (secondary index can hit many nodes) •  MV better because single read path (secondary index = read index + read data) 11
  9. @doanduyhai Materialized Views Consistency •  Consistency level •  CL honoured

    for base table, ONE for MV + local batchlog •  Weaker consistency guarantees for MV than for base table. 12
  10. @doanduyhai Why JSON ? 15 •  JSON is a terrible

    schema à no schema indeed •  But … a very good exchange format •  REST API •  technology agnostic
  11. @doanduyhai Why JSON ? 16 •  Classical data stream Application

    Server Cassandra R E S T HTTP GET /user/{id} SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?
  12. @doanduyhai Why JSON ? 17 •  Classical data stream Application

    Server Cassandra R E S T { id: 123, fn: 'John', ln: 'DOE', age: 33, … } Tabular format
  13. @doanduyhai The New Deal 18 •  Classical data stream Application

    Server Cassandra R E S T { id: 123, fn: 'John', ln: 'DOE', age: 33, … } { id: 123, fn: 'John', ln: 'DOE', age: 33, … }
  14. @doanduyhai Rationale •  Push computation server-side •  save network bandwidth

    (1000 nodes!) •  simplify client-side code •  provide standard & useful function (sum, avg …) •  accelerate analytics use-case (pre-aggregation for Spark) 22
  15. @doanduyhai How to create an UDF ? CREATE [OR REPLACE]

    FUNCTION [IF NOT EXISTS] [keyspace.]functionName (param1 type1 , param2 type2 , …) CALLED ON NULL INPUT | RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS returnType LANGUAGE language AS $$ // source code here $$; 23
  16. @doanduyhai How to create an UDF ? CREATE [OR REPLACE]

    FUNCTION [IF NOT EXISTS] [keyspace.]functionName (param1 type1 , param2 type2 , …) CALLED ON NULL INPUT | RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS returnType LANGUAGE language AS $$ // source code here $$; Param name to refer to in the code Type = Cassandra type 24
  17. @doanduyhai How to create an UDF ? CREATE [OR REPLACE]

    FUNCTION [IF NOT EXISTS] [keyspace.]functionName (param1 type1 , param2 type2 , …) CALLED ON NULL INPUT | RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS returnType LANGUAGE language // j AS $$ // source code here $$; Always called Null-check mandatory in code 25
  18. @doanduyhai How to create an UDF ? CREATE [OR REPLACE]

    FUNCTION [IF NOT EXISTS] [keyspace.]functionName (param1 type1 , param2 type2 , …) CALLED ON NULL INPUT | RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS returnType LANGUAGE language // jav AS $$ // source code here $$; If any input is null, function execution is skipped and return null 26
  19. @doanduyhai How to create an UDF ? CREATE [OR REPLACE]

    FUNCTION [IF NOT EXISTS] [keyspace.]functionName (param1 type1 , param2 type2 , …) CALLED ON NULL INPUT | RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS returnType LANGUAGE language AS $$ // source code here $$; Cassandra types •  primitives (boolean, int, …) •  collections (list, set, map) •  tuples •  UDT 27
  20. @doanduyhai How to create an UDF ? CREATE [OR REPLACE]

    FUNCTION [IF NOT EXISTS] [keyspace.]functionName (param1 type1 , param2 type2 , …) CALLED ON NULL INPUT | RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS returnType LANGUAGE language AS $$ // source code here $$; JVM supported languages •  Java, Scala •  Javascript (slow) •  Groovy, Jython, JRuby •  Clojure ( JSR 223 impl issue) 28
  21. @doanduyhai User Defined Aggregates (UDA) •  Real use-case for UDF

    •  Aggregation server-side à huge network bandwidth saving •  Provide similar behavior for Group By, Sum, Avg etc … 30
  22. @doanduyhai How to create an UDA ? CREATE [OR REPLACE]

    AGGREGATE [IF NOT EXISTS] [keyspace.]aggregateName(type1 , type2 , …) SFUNC accumulatorFunction STYPE stateType [FINALFUNC finalFunction] INITCOND initCond; Only type, no param name State type Initial state type 31
  23. @doanduyhai How to create an UDA ? CREATE [OR REPLACE]

    AGGREGATE [IF NOT EXISTS] [keyspace.]aggregateName(type1 , type2 , …) SFUNC accumulatorFunction STYPE stateType [FINALFUNC finalFunction] INITCOND initCond; Accumulator function. Signature: accumulatorFunction(stateType, type1 , type2 , …) RETURNS stateType 32
  24. @doanduyhai How to create an UDA ? CREATE [OR REPLACE]

    AGGREGATE [IF NOT EXISTS] [keyspace.]aggregateName(type1 , type2 , …) SFUNC accumulatorFunction STYPE stateType [FINALFUNC finalFunction] INITCOND initCond; Optional final function. Signature: finalFunction(stateType) 33
  25. @doanduyhai Gotchas 35 •  UDA in Cassandra is not distributed

    ! •  Execute UDA on a large number of rows (106 for ex.) •  single fat partition •  multiple partitions •  full table scan •  à Increase client-side timeout •  default Java driver timeout = 12 secs
  26. @doanduyhai Cassandra UDA or Apache Spark ? 36 Consistency Level

    Single/Multiple Partition(s) Recommended Approach ONE Single partition UDA with token-aware driver because node local ONE Multiple partitions Apache Spark because distributed reads > ONE Single partition UDA because data-locality lost with Spark > ONE Multiple partitions Apache Spark definitely
  27. @doanduyhai SASI index, the search is over! •  Why ?

    •  How ? •  Who ? •  Demo ! •  When ?
  28. @doanduyhai Why SASI ? •  Searching (and full text search)

    was always a pain point for Cassandra •  limited search predicates (=, <=, <, > and >= only) •  limited scope (only on primary key columns) •  Existing secondary index performance is poor •  reversed-index •  use Cassandra itself as index storage … •  limited predicate ( = ). Inequality predicate = full cluster scan 39
  29. @doanduyhai How ? •  New index structure = suffix trees

    •  Extended predicates (=, inequalities, LIKE %) •  Full text search (tokenizers, stop-words, stemming …) •  Query Planner to optimize AND predicates •  NO, we don’t use Apache Lucene 40
  30. @doanduyhai When ? •  Cassandra 3.4 released in March 2016

    •  Later •  support for OR clause : ( aaa OR bbb) AND (ccc OR ddd) •  index on collections (Set, List, Map) 43