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Kubernetes - The new platform

Kubernetes - The new platform

Asturias Hacking - Jan 2018

Raúl Naveiras

January 04, 2017

More Decks by Raúl Naveiras

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  1. A group of one or more containers co-located, co-schedule, run

    in a shared context Pod Pod Web Server Consumers
  2. contains one or more application containers which are relatively tightly

    couple Pod File Puller Web Server Volume Consumers Content Pod
  3. Pods have IPs which are routable No brokering of port

    numbers Pod Pod Networking Pod Pod
  4. Identify attributes of objects that are meaningful and relevant to

    users Can be used to Organize and to select subject of objects Labels
  5. Equality-based requirement Set-based requirement Label Selector env = production tier

    != web env in (production, qa) tier notin (web, worker) tenant !tenant
  6. A logical grouping of pods that perform the same function

    It has a unique stable Virtual IP Service Pod Pod Pod Service Client VIP tier = web tier = web tier = web label selector: tier = web
  7. High Level Design nodes master users kubelet kubelet kubelet kubectl

    etcd apiserver scheduler controller manager
  8. Namespaces Secrets ConfigMaps HPA Ingress Resources Jobs DaemonSets Cron Jobs

    Volumes Persistent Volumes Resource Quotas Network Polices
  9. Security Context Pod Security Polices Service Accounts RBAC Third Party

    Resources Node affinity and anti-affinity Multi-scheduler support Device scheduling (e.g. GPUS)