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OWIN - Oh my... what´s that and why should I care?

OWIN - Oh my... what´s that and why should I care?

Presenation hold at WebNetConf.eu in October 2012 Italy:
Learn more about the OWIN Spec, the development community around it and what frameworks are using it. In this talk I will give you a overview of the current state of OWIN, the idea behind it, the relationship with other Web Framework Stacks, implementations of OWIN in famous frameworks like NancyFx or SignalR and where you can host "OWIN-Apps".

Robert Muehsig

October 20, 2012

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  1. OWIN Oh my... what´s that and why should I care?

    Robert Muehsig @robert0muehsig
  2. Who am I? Former Employer T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH in

    Dresden, Germany* *Moved in August to Switzerland
  3. Ruby «Rack» Rack defines an Interface Implemented by different Hosts:

    WEBrick Mongrel Passenger for nginx & Apache …
  4. «Katana Project» - the MS Glue Provide Adapters for: Microsoft

    Frameworks Microsoft Hosts Non-MS-Frameworks like NancyFx *NancyFx will support OWIN nativly
  5. Middleware… so easy: private static Func<IDictionary<string, object>, Task> LogRequests(Func<IDictionary<string, object>,

    Task> next) { return env => { var output = Dict.Get(env, "host.TraceOutput", () => Console.Out); output.WriteLine( "{0} {1}{2} {3}", env["owin.RequestMethod"], env["owin.RequestPathBase"], env["owin.RequestPath"], env["owin.RequestQueryString"]); return next(env); }; }