per GB in 1980 to 8 dollars per GB in 2015. During the same period the amount of possible RAM in a single commodity server has increased from around one MB to 2 TB. 99% of all OLTP databases are < 1TB – Michael Stonebraker This means your data fits in RAM. RAM in the Cloud as per 2015-06-01 R3.8xlarge 32 cores, 244 GB Azure 112GB 2
convenience store down the block and back is 400 meters. 40000 km = circumference of the earth To give you some perspective... So why isn’t in-memory the default? Next slide... 4
slower, it is more complex. More layers and subsystems that take time and cost money to develop and maintain. Some concrete examples problems: • Moving data back and forth – takes time. Also concurrency issues when using CRUD pattern • Dual domain models – you have to models to maintain, the object-oriented domain model and the data model • Mapping – Object/relational mapping between the 2 models • Caching – A disk based db is so slow that you need a cache, now you have 3 models to maintain and cache validation problems. • Source control of database objects • Database migrations • Debugging stored procedures • Concurrency bugs due to default isolation level of read committed • Concurrency bugs and deadlocks due to explicit transaction management 5
processes write transactions, how the log works, Logical structure of data pages, b-trees, the buffer pool, buffer manager, checkpoints etc. Each table is stored as either a b-tree or heap. Each secondary index is also represented as a b-tree. 8 While processing write transactions. the RDBMS writes new, deleted, original and modified data pages (of each table and index affected) to the transaction log. This is called effect logging. During periodic checkpoints, the data files are updated to reflect changes since the previous checkpoint. Data pages required by queries and transactions must be present in memory (buffer pool). Disk I/O is the main bottleneck in an RDBMS system. Every aspect of the design and 6
highly optimized and evolved for over 30 years. But the premises true att the time when the architecture was conceptualized no longer hold. Your data fits in RAM. 7
in-memory? How do we achieve durability, the D in ACID? The short answer: Write the operations to a log, similar to the transaction log in an RDBMS but log the operations themselves, not the effect. Current state of a system is a function of the previous state and the most recent operation applied to it. If we know the complete sequence of operations and the initial state, the current (and any intermediate) state can be reconstructed. • OrigoDB state is an object graph defined using NET types and collections • The initial state is either provided by the user or created by calling a default constructor • The entire sequence of operations is persisted to the journal • The system is restored during startup by re-applying the operations to the initial state • Operations must be deterministic and side effect free 9
is not a new concept at all. Disk-based systems use it to persist transactions until the actual data is written to disk, some systems use it for replication. OrigoDB is nearly identical to Prevayler. Both have user-defined transactions, queries and in-memory model defined with a java and C# respectively. Both achieve persistence by logging and (optional in the case of OrigoDB) snapshots. Martin Fowler calls the pattern ”Memory Image”, Klaus Wuestefeld, founder of Prevayler, calls it System Prevalance. Redis is similar to OrigoDB in that data is in-memory only and uses logging for persistence. Redis differs by having a predefined key/value store model where values can be simple values or complex data structures. And of course redis is written in highly-optimized C with superior performance. Event Sourcing, coined by Greg Young, is an extension to Domain Driven Design where the state of a single Aggregate is defined by a sequence of Domain Events. One could say that OrigoDB is an event sourced single aggregate. 10
are OrigoDB components that your application interacts with. Peach colored things are things that you define or derive from. • In-memory database engine/server • Code and data in same process • Write-ahead command logging and snapshots • Open Source single DLL for NET/Mono • Commercial server with mirror replication In-memory In-memory object graph, user defined. Probably collections, entities and references. Your choice. Is it a database? yes. Is it an object database? yes. Is it a graph database? Yes. DatabaseLinq queries. Toolkit • Flexible, configurable, kernels, storage, data model, persistence modes, formatting • Bring your own model. – this is key. 11
VoltDB, Raven • Naming. LiveDomain -> LiveDB -> OrigoDB What is OrigoDB? OrigoDB is an in-memory database toolkit. The core component is the Engine. The engine is 100% ACID, runs in-process and hosts a user defined data model. The data model can be domain specific or generic and is defined using plain old NET types. Persistence is based on snapshots and write-ahead command logging to the underlying storage. The Model • is an instance of the user defined data model • lives in RAM only • is the data • is a projection of the entire sequence of commands applied to the initial model, usually empty. • can only be accessed through the engine The Client • has no direct reference to the model • interacts directly with the Engine either in-process or remote • or indirectly via a proxy with the same interface as the model • passes query and command objects to the engine The Engine The Engine encapsulates an instance of the model and is responsible for atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability. It performs the following tasks: • writes commands to the journal • executes commands and queries • reads and writes snapshots • restores the model on startup We call it a toolkit because you have a lot of options • Modelling - define your own model or use an existing one. Generic or domain specific. It’s up to you. • Storage - Default is FileStore. SqlStore or write your own module. • Data format - Choose wire and storage format by plugging in different IFormatter implementations. Binary, JSON, ProtoBuf, etc Read more in the docs on Extensibility Design goals Our initial design goals were focused on rapid development, testability, simplicity, correctness, modularity, flexibility and extensibility. Performance was never a goal but running in-memory with memory optimized data structures outperforms any disk oriented system. But of course a lot of optimization is possible. 11
is a single aggregrate and there is single stream om events, the commands that were executed. We call it command journaling. If the database only stores current state, then previous states and commands that caused the transitions to new states are lost. With command journaling you have a complete history of every single command that was executed. During system startup the commands in the journal are replayed but there are other benefits. It’s possible to restore to a specific command or point in time. This is useful if you need to discard commands and rollback. It’s also possible to step through the code in a debugger or execute a query at a given point in time. In some applications it’s necessary to keep an audit log of every single change made. With OrigoDB this is automatic. The journal contains every single command including parameters, when it was executed and who made the request. 12
Execute method passing a reference to the in-memory model. Command authoring guidelines • No side effects or external actions – like send an email • No external dependencies – like, random • Unhandled exceptions trigger rollback (full restore) • Call Command.Abort() to signal exception or throw CommandAbortedException • Immutable is good 14
configuration string in the application configuration file and a create either a local or remote client. If local, it will look for a journal in the current directory or App_Data when running in a web context. If no journal exists, it will create a new one. The returned object is an IEngine<T>. The engine is thread safe, just pass commands and queries to it and that’s it. Now go write some code! 16
in 250 lines of code OrigoDB GeoSpatial and GraphModel using QuickGraph ( 17