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React Nexus 2023 Talk

React Nexus 2023 Talk

Contains slides for React Nexus 2023.

Rohan Prasad

July 08, 2023

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  1. Rohan Prasad Fluent Design System + React Native Platforms #ReactNexus2023

    | @ReactNativeMSFT Software Engineer, Microsoft / rohanpdofficial
  2. #ReactNexus2023 | @ReactNativeMSFT React Native react-native iOS/android React Native macOS

    react-native-macos macOS React Native Windows react-native-windows Windows React Native for Desktop
  3. Can you tell which parts are built with React Native?

    #ReactNexus2023 | @ReactNativeMSFT
  4. Can you tell which parts are built with React Native?

    #ReactNexus2023 | @ReactNativeMSFT
  5. Lorenzo Sciandra @Chain React #ReactNexus2023 | @ReactNativeMSFT / @kelset “React

    Native is one of the safest bets in the entire opensource space” It’s all about community Senior Software Engineer, Microsoft React Native Maintainer
  6. Microsoft | Open Source Provides test app for all the

    supported platforms as a npm package React Native Component Library for the Fluent Design System Modern, scalable tools for React Native. Exceptional developer experience
  7. #ReactNexus2023 | @ReactNativeMSFT More Talks from Microsoft : Taking React

    Native to macOS - Saad Najmi Building for Microsoft - Chiara Mooney & Shiven Mian The work that you don’t see - Lorenzo Sciandra Raising the Bar: Our Journey Making RN a Preferred Choice - Tommy Nguyen Opensource Tools links : React Native for Desktop Website Fluent UI React Native React Native Test App RNX Kit aka.ms/reactnative aka.ms/rnblog aka.ms/reactnativevideos / rohanpdofficial