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麻瓜也能上手的爬說語:開源社 Python 實用入門 / Parseltongue for Muggles: Pratical Introduction of Python

Poren Chiang
December 02, 2016

麻瓜也能上手的爬說語:開源社 Python 實用入門 / Parseltongue for Muggles: Pratical Introduction of Python

“Parseltongue for Muggles: Pratical Introduction of Python”
2016/12/2 Talk @ NTU Open Source Community, Taipei, Taiwan.

Poren Chiang

December 02, 2016

More Decks by Poren Chiang

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  1. ߢ㾏
 ౯ฎভຣ犨կ Photo by Hiram Huang on Flickr, CC BY-SA

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 ̴̴ photo.height * 2 / 3)).resize((1024, 768)) 箜ਡਡ = ਡਡ.convert('L') 箜ਡਡ.save('Desktop/AARRR/БББ.jpg')
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 string b = “”; for (int

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