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Introduction to React.js

Introduction to React.js

My talk for Sofia Wordpress Meetup

Radoslav Stankov

September 22, 2015

More Decks by Radoslav Stankov

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  1. <div className="post-list"> <article className="post-item"> <button className="vote-button">{post.votesCount}</button> <div> <h1>{post.name}</h1> <p>{post.headline}</p> </div>

    <button className="comment-button">{post.commentsCount}</button> </article> <article className="post-item"> <button className="vote-button">{post.votesCount}</button> <div> <h1>{post.name}</h1> <p>{post.headline}</p> </div> <button className="comment-button">{post.commentsCount}</button> </article> <!—- more posts —-> </div>
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    React Element React Element React Element React Element React Element React Element
  3. Virtual Dom React Element React Element React Element React Element

    React Element React Element React Element React Element React Element React Element DOM Element DOM Element DOM Element DOM Element DOM Element
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  5. var PostList = React.createClass({ render: function() { var posts =

    this.props.posts.map(function(post) { return ( React.createElement("article", {className: "post-item"}, React.createElement("button", {className: "vote-button"}, post.vo React.createElement("div", null, React.createElement("h1", null, post.name), React.createElement("p", null, post.headline) ), React.createElement("button", {className: "comment-button"}, post ) ); }); return ( React.createElement("div", {className: "post-list"}, posts) ) } });
  6. var PostList = React.createClass({ render: function() { var posts =

    this.props.posts.map(function(post) { return ( <article className="post-item"> <button className="vote-button">{post.votesCount}</button> <div> <h1>{post.name}</h1> <p>{post.headline}</p> </div> <button className="comment-button">{post.commentsCount}</button> </article> ); }); return ( <div className="post-list"> {posts} </div> ) } });
  7. render() { if (this.props.results.length === 0) { return ( <strong>No

    results found</strong> ); } return this.props.results.map(function(result) { return ( <article> <h1>{result.name}</h1> <p>{result.headline}</p> <a href={result.link}>visit</a> </article> ); }); } Conditions
  8. <div ng-switch="results.length"> <div ng-switch-when="0"> <strong>No results found</strong> </div> <div ng-switch-default>

    <div ng-repeat="result in results track by result.id"> <article> <h1>{{result.name}}</h1> <p>{{result.headline}}</p> <a ng-href="{{result.link}}">visit</a> </article> </div> </div> </div> Conditions
  9. {{#if results}} {{#each result in results}} <article> <h1>{{result.name}}</h1> <p>{{result.headline}}</p> {{#link-to

    result.link}}visit{{/link-to}} </article> {{/each}} {{else}} <strong>No results found</strong> {{/if}} Conditions
  10. render() { if (this.props.results.length === 0) { return <EmptyMessage />

    } return <ResultsList results={this.props.results} /> } Components
  11. var PostList = React.createClass({ render: function() { var posts =

    this.props.posts.map(function(post) { return ( <article className="post-item"> <button className="vote-button">{post.votesCount}</button> <div> <h1>{post.name}</h1> <p>{post.headline}</p> </div> <button className="comment-button">{post.commentsCount}</button> </article> ); }); return ( <div className="post-list"> {posts} </div> ) } });
  12. var PostList = React.createClass({ render: function() { var posts =

    this.props.posts.map(function(post) { return <PostItem key={post.id} post={post} />; }); return ( <div className="post-list"> {posts} </div> ) } });
  13. var PostItem = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( <article

    className="post-item"> <button className="vote-button">{this.props.post.votesCount}</button> <div> <h1>{this.props.post.name}</h1> <p>{this.props.post.headline}</p> </div> <button className="comment-button">{this.props.post.commentsCount}</button> </article> ); } });
  14. var PostItem = React.createClass({ render: function() { var className =

    classNames('vote-button', {active: this.props.post.hasVoted}); return ( <article className="post-item"> <button className={className}>{this.props.post.votesCount}</button> <div> <h1>{this.props.post.name}</h1> <p>{this.props.post.headline}</p> </div> <button className="comment-button">{this.props.post.commentsCount}</button> </article> ); } });
  15. var PostItem = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { hasVoted:

    this.props.post.hasVoted, votesCount: this.props.post.votesCount, }; }, render: function() { var className = classNames('vote-button', {active: this.state.hasVoted}); return ( <article className="post-item"> <button className={className} onClick={this.handleVoteClick}>{this.state.votesCount}</button> <div> <h1>{this.props.post.name}</h1> <p>{this.props.post.headline}</p> </div> <button className="comment-button">{this.props.post.commentsCount}</button> </article> ); }, handleVoteClick: function () { var updatedPost = toggleVote(this.props.post); this.setState({ hasVoted: updatedPost.hasVoted, votesCount: updatedPost.votesCount, }); } });
  16. var PostItem = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( <article

    className="post-item"> <VoteButton post={this.props.post} /> <div> <h1>{this.props.post.name}</h1> <p>{this.props.post.headline}</p> </div> <button className="comment-button">{this.props.post.commentsCount}</button> </article> ); } });