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Online innovation

Online innovation

What is technological innovation and how
does it manifest itself in the marketplace?

What can ‘Google Wave’ teach us about
critical success factors for online innovation?

What is ‘Web as a Platform’ and what does it
mean for 21st century organizations?

Can we differentiate online innovation from
other forms of innovation?

Ryan Dellolio

February 03, 2012

More Decks by Ryan Dellolio

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Questions we will be exploring • What is technological innovation

    and how does it manifest itself in the marketplace? • What can ‘Google Wave’ teach us about critical success factors for online innovation? • What is ‘Web as a Platform’ and what does it mean for 21st century organizations? • Can we differentiate online innovation from other forms of innovation?
  2. Google Wave: A successful failure • Problem: Online collaboration is

    revolutionary, but current tools are incapable of maximizing the true potential for virtual collaborative productivity – Current tools include: E-mail, Instant messaging, Wikis, Shared documents • Solution: Topic-based rich media collaboration
  3. Google Wave: A successful failure • Combining – E-mail –

    IM – Wiki – Groupware – Social networking – Crowd editorials
  4. Google’s response “We have always pursued innovative projects because we

    want to drive breakthroughs in computer science that dramatically improve our users’ lives.” “…But despite these wins, and numerous loyal fans, Wave has not seen the user adoption we would have liked.” From ‘The Official Google Blog’ Aug 4, 2010 Update on Google Wave
  5. Conclusions • Users drive applications, not the other way around

    • Ideas are dime-a-dozen • The web is the communications platform of the future
  6. Web as a platform • Increased reliance on websites as

    information systems of choice • Web access becoming commonplace – Banking – Travel – Course registration • Network effect
  7. If the web is increasingly the platform of choice.. Then

    not only is the web VITAL to an organization’s well-being, but online innovation also increasingly directly affects any business.
  8. Organizational lessons • Adapt or be adapted • Be wary

    of technology s-curves. (Where might you not want to be?) • Users, users, users • Ideas without strategies rarely hold the keys to success (and success is how you measure it)