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Managing Higher education web development

Managing Higher education web development

Traps and tips

Ryan Dellolio

July 28, 2010

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    A N D E L L O L I O W E B P R O G R A M M A N A G E R T H E G E O R G E W A S H I N G T O N U N I V E R S I T Y C O L U M B I A N C O L L E G E O F A R T S A N D S C I E N C E S W A S H I N G T O N , D C G I V E N AT E D U W E B 2 0 1 0 J U LY 2 8 2 0 1 0 C H I C A G O , I L Towards the success of any higher education web project
  2. THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY 1821 University founded 25,000 Total students

    at all locations 3 Campuses 225,000 Alumni worldwide 9 Colleges and Schools
  3. WEB ACTIVITY AT GW University Colleges Departments Research Centers &

    Institutes Columbian College of Arts and Sciences 500+ faculty & researchers 3000 students 100+ staff University’s largest academic unit (Liberal Arts)
  4. Africana Studies American Studies Anthropology Applied Quantitative Risk Analysis Art

    Therapy Biochemistry Biological Sciences Biomedical Sciences Biostatistics Chemistry Classical and Semitic Languages and Literatures Classical Acting Counseling Early Modern European Studies East Asian Languages and Literatures Economics English Environmental Studies Environmental Resource Policy Epidemiology Film Studies Fine Arts and Art History Forensic Sciences Geography Geological Sciences Genomics and Bioinformatics Global Communications History Hominid Paleobiology Interior Design Judaic Studies Linguistics Mathematics Media and Public Affairs Medicine, Society and Culture Museum Studies Music Organizational Sciences and Communication Philosophy Physics Political Science Professional Psychology Psychology Public Policy and Public Administration Religion Romance, German, Slavic Languages and Literatures Sociology Speech and Hearing Sciences Statistics Theatre and Dance University Writing Program Women's Studies 50+ Departments and Programs
  5. • New development • Redevelopment • Information architecture • Web

    marketing • Social media • Web strategy and consulting OUR PIPELINE
  6. STAFFING Program Management Web Program Manager Content and Content Strategy

    Web Content Producer Marketing & Social Media Director Development Web Designer Web Developer Web Developer Project Analyst Marketing and Communication
  7. USER EXPERIENCE DRIVES WEB SUCCESS Marketing Mindset Misplaced metrics Poor

    Design Decisions User experience suffers Enrollment push Marketing is just one component of a successful web strategy
  8. ON DECISIONS • “This service must live in our data

    center” • “We must place this behind our firewall” • “The content management system must live here” • “SaaS is not reliable” • “Does that mean it will look different?”

    School of Media and Public Affairs Columbian College of Arts and Sciences http://www.planetforward.com/ • Innovative online community • PBS partnership • Basic content management plus online community needs Center for the Advanced Study of Hominid Paleobiology Columbian College of Arts and Sciences http://cashp.gwu.edu/ (in development) • Large, multi-faceted prestigious research group • Smithsonian, other University partnerships • Advanced content management Externally hosted managed CMS and online community Internal CMS implementation
  10. BUREAUCRACY • Bureaucracy is a fact of University life •

    “Strategy, not sparring” • Educate upwards Bake people, process and technology into existing bureaucratic structures, establishing web governance.
  11. THREE BIG DISTINCTIONS IN HIGHER ED • Structure completely hierarchical

    • Web traditionally distant from the core mission (or is it? will revisit this point) • Revenue/enrollment model complicates requirements Control is difficult in the academic community, and misguided

    _________ .” • “Our office must approve everything before it goes live” • “Here are web content the requirements” • “Our committee decided you cannot do it that way”
  13. TECHNIQUES • Guide, don’t require (Wording matters!) • Advise, don’t

    insist • Make compliance easy (e.g. Newsletter generator) • Standard tools naturally standardize the end result (e.g. superior content management system bound to template will gain traction)
  14. REDEFINING USE CASES; THINGS WE’VE SEEN • Current students browsing

    admissions sites • Prospective students browsing information for current students • Prospective partner institutions browsing information for current students • Prospective students browsing internal department websites • “Navigation-phobia” – the chronic Googlers • Entrance paths that often defy logic
  15. “We prefer large, expensive enterprise-class systems that have been in

    production in other Universities for at least 2 years”
  16. OPEN SOURCE ON CAMPUS • The gap between open source

    and enterprise class web technologies is closing • The web has its roots in academia, and open source has been there every step of the way • Open source should be embraced, and evaluated along with other technologies • Students are already there
  17. EMPOWERING YOUR CONSTITUENCY • Self-service over web service requests •

    Collaborative issue tracking • The illusion of control • “If you build it, they will come” • Full service consulting is a must
  18. DOCUMENTATION • Establishes accountability • Should be undertaken at every

    step of the process • Is traditionally lacking from higher education web presences, which often grow from web talent within the academic community • Is essential to sustainability of any system
  19. HIGHER EDUCATION WEB EVOLUTION Groups rapidly innovate and build webpages,

    living on local systems Central university IT provides systems and support Groups innovate again, Central IT may or may not keep pace Unification efforts commonly result Process artifacts are often created, and lost.

    Design Implementation Validation The traditional systems development lifecycle is not well suited to most higher education web projects
  21. AGILITY IS OFTEN NOT AN OPTION • Continuous iteration •

    Rapid prototyping • Constant feedback • Continual defect resolution and enhancement • Reevaluate traditional production requirements • Rapid Application Development
  22. A COMPARISON We’ve seen improvement in nearly every metric by

    adopting development agility. Better • More requirements scoped and met, we can innovate • User satisfaction increases Faster • Deadlines are exceeded • More QA time Cheaper • Agility reduces resource drain • Costly requirements changes can be accommodated
  23. LOSING CONTROL • Rapid application development benefits all • Guidelines,

    governance and buy-in are as powerful as programmatic control • The web is organic • Arbitrary control is counter productive
  24. “The George Washington University, an independent academic institution chartered by

    the Congress of the United States in 1821, dedicates itself to furthering human well-being. The University values a dynamic, student-focused community stimulated by cultural and intellectual diversity and built upon a foundation of integrity, creativity, and openness to the exploration of new ideas. The George Washington University, centered in the national and international crossroads of Washington, D.C., commits itself to excellence in the creation, dissemination, and application of knowledge.”
  25. COMPETITION • Enrollment competition is only one piece of the

    puzzle • Competition extends to: • Student attention to university news and events • Alumni participation and development • Prestige, online and off line • Academic attention on the web • Use of in-house services vs. the wild west

    experiences • Build communities • Contribute to existing communities • Embrace the semantic web • Educate!
  27. EXAMPLES OF ON-CAMPUS EXPERTISE Department of Organizational Sciences Project Manager

    Project Analyst Department of Computer Sciences Programmer Configuration management School of Media and Public Affairs Social Media Experts Market Researcher Department of Information Systems Information Architect Systems Architects Department of Fine Arts Graphic Designer Layout Designer Department of Psychology Usability Researcher Focus Group Leader