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Frontend 101

Frontend 101

Sebastiaan Deckers

April 15, 2013

More Decks by Sebastiaan Deckers

Other Decks in Programming


  1. reddit.com/r/IAmA/top path convention to omit “index.html” slashes “/” denote hierarchy

    leading slash is the root directory reference current level with single dot “.” can be relative by using double dot “..”
  2. hyper-text markup language Purpose: Structures content of the document semantically

    User agent: Browsers, crawlers, screen scrapers, file converters HTML
  3. must wrap values in double or single quotes if they

    contains spaces, so just always do it <img src='house.jpg' alt="Seb's House"> attributes
  4. text escape special characters < “&lt;” or > “&gt;” &

    or “&amp;” white space collapses into single space “Hi there!” becomes “Hi there!”
  5. comments begin with “<!--” and end with “-->” useful to

    hide a section, or describe it to other developers (ie. future self) contains any HTML except comments
  6. CSS cascading style sheets Purpose: Presentation of the data, typically

    through visual layout and design Targets: Screen, print, or assistive technology (eg. screen readers)
  7. blocks required: one block per selector h1 { } optional:

    multiple selectors per block h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { }
  8. units percentage 5%, length 5px, time 5ms, colour #5030bf, string

    "Arial", url url(me.jpg), angle 90deg, ...
  9. JavaScript Purpose: Interactive behaviour on a web page Examples: Popup

    dialogs, visual effects, in- place data loading, ...
  10. JavaScript is a programming language outside the scope of this

    course. We can however use code snippets to achieve many useful behaviours.