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RethinkDB Cluster Monitoring

Ryan Paul
February 17, 2015

RethinkDB Cluster Monitoring

Display RethinkDB cluster statistics in a live graph using Go, Socket.io, and Epoch.

Ryan Paul

February 17, 2015

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  1. "new_val": { "id": ["cluster"], "query_engine": { "client_connections": 10, "clients_active": 2,

    "queries_per_sec": 12.971126524000002, "read_docs_per_sec": 0, "written_docs_per_sec": 7.4114252490000005 } }
  2. server, _ := socketio.NewServer(nil) stats, _ := r.Db("rethinkdb").Table("stats"). Filter(r.Row.Field("id").AtIndex(0).Eq("cluster")). Changes().Run(conn)

    go func() { var change r.WriteChanges for stats.Next(&change) { server.BroadcastTo( "monitor", "stats", change.NewValue) } }() Pass changes to Socket.io
  3. Plot data with Epoch function timestamp() { return (new Date).getTime()

    / 1000; } var chart = $("#chart").epoch({ type: "time.line", axes: ["left", "bottom"], data: [ {label: "Writes", values: [{time: timestamp(), y: 0}]}, {label: "Reads", values: [{time: timestamp(), y: 0}]} ] }); var socket = io.connect(); socket.on("stats", function(data) { cluster.stats = data.query_engine; chart.push([ {time: timestamp(), y: cluster.stats.written_docs_per_sec}, {time: timestamp(), y: cluster.stats.read_docs_per_sec} ]); });
  4. Initialize bot ircConf := irc.NewConfig("mybot") ircConf.Server = "localhost:6667" bot :=

    irc.Client(ircConf) bot.HandleFunc("connected", func(conn *irc.Conn, line *irc.Line) { log.Println("Connected to IRC server") conn.Join("#mychannel") })
  5. Attach changefeed type Issue struct { Description, Type string }

    issues, _ := r.Db("rethinkdb").Table("current_issues"). Filter(r.Row.Field("critical").Eq(true)). Changes().Field("new_val").Run(db) go func() { var issue Issue for issues.Next(&issue) { if issue.Type != "" { text := strings.Split(issue.Description, "\n")[0] message := fmt.Sprintf("(%s) %s", issue.Type, text) bot.Privmsg("#mychannel", message) } } }()