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Composing frontend Web applications with MontageJS

Composing frontend Web applications with MontageJS

An introduction to MontageJS and Montage Studio, presented at JSConf US in 2014.

Ryan Paul

May 28, 2014

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  1. while -- $1" -* 0: c h return x l

    r t * ! Software Components
  2. Framework for frontend web development Ideal for building single-page applications

    Best suited for modern browsers Open source, under BSD license What is MontageJS?
  3. </> HTML COMPONENT.REEL  ! ! <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>

    </head> <body> <div data-montage-id="owner" class=“Main”> ... </div> </body> </html> !
  4. {} JSON COMPONENT.REEL  Declarative description of a component’s contents

    Instantiates objects nested inside component Attach components to the page DOM Populate component properties
  5. {} JSON "celsiusNumberfield": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#":

    "celsius"} }, "bindings": { "value": {"<->": "(+@fahrenheitNumberfield.value - 32) / 1.8"} } }, "fahrenheitNumberfield": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#": "fahrenheit"}, "value": "32" } }, <input data-montage-id="celsius" /> <input data-montage-id="fahrenheit" /> HTML JSON COMPONENT.REEL 
  6. {} JSON "celsiusNumberfield": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#":

    "celsius"} }, "bindings": { "value": {"<->": "(+@fahrenheitNumberfield.value - 32) / 1.8"} } }, "fahrenheitNumberfield": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#": "fahrenheit"}, "value": "32" } }, <input data-montage-id="celsius" /> <input data-montage-id="fahrenheit" /> HTML JSON Prototype: reference to a module ID
  7. {} JSON "celsiusNumberfield": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#":

    "celsius"} }, "bindings": { "value": {"<->": "(+@fahrenheitNumberfield.value - 32) / 1.8"} } }, "fahrenheitNumberfield": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#": "fahrenheit"}, "value": "32" } }, <input data-montage-id="celsius" /> <input data-montage-id="fahrenheit" /> HTML JSON Element: Montage ID of DOM element
  8. Bindings • Functional Reactive Bindings (FRB) • Propagate changes between

    object properties • Can be 1-way or 2-way • Bind to other components or regular JavaScript objects FRB FRB
  9. {} JSON "celsiusNumberfield": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#":

    "celsius"} }, "bindings": { "value": {"<->": "(+@fahrenheitNumberfield.value - 32) / 1.8"} } }, "fahrenheitNumberfield": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#": "fahrenheit"}, "value": "32" } }, <input data-montage-id="celcius" /> <input data-montage-id="fahrenheit" /> HTML JSON <-> signifies a 2-way binding
  10. {} JSON "celsiusNumberfield": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#":

    "celsius"} }, "bindings": { "value": {"<->": "(+@fahrenheitNumberfield.value - 32) / 1.8"} } }, "fahrenheitNumberfield": { "prototype": "digit/ui/number-field.reel", "properties": { "element": {"#": "fahrenheit"}, "value": "32" } }, <input data-montage-id="celcius" /> <input data-montage-id="fahrenheit" /> HTML JSON @ references an existing object
  11. </> {} No procedural flow control statements in the HTML

    <ul data-montage-id="listPlaces"> <li data-montage-id="place"> <div data-montage-id="voteCount"></div> <button data-montage-id="buttonVote">Vote</button> </li> </ul> +  Clean, Semantic Markup
  12. "paths": [ { "knots": [ { "previousHandlerPosition": [], "nextDensity": 10,

    "previousDensity": 10, "knotPosition": [ -761.874, -270, 691.324], "rotateX": 0, "rotateY": 0, "rotateZ": 0, "opacity": 1, "nextHandlerPosition": [ 738.125, -270, -328.675] }, { "knotPosition": [ 1937.09, -270, -1316.049], "nextHandlerPosition": [ 3207.825, -270, -1461.849], "previousHandlerPosition": [ 666.374, -270, -1170.25], "nextDensity": 10, "previousDensity": 10, "rotateX": 0, "rotateY": 0, "rotateZ": 0, "opacity": 1 } ], Flow Declaration
  13. Application Authoring You are already using tools, are they the

    right ones? ! WYSIWYG HTML authoring has not worked ! Visual authoring that exploits MontageJS homoiconicity