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Capturing Speed of User Experience using UserTi...

Sergey Chernyshev
November 27, 2018

Capturing Speed of User Experience using UserTiming API

Sergey Chernyshev talks about the challenges of capturing accurate metrics around speed of user experience and how instrumenting your application using UserTiming API can help.

He gives a brief overview of automated metrics that are captured by the browser and shows how custom metrics, specific to features of your user interface can help your teams better relate to these numbers and help more directly align them with user interface optimizations.

Sergey shows how to use native UserTiming API to mark specific events and measure differences between these marks on Performance Timeline.

He also introduces UX-Capture JavaScript library to help simplify and unify this instrumentation across your site. We also look at debugging process using Chrome Developer Tools and how metrics captured with UserTiming API can be automatically picked up by open WebPageTest tool and other synthetic and RUM monitoring tools.

Sergey Chernyshev

November 27, 2018


  1. Capturing Speed of User Experience With UserTiming API November 27,

    2018 @ NY Web Performance Meetup Sergey Chernyshev
  2. Sergey Chernyshev Principal Engineer @ Meetup November 27, 2018 @

    NY Web Performance Meetup • Care about
 UX speed • Organize
 NY Web Performance Meetup Group • Work on
 Web Platform team @ Meetup
  3. • Monitor for degradation • Analyze code for speed issues

    • Verify experience improvements • Prioritize improvements • Budget for speed initiatives Why do we measure speed? Operations Developers Developers
  4. • Pinterest: -40% wait time => +15% SEO, +15% conversion

    (2017) • DoubleClick: 5s vs 19s on mobile => 2x ad revenue (2016) • Trainline: -300ms latency => +$11.5M / year revenue (2016) • Etsy: +160Kb => +12% bounce rate (2014) • Edmunds: -77% load time => +20% page views (2011) • Mozilla: -2.2s => +15.4% Downloads (2010) • Google: +400ms => -0.21% searches after experiment! (2009) • Netflix: +GZip => -43% Traffic cost (2008) • Amazon: +100ms => -1% revenue (2008) • Google: +500ms => -25% searches (2006) Stats @ WPOstats.com
  5. Synthetic • Tests from
 particular location • Tester controls instrumentation

    • One metric value • Data can have lots of details for analysis
  6. Real User Measurement • Real users (a lot of them)

    • A lot of data (need to store it) • All noise you can get, requires filtering • Metrics are distributions • Can correlate to business KPIs
  7. Measure
 User Experience • Great experience for users • "Fast"

    is just a component • Correlate what you measure to business KPIs • Do not measure what's easy, measure what matters
  8. • DNS, SSL/TLS, Time To First Byte (TTFB) • Page

    Load, Document Complete, Fully Loaded • First Paint & First Contentful Paint (FCP) • Above the Fold Time (AFT) • Speed Index Today’s Metrics
  9. • “Time To First Tweet” UX Speed • “Pinner Wait

    Time” Improving performance on twitter.com https://blog.twitter.com/engineering/en_us/a/2012/ improving-performance-on-twittercom.html Four lessons in making Pinterest faster on Android https://medium.com/@Pinterest_Engineering/four- lessons-in-making-pinterest-faster-on- android-5a3c69c045af
  10. marks - record individual User Timing events UserTiming API measures

    - record difference between two marks 91% support + polyfill by Nic Jansma https://github.com/nicjansma/usertiming.js
  11. • Measures your product’s, not “standard metrics” • Instruments your

    JavaScript codebase not browser codebase • Records timings that can be picked up by both synthetic & RUM • Does not really measure browser painting • Measures specific events in your code rather than user experience • Requires detailed code instrumentation Pros Cons
  12. text (w/o a custom font) - inserted into DOM Measure

    The Browser Steve Souders, “User Timing and Custom Metrics” https://speedcurve.com/blog/user-timing-and-custom-metrics/ Technique by Steve Souders
  13. image - inserted into DOM and downloaded Measure The Browser

    Steve Souders, “User Timing and Custom Metrics” https://speedcurve.com/blog/user-timing-and-custom-metrics/ Technique by Steve Souders
  14. Your Code Can Only Measure JavaScript Execution Nolan Lawson, “Accurately

    measuring layout on the web”
  15. Use UXCapture.mark() instead of performance.mark() UX Capture • waits till

    next paint (can be disabled for specific mark) • records a console.timeStamp() to show marks on timeline
  16. • Destination Confirmed • Primary Content Loaded • Primary Action

    Available • Secondary Action Track same metrics that represent user experience across the site. UX Metrics https://github.com/sergeychernyshev/ux-capture
  17. Example: Custom Metrics in SpeedCurve Synthetic • Track as UX

    Speed Metrics • Correlate UX Speed & KPIs using RUM • Use for analysis with filmstrips and waterfalls to improve User Experience Synthetic
 & RUM