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Flexible Architectures for Web Performance

Flexible Architectures for Web Performance

Today in the web performance space we have a lot of technologies that were invented to speed up various parts of the applications. Many of them are successful when they can be just put in place without changing anything in the applications or at least with minimal changes, like network protocols or image formats.

However some more advanced features like progressive web apps, edge cache for HTML responses, edge workers and few other features like that are hard to implement in the regular web applications incrementally.

To successfully implement them today, applications have to be built with these technologies in mind from the beginning. This rigidity is something that blocks a lot of innovation from reaching the real world applications that desperately need to get faster.

In this talk, Sergey Chernyshev discusses several of these technologies, highlight the importance of Flexible Architectures and proposes a radical idea of Borderless Computation as a possible solution for the problem.

Sergey Chernyshev

May 21, 2024

More Decks by Sergey Chernyshev

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  11. All or Nothing • Having many architectures is rarely possible

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  12. New Technologies are Hard • Introducing new workflows is hard

    • SPAs were a decade in the making • Static Generators are often perceived as “Static is NOT Dynamic” • PWAs, Edge Compute and etc are still a mystery to most developers
  13. • PHP • Java • Python • NodeJS Web Pages

    CC BY atoach https://www.flickr.com/photos/atoach/25370605889
  14. Single Page Applications (SPA) • CSR - Browser • SSR

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  17. New Architectures • Every few years • . • .

    • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • NEW!
  18. What should I do today? • Use progressive enhancement •

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  19. Notable Developments • Universal Javascript (already old) • Event-driven data

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