OSEHRA's position in the open source and EHR ecosystems is special because of its size, breadth, and scope. It's deployed in so many institutions with so many clinical users that whatever we can learn from it can affect the healthcare industry at large. Wireless technologies are disrupting many industries and healthcare is next.
This talk covers:
* The state of mHealth and wireless in OSEHRA
* Marketplace and industry challenges for device vendors connecting to VistA
* Why wireless connectivity to OSEHRA is good business
* Why wireless connectivity to OSEHRA is a potentially disruptive innovation
Key takeaways are:
* Wireless is a business enabler but there’s a lot to consider.
* Hardware, sensors, and software are transient businesses but data lives forever. He who owns, integrates, and uses data wins in the end.
* Data from devices is too important and specialized to be left to software vendors, managed service providers, and system integrators.