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Creating Opportunities - Making Your Own Luck

May 26, 2020

Creating Opportunities - Making Your Own Luck


May 26, 2020


  1. What we are going to talk about? 4 Creating Opportunities,

    Making your Own Luck 1 Follow ing Your P assion(?!) 2 The C ave(w o)m an 3 The StartU p of You
  2. 6 ✘ Few people have pre-existing passions that they can

    match to a job. ✘ Skills precede passion.
  3. “All human beings are entrepreneurs. When we were in the

    caves, we were all self- employed...that’s where human history began” (Muhammad Yunus) 8
  4. “All human beings are entrepreneurs. When we were in the

    caves, we were all self- employed...that’s where human history began” (Muhammad Yunus) 9
  5. “All human beings are entrepreneurs. When we were in the

    caves, we were all self- employed...that’s where human history began” (Muhammad Yunus) 10
  6. Creating Opportunities, Making Your Own Luck! תוצעה תחא וז ,ואוו״

    ״תובוט יכה היביל תרמאש המ בושח כ"כ הז ״ ״הז םע ההדזמ !וישכע תוער ״!הדות !שממ יתבהא״ לכימ תמאהו ..המיהדמ האצרה״ האצרהב הרקמב יתלקתנ תונמדזה יל הרצונשכ קוידב ״הדובעב ןח , ףיכ היה !הדות ןומה ןומה״ ״דמלמו ןיינעמ הילוי םייטקרפ םירבד הברה״ ״!הדות םושייל יריש