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孤独のCTOグルメという やや奇抜な企画をやった目的と効果

@Ya8 2024 - ヤパチー 令和六年最新版(仮) 3/15



March 18, 2024

More Decks by ShoheiMitani

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  1. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ɹ!TIPIFJ

    εϚʔτόϯΫ೥ऑ αʔόʔαΠυΤϯδχΞʢ3VCZJTUʣ :"1$)JSPTIJNBϕετεϐʔΧʔ ܾࡁΰϧϑٕज़޿ใʜ ࡾ୩ণฏʢΈͨʹ͠ΐ͏΁͍ʣ
  2. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  w೥ऑ͘Β͍αʔόʔαΠυΤϯδχΞ͕࠾༻Ͱ

    ͖͍ͯͳ͍ wબߟʹਐΜͰ͘ΕΔਓ͸͍Δ͕ଟ͘͸ͳ͍ʜ w಺ఆग़͠·Ͱ͍͚ͯ΋ڝ߹ʹෛ͚Δʜ wͱ΄΄ʜ
  3. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ࠾༻ϚʔέςΟϯάͷϑΝωϧ

    ೝ஌ ڵຯɾؔ৺ બߟɾԠื ಺ఆ ೝ஌ "4*4 50#& ಛʹ͜͜ ೝ஌ ڵຯɾؔ৺ બߟɾԠื ಺ఆ
  4. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  w·ͣ͸஌ͬͯ΋Β͏

    wྑ͍ҹ৅Ͱ஌ͬͯ΋Β͏͜ͱ΋େࣄ͚ͩͲɺྔ ΍઀఺Λ૿΍͢͜ͱΛΑΓॏࢹ w஌ͬͯ΋Β͏ਓ͕૿͑ΔˠԠื͕૿͑Δˠ ਓҎ্࠾༻͍ͨ͠ʂ ࠾༻ϚʔέςΟϯάͷϑΝωϧ
  5. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ΍ΔͱܾΊͨ͜ͱ

    ϒϩάൃ৴ $50ͷϓϨθϯε޲্ ࣗࣾΠϕϯτ஍ҬSC εϙϯαʔ
  6. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ΍ΔͱܾΊͨ͜ͱ

    ϒϩάൃ৴ $50ͷϓϨθϯε޲্ ࣗࣾΠϕϯτ஍ҬSC εϙϯαʔ ஝ੵ͕େࣄ ࠩผԽΉ͍ͣ த௕ظత ޻෉͕͠΍͍͢ ୹ظత ݸਓతͳภݟؚ͕·Ε͍ͯ·͢
  7. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ΍ΔͱܾΊͨ͜ͱ

    ϒϩάൃ৴ $50ͷϓϨθϯε޲্ ࣗࣾΠϕϯτ஍ҬSC εϙϯαʔ ॳख͸ ͜͜ʹશྗ౤ٿ
  8. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  wॳͷΦϑϥΠϯ։࠵

    wొஃऀਓʢ͏ͪਓ͸೥࿈ଓʣ wϒʔεεϙϯαʔ౰બ ,BJHJPO3BJMT
  9. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ,BJHJPO3BJMT

    ϓϨΠϕϯτ νʔϜ ϒʔε νʔϜ ΞϑλʔΠϕϯτ νʔϜ
  10. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ,BJHJPO3BJMT

    ϓϨΠϕϯτ νʔϜ ϒʔε νʔϜ ΞϑλʔΠϕϯτ νʔϜ ݽಠͷ$50άϧϝ 3FKFDUPO3BJMT ϒʔεग़ల ଎ใϒϩά "GUFS,BJHJPO3BJMT ޙ೔ϒϩά
  11. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ,BJHJPO3BJMT

    ϓϨΠϕϯτ νʔϜ ϒʔε νʔϜ ΞϑλʔΠϕϯτ νʔϜ ݽಠͷ$50άϧϝ 3FKFDUPO3BJMT ϒʔεग़ల ଎ใϒϩά "GUFS,BJHJPO3BJMT ޙ೔ϒϩά ΤϯδχΞ໊ શһ౤Լ
  12. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  w

    एखΤϯδχΞʹ͓೚ͤͨ͠Β΍Δ͜ͱʹͳͬͨ w શһͰࡶஊతʹ࿩ͨ͠ΞΠσΞ͕࠾༻͞Εͨ w 3VCZ,BJHJͱ͔ͰϥϯνϚοϓͱ͔͋ΔͷͰࣅͨΑ͏ͳײ͡ͷ͜ͱ Λ͔ͨͬͨ͠ w ΍ͬͯόζΕ͹ྑ͠όζΒͳ͚Ε͹ωοτͷւʹফ͍͚͑ͯͩ͘ ѱ͍ҙຯͰͷԌ্͑͞ؾΛ͚ͭΕ͹΍Δ͜ͱͰͷσϝϦοτ͸ͳ͍ ͱࢥ͍ͬͯͨ ݽಠͷ$50άϧϝ
  13. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ໨ࢦ͍ͯ͠Δ͜ͱ

    ΠϕϯτΛ੝Γ্͛Δ͜ͱɺࢀՃ͢ΔਓͷλϝʹͳΔ͜ͱ ձࣾ΍$50Λ֮͑ͯ΋Β͏͜ͱ ؾΛ͚͍ͭͯΔ͜ͱ ΠϕϯτʹѱӨڹͳ͜ͱ͸͠ͳ͍Πϕϯτ͔Βݽཱ͠ͳ͍ ΍͍ͬͯΔਓ͕ڳΛுͬͯઆ໌Ͱ͖ͳ͍͜ͱ͸͠ͳ͍ ݽಠاը͸͋͘·Ͱ৯લञલࡊͷҐஔ෇͚ ϝΠϯ͸ࣾһొஃΠϕϯτϒʔε ݽಠͷ$50άϧϝ
  14. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ݽಠͷ$50άϧϝͷ໾ׂ෼୲

    w Ҫ೭಄ޒ࿠໾👉$50 w ళฮܾΊ👉ΤϯδχΞ" w ࡱӨ👉ΤϯδχΞ# w ը૾ฤूɾՃ޻👉σβΠφʔ w Ҫ೭಄ޒ࿠෩ηϦϑ👉ΤϯδχΞ# w 9౤ߘ👉ΤϯδχΞ# w ·ͱΊϒϩά౤ߘ👉޿ใ େମdਓମ੍
  15. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ݚڀʙ΍ΔͳΒຊؾͰ΍Ζ͏Αʙ

    ωΫλΠ͕ ͪΐͬͱʜ γϟπ͕݁ࠗࣜ༻ αϥϦʔϚϯΆ͍෰૷ ʹมߋ ,BJHJPO3BJMTࡱӨ :"1$)JSPTIJNBࡱӨ
  16. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ݚڀʙ΍ΔͳΒຊؾͰ΍Ζ͏Αʙ

    ೔੍ ಋೖʂʂʂ ೔ʜ ,BJHJPO3BJMTࡱӨ :"1$)JSPTIJNBࡱӨ
  17. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ͍͍΍ͭ

    ,BJHJPO3BJMTࡱӨ ѱ͍΍ͭ :"1$)JSPTIJNBࡱӨ ݚڀʙ΍ΔͳΒຊؾͰ΍Ζ͏Αʜ ʙ
  18. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ͍͍΍ͭ

    ,BJHJPO3BJMTࡱӨ ѱ͍΍ͭ :"1$)JSPTIJNBࡱӨ ݚڀʙ΍ΔͳΒຊؾͰ΍Ζ͏Αʜ ʙ
  19. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ,BJHJPO3BJMTࡱӨ

    :"1$)JSPTIJNBࡱӨ ݚڀʙ΍ΔͳΒຊؾͰ΍Ζ͏Αʜ ʙ
  20. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ݚڀʙ΍ΔͳΒຊؾͰ΍Ζ͏Αʜ

    ʙ ͍͍΍ͭ ,BJHJPO3BJMTࡱӨ ѱ͍΍ͭ :"1$)JSPTIJNBࡱӨ
  21. Smart, Secure, Mobile Super powered Banking and Living.  ΍ΔͱܾΊͨ͜ͱ

    ϒϩάൃ৴ $50ͷϓϨθϯε޲্ ࣗࣾΠϕϯτ஍ҬSC εϙϯαʔ ͬͪ͜΋ ؤுͬͯ·͢